NYC Meetups

TheGreat2ndTheGreat2nd Registered User regular
edited May 2010 in PAX Archive
After returning from the dream home that was PAX East, I was wondering if anybody from New York City would like to reunite and have a mini-PAX meetup? It was fun meeting random people and playing DS games with everybody. It's always awesome to meet new like minded individuals. Would anybody be for a PAX forum meetup in NYC?

I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
TheGreat2nd on


  • SpaldingExSpaldingEx Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    Could be fun. I'm in NJ but I'd be willing to take the train in for this.

    SpaldingEx on
  • TheGreat2ndTheGreat2nd Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Ahahaha I love your profile pic.

    "What would it look like if Jerry drew and Mike wrote the comic"
    "...No, I don't need no guidelines"

    TheGreat2nd on
    I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I would totally be up for this. I have a busy schedule and would be coming by train 90 min from NJ so my only constraint would be time and availability. If you guys pick a date and I'm free then i'll definitely be there. We've had threads like this in the past, there was a NJ one with good response, and PeasantDave had some things at his place but I was always busy.

    There is also another forum/community I am in called NerdNYC that had a few people at PAX. They do a monthly gaming night at ThinkCoffee in downtown Manhattan which is a great time.

    Gundabad on
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Oh in case you haven't had enough Paul & Storm / Jonathan Coulton, they are playing shows this Friday and Saturday in NYC. Some friends were thinking of going in. As far as that monthly Nerd NYC meetup goes I looked it up and their next one is April 9th, but I have Ben Folds tickets for that night so I won't be there.

    Gundabad on
  • TheGreat2ndTheGreat2nd Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    nerd nyc? i'll have to look into it.
    i'm mainly at college until summer break.
    but i would be down for anything afterwards.
    maybe a concert or some event.

    TheGreat2nd on
    I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
  • cuennascuennas Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    oh man i miss pax already i would so be into something like this

    cuennas on
  • crimsong19crimsong19 New YorkRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    That'd be sweet ... but IDK about this week. Got an interview near me on Wednesday, an interview in NYC on Thursday, and I'll be hanging with friends in NYC for a bit on Saturday.

    crimsong19 on
    PAX East status: Hotel [X] Three-day passes [] Two one-day passes [X] Cookie recipes [X] Transportation [X]
  • browncoatbethbrowncoatbeth Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    SpaldingEx wrote: »
    Could be fun. I'm in NJ but I'd be willing to take the train in for this.

    ditto. also not for this week, but some time over the next few weeks, maybe. after i've had a chance to catch up on work and sleep!!! i met some cool jersey peeps in the queue room on friday, but not too many after that, and i know there must be more of us nyc metro area people. i'm in bergen county, so nyc is not too far of a hike for me...

    browncoatbeth on

    "The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
  • DaNerdDaNerd Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I live in NYC. If there is an event and my schedule isn't busy, I'll attend.

    DaNerd on
    Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
  • rizriz Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I unfortunately did not attend PAX East, but I moved to the city a couple months ago and do require nerd friends at some point (or, y'know, any friends, but as I am a nerd). Been wondering myself if there was any sort of forumer meetup/drinkup presence around here.

    riz on
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    The Nerd NYC board game night is Friday, May 7th:

    I joined there forums a few months ago but haven't been able to get to one of the board game nights. I'll be at this one though, so don't feel like you'll be the only newbie. From what I read they pull in like 30 people and have a meeting room at a cafe with plenty of space.

    Gundabad on
  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Me and some other PAXers will be at The Protomen show in NYC this coming Thursday.

    We also hang out at Play N Trade on 13th st betw. 3rd and 4th a lot. Like a lot a lot.

  • heelsheels Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    A handful of Enforcers and I will also be at the Protomen show this Thursday in NYC.

    heels on
    < devious1> heels: you are worst idea person ever
  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I'm looking forward to seeing some Enforcers there!

  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Weekday shows are tough... but I do love me some protomen...

    PeasantDave on
  • mygiantrobotmygiantrobot Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    heels wrote: »
    A handful of Enforcers and I will also be at the Protomen show this Thursday in NYC.
    Yes, it shall be awesome.

    I don't post a lot on these forums, but would love to meet more people in NY. I just moved to Long Island and would love to hang out.

    mygiantrobot on
    <kelp> i'm in ur oceans, housin ur otters

    I make costumes.
  • d3c0yd3c0y Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    I have a night class thursday.. but I would love to see them. Do they start exactly at 9 or do they have someone else play before them?

    d3c0y on
  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited April 2010
    d3c0y wrote: »
    I have a night class thursday.. but I would love to see them. Do they start exactly at 9 or do they have someone else play before them?

    According to Ticketweb, doors are at 7, and Skeletonbreath goes on at 7:30. Although, I do go to a lot of local shows in a lot of different bars, and it's very common for them to run behind schedule.

  • JerobJerob Registered User regular
    edited April 2010
    Me and my girlfriend were at the Protomen show, both of us PAX East attendees. All was fun and games until she got nailed in the face with something and some moshers started slamming into her. Anyway, Protomen rule and hopefully will somehow make it to PAX Prime.

