Overheard at PAXEast 2010

Vanishing PointVanishing Point Registered User regular
edited April 2010 in PAX Archive
Just happened about half-hour ago: downstairs at the Sheraton..
A game of Settlers was about to be played, but was switched to Citadels instead.
The reason?
(paraphrased) "Settlers [of Catan] is far too mainstream."
There's much more you all have heard so far, so let's hear them!

Fact 200. Album One - Conch shell red. Album Two - Peony blue. Not for resale unless desperate.
Vanishing Point on


  • LordDaxLordDax Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Roommie(NecroSen) to 'welcome to Boston' sign:"The thousand nations of the PAXian army descend upon you!"

    LordDax on
    WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
    Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
  • Silent ZeroSilent Zero Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Random people (including me) near the nvida expo area around 4pm....


    Silent Zero on
    Yes I work for Netflix. No, I can't give you any free movies dammit.
  • ManDanceManDance Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Going down the elevator of my hotel, a 40 year old woman enters and looks at my badge.

    "Are you here for the gaming expo? Are you a gamer? Aren't you a little old?"

    ManDance on
  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    A mid-30's to early-40's mom in the hotel elevator w/ her kids.
    "Boys, if you want to go back to console freeplay, I'm going to need a couple of shots first. Mario Bros is more fun after shots".

    macrogeek on
  • Silent ZeroSilent Zero Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    ManDance wrote: »
    Are you a gamer? "
    My brother got that on the street from some dude at the music college hah

    Silent Zero on
    Yes I work for Netflix. No, I can't give you any free movies dammit.
  • SteveBSteveB Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    "I haven't seen a single storm trooper yet."

    "I've seen six."

    The first guy gave the second a horror struck look.

    SteveB on
  • Miss PrinceMiss Prince Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    ManDance wrote: »
    Are you a gamer? "
    My brother got that on the street from some dude at the music college hah

    If it makes you feel better, I'm from the music college and I'm a PAX attendee (and LOVING it :P)

    The Pokécrawl sure was making waves, though XD Nothing like a drunk Pikachu to set off the gossip.

    Miss Prince on
  • riguitargodriguitargod Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    "I don't like rock band, I only play it to sing, and even then it's only to play Nine Inch Nails or Journey."

    riguitargod on
  • 50 More Trash50 More Trash Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    In the queue room:

    Person: If there`s a fire, yeah... we`re all dead.

    50 More Trash on
  • capnjackcapnjack Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."

    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"

    capnjack on
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."
    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
  • SammySammy Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    capnjack wrote: »
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."

    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"

    i was crying with laughter during this part.

    so epic. XD

    Sammy on
    Go Team !Squirtle!!!! Nurse Joy Pokecrawl '11

  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Overheard on the way back to my hotel:

    "Technology stunts our growth."

    I'm guessing he wasn't attending PAX.

    Trion on
  • SoyduckSoyduck Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Haha, my group was wanting to overhear something funny ... I guess this is our entry so far today:

    Man (with girlfriend/wife whose boobs were hanging out): I don't need you flopping all over the place!

    It's not gaming related, but still funny.

    Soyduck on
  • cabbie98cabbie98 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    While waiting outside the Convention Center on day 2:

    "I really enjoyed the keynote from Wil Wheaton. But hasn't he been riding his success from Star Wars for too long?

    cabbie98 on
    WiiU: cabbie98
    3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
    Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Overheard passing on the escalators:
    There are a lot more girls here than at GenCon.

    ElectricTurtle on
  • GatekeeperragGatekeeperrag Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    from the queue:

    "Damn it! I cant stand his huge black deck!"

    "My deck's red and white, and I don't know whats wrong with it."

    -.- oh the enuendo


    Gatekeeperrag on
  • HellsatyrHellsatyr Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    "What's an Nvidia? Is it for the Wii?"

    Unfortunately that was from the person I went with...:?

    Hellsatyr on
  • EbfanEbfan Wimmy Wam Wam Wozzle! Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Overheard in the bathroom outside the main theater:

    "I'm going to choke him with his own chicken soup!"

    I'm still trying to figure out in what possible context that makes sense.

    Ebfan on
  • EchoDreamerEchoDreamer Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    Ebfan wrote: »
    Overheard in the bathroom outside the main theater:

    "I'm going to choke him with his own chicken soup!"

    I'm still trying to figure out in what possible context that makes sense.

    "If it weren't for my horse....."

    EchoDreamer on
  • Bones13Bones13 Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    Heard in the bathrooms outfront of the main entrance "What's your opinion on trucker orgies?" Now I wish I had just waited to get inside to relieve myself.

    Bones13 on
  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Ebfan wrote: »
    Overheard in the bathroom outside the main theater:

    "I'm going to choke him with his own chicken soup!"

