Hey everyone. Ive always wondered how to respond to people when they break bad news that they are currently experiencing. For example, a friend/former co-worker of mine just responded to an email I wrote.
He answered my question and then ended it by revealing that his grandma died and hed be out of town.
I have no idea how to respond other then "Im sorry for your loss." But i dont know if i should put that in the end of the response, or the beginning.
Similar circumstance, my boss sent out a department wide email explaining hed be out of town for a few days because a close family friend had passed. I did not know how to respond, so I simply didnt.
How do you respond to these circumstances? Sorry for your loss is fine, but by itself it doesnt hold up much. "Sorry for your loss, your family will be in my thoughts" seems more appropriate, but it also is sort of "yeah right, you dont even know my family...screw off"
Basically im socially retarded when it comes to responding to others' loss. Help me.
Sorry for your loss. Anyway, blah blah blah blah business blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah buisness blah blah.
Oh btw, sorry for your loss.
Both seem...cold.
Further more, an email by itself stating "sorry for you loss." all by its lonesome seems like it does more harm then good.
Yeah, IMO "in my thoughts" is perfectly appropriate.
Edit: Ah, I see. I guess I wouldn't be contacting them with that stuff right then? I dunno, but if that happened to my boss/coworker, I would just say "sorry for your loss" and then not bother them with work stuff because I know *I* wouldn't be in the right frame of mind to be helping anyone at that moment. However, if they explicitly ask work related questions in the email, I would address those first, then at the end say "sorry for your loss."
But I suppose being a little fake doesnt hurt anyone.
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 5:07 PM
To: guy at work
Subject: Re: boring work stuff
Hey Guy,
I'm sorry to hear that about your grandma. I'll work on the quarterly R.O.F.L. while I await your numbers.
From: guy at work
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 5:00 PM
To: Deebaser
Subject: boring work stuff
I'll be out of the office tomorrow, because my grandma Totez died
I'll have the ready tuesday.
-guy at work
Can it wait??
Perhaps the best route is to say you're sorry for his loss/thoughts are with you or whatever and simply say that that the two of you can catch up on whatever business is left to handle on Tuesday.
I like this option.
"Sorry to hear that" is a great expression because with the proper inflection it can be used for almost anything. House burned down? "Man, I'm sorry to hear that." Crappy day at the office? "Sorry to hear that, bro."
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat