Hi all,
Intel here sharing some PAX info – fear not, we have Robert’s blessings on this post.
Who attended PAX last year? Do you remember the Intel Game On crew with our big blue buttons? Yeah, some people sported more than others:
Evidence. Well we had a blast in Seattle and we want to welcome PAX to the East coast the best way we know how – with TONS of gear and chances for you to win big. We’re talking Core i7 Extreme Edition CPUs and gaming laptops (ASUS G60s), plus thousands of t-shirts, hats and much more.
To participate, you can visit the Intel booth during regular show hours to receive a Game On button. If Intel’s Prize Patrol spots you wearing or displaying the button during the show, you will be given a game card that can be redeemed at the Intel booth for a prize.
Plus, follow the
Intel Game On Twitter account for the latest news, inside tips on where the Prize Patrol will be headed and for some special giveaways before PAX.
Reply here if you’re going to be at PAX or if you have any questions about how Game On works.
P.S. I work for a marketing agency called CMD and Intel is our client.
Twitter: sweeneyben
XBL: Disco Ball
We'll definitely be dropping some hints about where the Prize Patrol is heading, and I'll try to keep an extra gamecard in my back pocket for you 8-) We'll also be giving away some prizes (Flip cam anyone?) and letting people know about some special activities just for our Twitter followers.
from Wayne's World when you pressed them?
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
I like the cut of your jib sir.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
and do I have have to just be seen by you or are people expected to bother and/or poke you till a prize appears?....
EDIT:... oh I found out how to get a button... but the 2nd question....
The Prize Patrol will wander the show floor giving out prize cards to people they spot wearing buttons, but your best bet to get prize cards is to follow our Twitter account and watch for hints to where I'll be standing with a bag full of prize cards :winky:
Chris will be hanging out at the Intel Game On booth from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Saturday giving out game cards, answering any gaming questions you have and also handing out a few autographed copies of Neverwinter Nights 2 - so stop by and say hello!
The Prize Patrol will be out in full force again tomorrow, so keep your buttons visible. Also, don't forget to stop by at 5 p.m. tomorrow to meet Chris Avellone: http://twtvite.com/wbgccd
Coming to Fry's in Renton any time soon? I'm still on the east coast for another month maybe.
Oh and of course, game on was amazing this year! My buddy won an i7!
I had my fingers crossed for one of the games... but BAM.. i7
Thanks a lot!!! =]
Twitter: sweeneyben
XBL: Disco Ball
A lesson we learned from last time
But yes, more input. Were the general prizes interesting enough? Is there something you'd prefer for next time? Should we try to get more well known game developers to show up at the booth? More computers?
In another thread I saw a call for a larger indie presence. Would you guys like to check out indie games at the show?
Hah, sweet, glad your buddy won an i7.
As for Fry's, stay tuned. The Twitter account is the best way to learn about that stuff -- http://twitter.com/intelgameon
I'm glad for both of you!
And hey guys, would love to see a pic or two of your rigs once that i7 is in there!
Thanks for the feedback, Zerzhul. Unfortunately we can't really get into the panels/sessions since it takes us away from giving buttons and prize cards out, so yeah, people who spend their time there will miss out. But very good point about our not having more/clearer info available.
What's the best way to get that out en masse, do you think? Obviously reaching 50,000 people is a challenge. Is it something we should get Robert to announce a few days before the show? Should we have posted in this forum earlier? Provided an insert into the conference info bag?
I didn't know half of the stuff going on at the booths simply because there was so much stuff to take in, till I found the mobile app and the twitter account. It would have been great to know in advance about the app and maybe even get teaser materials when I got my badge in the mail, or even a listing in the program of the booth specific stuff.
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I think an insert would have helped. The main thing is that the person that handed me the button didn't tell me about the prize patrol. I'm putting at least 50-75% of it on my own ignorance, I'm not trying to say that it was bad.
The intel booth clearly had info about the twitter account, but I didn't make it to the intel booth until much later in the show and by then it was too late. Obviously you can't make it perfect for *everyone* :P. I just think some detailed info about how the "game" works should have been either on the back of the button or in the swag bag ..... sorta how the NVIDIA scavenger hunt rules were clearly written on their card, and the number matching game (i think by triton? i don't remember) was clearly explained to me by the person that gave me the sticker. I could have asked more questions, but when being handed the button I was racing to get to a panel
anyhow, I'm rambling now. I think it was run well, my main suggestion would be to put detailed info on the back of the buttons so they can be handed out like candy without having to stop to explain it in detail to each person.
Just give me 3 months to save up $1500 and i'll post them up asap ><
wish I won the ssd drive and the cooling system at the Zalman | kingston booth... and a video card at the alienware booth lol.
Haha, I'm going to need to get a few more parts to make my desktop a beast of a machine again, but I'll definitely be taking some pictures.
It's a little early to be getting i7's yet I think, but please don't hesitate to sound off in a couple weeks if you haven't received or heard anything. Or PM me, or both.
My cousin was just before me and won a tshirt, I thought, "cool, I hope I win one of those", and bam PROCESSOR comes up on the screen. Totally blew me away. My jaw dropped when I saw what processor it was. Thank you.
Would you like to trade your processor for 120 t-shirts? :winky:
I had my button on all weekend. walked up to the booth a couple of times. never saw a damn person giving out the cards.
I feel gypped, especially by the person who said they got seven. /shrug
I think they were intimidated by me in my business suit. Seriously, there were hardly any people in suits outside the CPU booth, and Khoo. Did I mention I had like 5 buttons on too :P
Hard to use twitter when you lack a cell phone, and your laptop is a 17" monstrocity. C'est la vie.