So I have purchased a HP LX195 Home Server. At $240, it seemed like a really good deal and from what I've read it does everything I am looking for a home server to do:
- Share media files (movies, music, pictures)
- Backup above files from other computers
- Backup above files from the media server to an external HDD
- Extend Media Player to my 360
- Allow remote access using DynDNS so I can access it from anywhere I have internet access
A few different questions if anyone else is currently running WHS:
What antivirus are you using?
I run MS Security Essentials on my netbook since it's free and has gotten some good reviews, but since WHS is 2k3, it won't run MSSE. I don't feel like paying for AV, so what are some other options out there? Ideally, I won't have to worry about virus infections on it, but it's always a possibility.
How hard is it to set up a DynDNS?
My router (Linksys WRT160NL) has it listed for dynamic DNS and WHS is said to easily configure with it, so I should be able to get it working, theoretically. I also have my own domain I was going to point to the DynDNS site so I don't have to remember whatever oddball domain name I get from them.
I have heard of a bunch of other plugins that are made for WHS, and I was wondering if there are any other must-have ones?
How does WHS organize files?
Right now my media is a mess, stored across my work laptop and two external drives. Some of it duplicated and some not, some in mp3, mp4, or both. If I turn on auto-discover media on WHS, how is that media going to be stored in the file system? Is it going to be a mess? Am I better off manually moving it into my own predetermined directory structure?