I know we have a photo thread, but I figured I'd start a separate youtube thread. It was the first time my friends and I went to PAX, we had a blast and want to kick off this thread with 2 videos we took.
The first is from the Let's Dance demo that was going on in the exhibit hall:
And the second is our performance in the Rock Band Lounge:
Anamanaguchi performing the Scott Pilgrim video game theme tune (My crowning pride and joy of PAX East): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJRYBLnuof8
VGO's Mario medley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCoTA9a39Sc
Paul, Storm, and Wil Trolololo-ing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A1Xs20xi7o
And everything with the Distract-o-tron was hilarious!
P.S. I caught my friend's noggin in your video! Sadly, the person next to me was really tall and his head eclipsed me. It's all good, he was hilarious.
Actiiooon Castle
This is the "Queue Room" where everyone waits in line for the main theater events, and there's a whole 'nother wing besides the one in this video. This is it in the Friday wait for the Wil Wheaton keynote:
This is the main theater used for the keynote, concerts, and other big ticket happenings:
The Video Game Orchestra doing a Final Fantasy Medley at the Saturday concert:
The "Jamspace" where live video game music was played throughout the day. Snippet of some Mario Bros music:
Longer clip of some other Jamspace Mario music:
Jonathan Coulton doing Still Alive at the Saturday concert:
Followed by Skullcrusher Mountain:
And Re: Your Brains towards the end:
Wil Wheaton cameo during Paul & Storm's intro scene at the concert. Paul & Storm had already come out singing fake Russian, when a third voice chimed in and Wil Wheaton came out in his wig and suit. It was hilarious, but possibly just in the "you had to be there" way.
Wait ... where was your friend? On my right?
The Ghostbusters of New Hampshire at the Rock Band Lounge on Sunday.
My wife got a video of the Castlevania Arrangement by VGO. It's a little shaky-cam in the beginning, and the video itself isn't great, but the sound quality's pretty dang good, and that's what's important, right?
Yep! When you did a pan of the audience, you can just barely see him. He's on the lower part of the screen, wearing glasses ... he was standing about a row behind me. Seriously we were really close by each other my friend!
Thursday Compilation
Friday Compilation
Saturday Compilation
Sunday Compilation
My signature. Let me show you it:
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
Warning very loud, from the Pokécrawl.
The video unfortunately goes off a bit at the end because I was cracking up - the singer was stomping the floor so hard it shook the stage and disrupted the drummer.
If anyone has video of our performance (LUIGI I'M LOOKING AT YOU) I'd love to see it.
that, or when we trolled later on by singing Spongebob.
The Byoc Tf2 semi finals and finals
pics and vids in link
STV's of both matches
Justin McElroy's "embarrassing" opening of the Joystiq Blueberry Muffintop Breakfast.
Pump It Up performed by Justin McElroy on vocal, Griffin McElroy on drums and Ludwig Kietzmann on guitar.
This also occured at the breakfast.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
I recorded whole Omegathon final in HD.
Here are the URLs for each video. Please make sure to leave a comment
(you can also tweet about it, too -- I'm AtmanRising on Twitter)
PAX East: Omegathon final (opening) [HD]
PAX East: Omegathon final (first run) [HD]
PAX East: Omegathon final (second run) [HD]
Thank you!
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
I wish I had one of us walking down the hall singing Bohemian Rhapsody. That was sweet.
Random 3-4 mins from Protomen:
InLineGames - The platformer that the crowd controls.
Metroid Metal - Phendrana Drifts
VGO - Castlevania
Ball playing in the queue room.
Paul and Storm come on stage and sing Opening Band
Jonathan Coulton comes on stage then sings Ikea
I loved this line. I just wish I recorded it with my camera instead of my iphone.
This version is also on YouTube. Not my recording, but I figured I would share it since it is so fantastic! I love the part at the end.
We're doing a project for the community, and therefore we want to get as much footage from the community that we can. You will get credit for your videos, and this way more people will see it!
Thanks guys!
I can't speak for VGO, but I'll speak for Metroid Metal when I say OF COURSE WE DO NOT CARE! PLEASE CONTINUE!! I've been spamming F5 on youtube pretty much since I got home waiting to see what people managed to capture.
Yes, DO IT!!! Especially since Jerry dropped the bomb of the near-premature death of the PAX East DVD (still in limbo unless they state otherwise, since the plan was NOT to do it). After the cancellation of Episodes 3 & 4, my heart couldn't take it...
Also, the one year I decide NOT to take any video at the concerts and devote myself to pics, and everyone decides to have an extreme lack of concert footage. Please upload those vids, kids!
Awesome. Unfortunately only got 3 videos of Metroid Metal, and one of those the audio is ruined because I was leaning on one of the speakers. Whoops. Thanks for the approval though, you guys made PAX for me. I'll come back with links when they're uploaded tomorrow. In the mean time:
VGO - Snake Eater
VGO - Yoshi's Island