Hey, just a suggestion, but when your searching for a post, and you click on it, it takes you to the beginning. Then you have to wade through each page looking for that post. So if you can make it go to the right page, or at least say which page the post is on, it would rock...
hard even
Have you tried searching for "posts" instead of "topics"?
Because I think that is exactly what you are looking for.
If I sent a slapping telegram to your place of work, do you think you might start making sense again?
And bone, you should be flattered he was saying it would as hard as you :P
Anyway, because I desperately wish it was going-home time and can't bring myself to research more out-of-print, unavaiable titles....
If it were, then people who wanted the other option would be saying their option should be selected by default.
My Website | My "photo-a-day" 2010
ooh jpg fuzz
What he means is a while back Ramius changed it so it is the default option
Well aren't you helpful. Maybe you should get a place where you hand out help and advice and shit like that mr smarty pants.
Teh persecution!!1!