    Jerob on
    AC: WW 2363-0580-7649 Jerob in Wausau
  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited May 2010
    The TIME 100 Gala is being held in the city on May 4th. Obviously, we can't crash the party but I'd be up for a night out on the town to celebrate Mike & Jerry's inclusion on the list.

  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    edited May 2010
    Jerob wrote: »
    Me and my girlfriend were at the Protomen show, both of us PAX East attendees. All was fun and games until she got nailed in the face with something and some moshers started slamming into her. Anyway, Protomen rule and hopefully will somehow make it to PAX Prime.

    I was at that show! To be fair except for the face thing, it should be expected sorta. Also it rocked by every definition.

    I would not be adverse to an NYC thing, as long as there's much drinking involved.

    Elementalor on
    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited May 2010
    I hear barcade is good for drinks and games. Price wise I cannot speak for.

    Goose! on
  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    edited May 2010
    Barcade is cool except it suffers from its popularity. So going on a friday/sat (maybe even thur) night it will be really packed. I love the place, but it's also in the middle of williamsburg which makes it inconvenient for most. Though I wouldn't be opposed to making a trek over there earlier in the night.

    Elementalor on
    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited May 2010
    Also in the area of Barcade is a new gaming store opening up this weekend, The Twenty Sided Store:
    84 Withers st, ground floor
    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    In preparation for opening, they've been posting pictures of the renovations to the property on their blog and the NerdNYC forums.

    On that note, the NerdNYC board game night is only two days away now, so if you've been craving some board game play since PAX East, here's your shot to meet up:

    Gundabad on
  • NanakiNanaki Registered User regular
    edited May 2010
    I'll be in NYC Friday night to see a friend I haven't seen in some time. We plan on going to a bit of everything, so we'll probably be hitting up NerdNYC's board game night as well as Barcade.

    Nanaki on
    Let's look death in the face and say, "Whatever, man!"
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited May 2010
    So in NYC area meetup news, I scoped out a group on called "Board Games NJ", that meets in the Menlo Park Mall area of Edison, NJ. Looks like they meet very frequently. Wednesdays and Saturdays, as well as some other scattered meetups in other locations. Anyone familiar with this group? I have a busy schedule but am free on Saturday the 29th (wifey is going to a concert), so I was considering showing up to get some gaming in and meet the group.

    I did wind up going to the NerdNYC game night in Manhattan last Friday and it was a good time. Very friendly, PAX-esque crowd. Everyone seemed to be living according to Wheaton's Law. They are doing another Friday night thing on June 11st, and an all-day gaming affair on Saturday, June 19th.

    The Saturday NerdNYC meetups are much more organized than the Friday pick-up games, but not overly planned like some major gaming cons. They run a Saturday thing on a quarterly basis, and you pay $20 to get in for the day (helps pay for all their events, and subsidizes all the free events throughout the year). There's an afternoon and an evening timeslot, and you sign up to play about 30 minutes prior to each slot.

    I think i will be going to this June 19th one, and will be submitting to run a game of Last Night on Earth in the evening timeslot.

    Gundabad on
  • heelsheels Registered User regular
    edited May 2010
    I know that a couple of the people from the NerdNYC game night that were actually at PAX East (and PAX Prime for that matter) I keep meaning to go to one of these but have not yet had the chance.

    heels on
    < devious1> heels: you are worst idea person ever
  • browncoatbethbrowncoatbeth Registered User regular
    edited May 2010
    Gundabad wrote: »
    So in NYC area meetup news, I scoped out a group on called "Board Games NJ", that meets in the Menlo Park Mall area of Edison, NJ. Looks like they meet very frequently. Wednesdays and Saturdays, as well as some other scattered meetups in other locations. Anyone familiar with this group? I have a busy schedule but am free on Saturday the 29th (wifey is going to a concert), so I was considering showing up to get some gaming in and meet the group.

    I did wind up going to the NerdNYC game night in Manhattan last Friday and it was a good time. Very friendly, PAX-esque crowd. Everyone seemed to be living according to Wheaton's Law. They are doing another Friday night thing on June 11st, and an all-day gaming affair on Saturday, June 19th.

    The Saturday NerdNYC meetups are much more organized than the Friday pick-up games, but not overly planned like some major gaming cons. They run a Saturday thing on a quarterly basis, and you pay $20 to get in for the day (helps pay for all their events, and subsidizes all the free events throughout the year). There's an afternoon and an evening timeslot, and you sign up to play about 30 minutes prior to each slot.

    I think i will be going to this June 19th one, and will be submitting to run a game of Last Night on Earth in the evening timeslot.

    I haven't heard of the Edison people, I think they weren't included in my distance search on meetup (always looking for more game people on there).

    Missed the May 7th NerdNYC affair during a several week forum hiatus, but the saturday get together on June 19th sounds awesome. Appreciate the heads up on that. I would like to try to make it (though always easier to tell with these things as they get closer.)

    Also, if anyone is into D&D, just found out there's a group that plays in Fairlawn, NJ several times a month at a store called the 'Gamer's Gambit.' Stopped by there to buy some stuff a few weeks ago and they seemed like cheery enough folk (they were doing a wednesday encounter, but also have freeform games that happen there).

    BTW - checked out your website gundabad - it rocks! :)

    browncoatbeth on

    "The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
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