I found a 8GB Lexar USB drive on the floor in the Main Theater during the closing ceremony. I am trying to find the owner of the drive. If you can send me a message with the contents of the drive, I would be happy to give it back to you.
I lost a pair of brown tortoise-shell Ray-ban Wayfarers. They were last spotted in the MTG rooms on the second level.
notmetalenough on
Samael the Radiant Faced-- Official Naming, Going Nuclear, Click on the Quest, Make She Run and Guild Measurements Officer - Clawshrimp & Co, Draenor-US
Lost: Retro Seattle Mariners baseball cap. Bright blue with an upside-down trident on it. I will love forever s/he that might have found it. Message me if found. I THINK I left it in the main theater after the rooster teeth panel, but I could be wrong.
I lost a copy of Pokemon Platinum. I'm fairly certain it would have been lost in the queue room or hand held area. Trainer is set as 'Tom'. If you've found it please PM me.
/Edit: I found it this morning. It found it's way into a tiny nook in my backpack. Thanks
and can the mod sticky it? Wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of people lost stuff. I myself misplaced a MTG deck but no biggie
/Edit: I found it this morning. It found it's way into a tiny nook in my backpack. Thanks