    I'm still trying to figure out in what possible context that makes sense.

    "If it weren't for my horse....."

    Oh goddamnit! You beat me to it!

    ElectricTurtle on
  • klokateer9047klokateer9047 A.K.A Captain Freezeezy Long island,NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010

    klokateer9047 on

    Xbox live:Wonderboy9047

    @Astonishingmike on twitter

  • KoalaKoala Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Q: Who's playing right now?
    A: Anamanapea

    I love you dude, made my running joke of the night.

    Koala on
  • AlphaTwoAlphaTwo Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Overheard at #PAX queue line: Requesting Enforcers for assistance:

    "Excuse me, Red shirt!"

    AlphaTwo on
  • localhjaylocalhjay Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    "i have never had to piss the bed"

    localhjay on
  • Fat_IdiotFat_Idiot __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2010
    A bunch of Enforcers discussing how they were going to die because of the redshirt status.

    Fat_Idiot on
  • SinkuuSinkuu Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    AlphaTwo wrote: »
    Overheard at #PAX queue line: Requesting Enforcers for assistance:

    "Excuse me, Red shirt!"

    I was there. I heard that. it was funny. :)

    and win.

    Sinkuu on
    they made me a signature, but I eated it. and I have an 18 inch laptop. :P
  • ThreeveThreeve Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    In the very crowded bathrooms Friday afternoon, a man entered the stalls and then shouted, "You'd think gamers would have better aim!"

    Threeve on
  • NickieroonieNickieroonie Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    "You're beautiful -- you're a black man's dream; Stay away from me."

    ~ Dude on the street

    Nickieroonie on
  • gilby123gilby123 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Sammy wrote: »
    capnjack wrote: »
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."

    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"

    i was crying with laughter during this part.

    so epic. XD

    Me too...I was in a wheelchair and nearly fell out of it laughing so hard. One of the FUNNIEST moments for sure (and I would've had the same reaction)

    gilby123 on
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the
    world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
    of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
  • TangoTango Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Fat_Idiot wrote: »
    A bunch of Enforcers discussing how they were going to die because of the redshirt status.

    That might have been me and a couple of my companions in 'arms'. I often got through crowds by yelling "EXCUSE ME, I NEED TO GO DIE ON AN AWAY TEAM" and similar :)

    Tango on
  • gilby123gilby123 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Ebfan wrote: »
    Overheard in the bathroom outside the main theater:

    "I'm going to choke him with his own chicken soup!"

    I'm still trying to figure out in what possible context that makes sense.

    "If it weren't for my horse....."

    IMO, you win the Interwebs. Congratulations. :mrgreen:

    gilby123 on
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the
    world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
    of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
  • d3c0yd3c0y Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    While playing Munchkin

    "I can't do anything to stop him! I just have these cards and a cheat card..."
    "what do you mean?! you can CHEAT!!!"

    d3c0y on
  • EiriEiri Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    "Hi, can I have a bigmac?"
    - Customer at Burger King.

    Eiri on
  • CreepoCreepo Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    "You have no idea the crap I had to go through to get here."

    From a man who said his wife hated gamers.

    Creepo on
  • phoneticsphonetics Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was cosplayed as Ash Ketchum, a guy in a Metapod costume walks by me, points at me and screams, "You! You did this to me! YOU PRESSED B YOU ASSHOLE!"

    phonetics on
  • Lugh LamfhadaLugh Lamfhada Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    phonetics wrote: »
    I was cosplayed as Ash Ketchum, a guy in a Metapod costume walks by me, points at me and screams, "You! You did this to me! YOU PRESSED B YOU ASSHOLE!"

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!! *gasp* *wheeze* Air is good... *gasp* Air is my friend...

    I would have loved to see this.

    Lugh Lamfhada on
    Too much paprika.
    Shit! Too much paprika!
  • MALACHEMALACHE Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Said by a friend while sitting eating at the udon place down the hall while referring to their "spicy squid" :

    "I think it's cumulative... "Tap one red mana to add +1/+1 to Spicy Squid. If more than 5 red mana are used in this manner, sacrifice your a**hole at end of turn." "

    .... yeah... he almost wore the Kirin I was drinking....

    MALACHE on
  • MendrianMendrian Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    <<Two guys in the bathroom, talking to me on Saturday; they seemed confused about where they were, and I didn't notice any PAX pass.>>

    "So what is this? Do you think anyone plays WoW here?"

    Mendrian on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Loaded elevator in the Sheraton, stopping at nearly every floor... portly fellow waiting at one of the last stopped floors.

    "Yeah... not gonna happen..."

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
This discussion has been closed.