Post-PAX dinner?

DortmunderDortmunder Registered User regular
edited March 2010 in PAX Archive
Anyone want to grab a post-PAX dinner at one of the restaurants near the Prudential?

Dortmunder on


  • d3c0yd3c0y Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Time? Meet up place ? Stuff worth posting cause I might want to go

    d3c0y on
  • baelionbaelion Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    if anyone's about i'm gonna hit up tossed salads tomorrow lunchtime.
    i pretty much HAVE to tell people i ate there!

    baelion on
    Masters Degree Student: PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT NERDCORE
    Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
  • kaoticrequiemkaoticrequiem Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I would love to, though my plan was cafe Polena, a polish restauraunt. Mmm perogis. :)

    kaoticrequiem on
    Knows how to bend it.
  • DortmunderDortmunder Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Was thinking Daily Grill? 7:30?

    Dortmunder on
  • d3c0yd3c0y Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    If anyones still up for food later tonight?! I wanted to go to the 24 hour chinese place in china town. If your going somewhere else and would like invite me, hit me up! 914-505-1557. No texts please

    maybe after we can play MTG, Munchkins, movies, or some other game


    d3c0y on
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