I have a ton of leftover swag from PAX 2009 and have made a few bags to give to people from the forums/IRC. I have 40+ random shirts and bags full of small items. If anyone missed out on going to PAX last year or missed out on an item they want and I happen to have it, I will make a bag for you and give it to you this weekend. Just post and get the ball rolling.
edit: Post your situation, type of games you like, and your shirt size. I am also not sure how much room I have so this is all tentative for how many people will get things.
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
My shirt size is Large. Mostly into the RPGs, strategy games and puzzle games. I'll be there all three days.
Anything else?
Thank you!
Thanks in advance!!!
I offered you stuff in IRC a couple of times and told you I didn't have the K-Bling!
Even if you don't happen to have them, I appreciate what you're doing here nonetheless.
Those stickers are not in my sticker bag. I think they were some of the first to be snatched by friends long ago.
Shirt size L. I like turtles. Wait. I mean ... crap.
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
My 5 yr old REALLY wanted to go this year with me once he heard I'd be seeing people at a Nintendo booth and hearing Re: Your Brains performed live - but he's just a bit too little to come even for a day. I've promised him Monday he'll skip Kindergarten, we'll go through pix and swag and play games. If you have anything small or medium I'd be thrilled!
I'd meet anywhere - maybe someplay like classic arcade or console freeplay rooms would at least be easier than meeting on the floor?
Would you let him wear a ballad of gay tony shirt? I have a medium in that.
I usually take an XL t-shirt but soemtimes can fit in a Large.
As for games I'm mostly a 360 fan so almost anything on the 360 is where I'm at!
Anything from PAX 09 would be sweet, the only thing I got from there was a code for the avatar shirt, which I won via twitter!
Twitter: sweeneyben
XBL: Disco Ball
Hahaha - prolly not - I play GTA after he crashes for the night!
Thanks anyways
I wear a Medium shirt, as to interests, I'm pretty open to anything.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
Thanks so much in advance if you come through. We can discuss meeting up over pm's
I'm a small (but mediums fit), and I like pokemon
Size :Large, Interest: RPG (books,pc,xbox360), card games(muchkin,...)
I'm a large these days, female... mostly into dance/rhythm, fighting, action-adventure and driving games, in that order.
That gay tony shirt in a medium, do you still haz that available if the 5yearold doesn't want? o.o;
(I posted earlier too; don't count me twice please!)
shirt size M, L may work.
Favorite genres:Rpgs,niche games,shooters
Id like any souvenirs from pax that your could spare, this will be my very first one!
Nope, sorry.
Also, I dont know when I will have to cut this off. May be soon after I make a list.
any updates on this yet?
^PAX EAST 2010
Thanks dude!
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle