I just moved into my new place and im bumping off the owners wireless router; as he instructed me to do so. My signal is always somewhere between Low and Very Good. I have had some problems with getting disconnected and such but for the most part the internet works fine, things download very fast, etc.
Now here's the problem. When I log into WoW, if it will lets me log in at all, I have a ping of about 4000 and then it kicks me. I really don't understand this because I have played WoW many, many times when I was farther from the routher than I am now.
I'm wondering if I didn't set something up right, or I need to forward a port or something like that.
I have a Linksys Wireless G card (brand new), and I'm pretty sure he also has a Linksys router.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I thought I should add that when I installed the wireless card, I tried to use the Linksys software that came with it and I kept getting a message like "Network found, but internet not found". I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not. I just use the default Windows connection now.
no you cannot have a sig that size. especially with compression that crappy.
I found this which leads me to believe it's an issue with WoW itself of with windows. http://www.stevenwood.org/index.php?p=7
Eventually, I got a nice new Linksys router and all is well. The other routers were from Netgear.
My Backloggery
It's a cable modem.
Edit: Ok, I learned how to foward the ports from this page: http://www.blizzard.com/support/wow/?id=aww01204p
But are these ports specific to WoW or are these ports that all games use? I ask because I have now tried other games such as Counter Strike and FEAR and had the same lagged out results.
I'm going to try this tonight, really hopeing this is the problem.
Also, I doubt that's the problem. Those are used for the WoW downloader not the game itself. You're getting connected to the game servers and logged in, which suggests to me everything you need there is open.
If it's something broken by the last patch, as you thought a few posts ago, then you'll just have to watch the tech support forums closely to see if anyone posts a fix... it may end up just in one of the normal, non-sticky threads which are only on screen for like 10 seconds and/or hope that it gets fixed quickly with another patch.
If it's all games doing it, though, as it seems to be now then I'd do some more testing. See if you can be in the same room as the router and see how it works, try downloading a large file via http or ftp, etc.
The more I think about it the more I lean towards the possibility that the router may be performing some sort of QoS which is allowing the game connections to go through but seriously limiting their bandwidth in favor of other things it deems more important.
Ok that sucks.. It's definately not a bug. It happens with all games. The best I can describe it is that the router is just getting clogged up from all the info. Meaning that in WoW if I stand still, sometimes the ping will be ok. As soon as I run into an open area or somewhere with others players it just chokes up.
What is a QoS?
I should note that it's also possible for the QoS stuff to be going on at the ISP level rather than at the local wireless router.
I would talk to the owner of the router, see if you can test from within the room to make sure it's not just the actual connection being crappy, ask if they know of any QoS being implemented (just because they don't doesn't mean it's not), test from a friends house if you can to see if it still works fine there, etc.