Hi dudes and dudettes,
Just a quick question on some advice from you fine WoW players. Me and a couple of friends (four of us ni total) are planning on making an article on WoW. Most of us are ex-players (one of us is still caught withnig its clammy thrall).
Basically, we plan to congregate at my flat, all four of our PC's in the front room and play WoW with new characters on one realm for 24 hours solid. We're basically seeing how far we can get with our charcters in one 24 hour stint, with our varying experiences with WoW and also what effect it will have on us as well (ie: it will likely not be good)
One of the main points in this 'test' if you will is that we must all start in seperate areas an seperate classes, so that when we eventually meet, we all have different roles. So we will require the Burning Cruasde obviously for the 4th starter area. The test was originally going to be 'how far can we get with a trial edition in 24 hours' but the trial severely limits the amount you can do and reach.
Essentially, we are looking for the cheapest way to play WoW for 24 hours, with the Burning Crusade content as well. Could you fine individuals possibly facilitate me with said info
and maybe suggest a good realm (ie: relatively new)
If you want all characters to start fresh and have an unlimited 24 hours you'll have to buy full game and expansion for all. I think the current trial is only good till level 20?
Now, if you wanted to see how fast you could get characters in 24 hours you could buy your first one, and then do a RAF on the second, then RAF from 2nd to 3rd then RAF 3rd to 4th(might work) this will while not grouped together yeild regular xp, but if you are grouped you get crazy mad xp together.
If you have people that are ex players and already have old accounts why not reactivate those and RAF others were needed. Start on some random realm where you don't already have characters and go from there?
That way you'll gain triple experience while partied in your twenty four hours, plus it's cheaper.
edit: oh didn't read you were starting in four different zones, why all play together only to separate yourselves for the first three-twelve hours?
There's a thick seam of friendly rivalry running through it as well essentially who can do it the quickest just an excuse to drink, hangout and play WoW all day
If any of them feel like being characters who can tank/heal then the 4 of you joining the random dungeon queue at 15 could be some good times. Getting dumped into RFC with some stranger could be a lot of fun.
(Might want to make sure everyone knows how to get to RFC from the Ogrimmar gate incase you get some deaths.)
Myself: Dranaei Shammy or Paladin
Kenny: Night Elf Hunter
Andi: Human priest
Daz: Dwarf Warrior or Gnome Warlock
Kenny and Darren had such a bitch-fest over who would get the Hunter, it was HILARIOUS, like infants boxing Think we're going to progress as quickly as possible through our starter areas, get to 15 - 16 and meet with each other as our zones start to overlap
All the other races have to either grind or switch areas to keep the progression going, which is not bad as it provides a change of scenery, but sucks up time if you're trying to speed run.