Just happened about half-hour ago: downstairs at the Sheraton..
A game of Settlers was about to be played, but was switched to Citadels instead.
The reason?
(paraphrased) "Settlers [of Catan] is far too mainstream."
There's much more you all have heard so far, so let's hear them!
Fact 200. Album One - Conch shell red. Album Two - Peony blue. Not for resale unless desperate.
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
"Are you here for the gaming expo? Are you a gamer? Aren't you a little old?"
"Boys, if you want to go back to console freeplay, I'm going to need a couple of shots first. Mario Bros is more fun after shots".
"I've seen six."
The first guy gave the second a horror struck look.
If it makes you feel better, I'm from the music college and I'm a PAX attendee (and LOVING it :P)
The Pokécrawl sure was making waves, though XD Nothing like a drunk Pikachu to set off the gossip.
Person: If there`s a fire, yeah... we`re all dead.
PAX East Unboxing Parody
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
i was crying with laughter during this part.
so epic. XD
"Technology stunts our growth."
I'm guessing he wasn't attending PAX.
Man (with girlfriend/wife whose boobs were hanging out): I don't need you flopping all over the place!
It's not gaming related, but still funny.
"I really enjoyed the keynote from Wil Wheaton. But hasn't he been riding his success from Star Wars for too long?
3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
"Damn it! I cant stand his huge black deck!"
"My deck's red and white, and I don't know whats wrong with it."
-.- oh the enuendo
Unfortunately that was from the person I went with...:?
"I'm going to choke him with his own chicken soup!"
I'm still trying to figure out in what possible context that makes sense.
"If it weren't for my horse....."
Oh goddamnit! You beat me to it!
Xbox live:Wonderboy9047
@Astonishingmike on twitter
A: Anamanapea
I love you dude, made my running joke of the night.
"Excuse me, Red shirt!"
I was there. I heard that. it was funny.
and win.
~ Dude on the street
Me too...I was in a wheelchair and nearly fell out of it laughing so hard. One of the FUNNIEST moments for sure (and I would've had the same reaction)
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
That might have been me and a couple of my companions in 'arms'. I often got through crowds by yelling "EXCUSE ME, I NEED TO GO DIE ON AN AWAY TEAM" and similar
IMO, you win the Interwebs. Congratulations.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
"I can't do anything to stop him! I just have these cards and a cheat card..."
"what do you mean?! you can CHEAT!!!"
- Customer at Burger King.
From a man who said his wife hated gamers.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!! *gasp* *wheeze* Air is good... *gasp* Air is my friend...
I would have loved to see this.
Shit! Too much paprika!
"I think it's cumulative... "Tap one red mana to add +1/+1 to Spicy Squid. If more than 5 red mana are used in this manner, sacrifice your a**hole at end of turn." "
.... yeah... he almost wore the Kirin I was drinking....
"So what is this? Do you think anyone plays WoW here?"
"Yeah... not gonna happen..."