So a bunch of shiftless malcontents went to Boston for PAX East and managed to have a blast with (on?) my girlfriend in spite of the fact that I wasn't able to make it. And you guys aren't done rubbing it in yet. Also Sheri still needs to dump her PAX photos.
SE++ Group Photo[/QUOTE]
Top Row: Kantankeris, TheOtakuSuppository, CorporateLogo, Robert Khoo, vermiculture, Bogey, PiptheFair, That Dave Fella, a duck!, NotACrook
Bottom Row: Bill III (NaC's friend), Goose!, lostwords, DrZiplock, Javen, Sheri, Balefuego, VisionofClarity, CrackedLens, firematic., Usagi, Smart Hero, animal companion, Lady Smart Hero, Sal, shirotsune
Photos -
Smart Hero:
Sheri: Mobile -
Part 1 Hi-Res -
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Recaps -
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
also people to stay with
oh dear
Also, if MIT keeps me I'm totally doing Prime.
I still have it! Kantankeris made it special but it was very distracting so I save it for special occasions
yes I can
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
oh my stars
Cracked's? His wife was taking the pictures anyway
yeah, ill post them sometime tonight
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
like, i am just still pumped from the weekend and ready to go do the next awesome thing, not the everyday home stuff
it didn't help that we got slammed on a fucking tuesday
it was DoTA and TF2 in one and it ruledddddd
it is what's gonna get the old 360 crew together again
I was asked to cover today and I declined, which I really shouldn't have done
but I'm already covering extra shifts this week so I figured I could spend the day to myself
Bogey, how fucking stupid am I?
next time
What did you do???
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
We were actually asking about you