Hey you guys can't really be totally done talking about this game can you? We need a thread at least until Bogey and I finish!
Here is the gayest ass trailer ever
But don't let that trailer fool you, despite the seemingly bad dialogue and the overpowering jpop that that video seems centered around, the game is pretty fuckin sweet!
It pretty much has the best FF battle system ever, and I would even venture to say that none of the characters are horrible! Although Snow is pretty boring.
And thats a lot to say for a jrpg.
Really though, the main draw here is the battle system, which is centered around a mechanic called
Paradigm Shift
You use these shifts to essentially change your party's classes on the fly mid battle into a variety of customizable combos. This lends the battles not only a fast paced strategic element but it also for maybe the first time ever in an FF game gives them a sense of
challenge far beyond the basic "grind until you are the right level and then roll over x fight."
In fact there is almost no grinding whatsoever! You won't even have the
option to grind sidequests and shit until almost the end of the game, and then if you want to blow an extra 30 hours doing all that shit well then I guess some people like that.
But it's totally optional!
Anyway lets final some fantasies.
(everyone watch lightning punch snow in the face)
but i kind of havent started on dead space or bayonetta or any of the approximately 40 games i need to beat in my steam library
plus itd come between this and just cause 2 and ive already spent about 3 hours playing the demo
why did you post it in moonspeak
no thats not better
Who has the worst name in the game; I think it is Lightning
Finished the game 2 nights ago so now I'm working on achievements.
I planned on taking Neochu down last night but my wife watched a marathon of Teen Mom until 3am.
Hope is a name people have!
Although I guess it's usually a girl's name.
Lightning isn't her real name?
ok i guess vanille is the worst then
Oh hey what's up "Serah"
pun is not the right word, but yes that was a little on the nose.
those puns were hilarious in a bad way
I wrecked those sections.
sazh and vanille were awesome once sazh got haste
chapter 7:
was fucking torture
That was the first part of the game where I skipped as many fights as I could
I cleared that hallway like 4-5 times before moving on.
Snow just kicked everyone's ass the whole time while Hope sat back and healed him
That is the only part in the game so far where I have done any 'grinding'
Except for those goddamn hoverbikes.
I didn't do that because OH GOD SIRENS
Cause she is so much better.
But then Fang can debuff and kick ass with nostalgically named spears, so sorry Snow.
I usually use Snow/Vanille/Fang now
I'll never leave you Light.