Dear Penny Arcade...
I have never considered myself an attractive man. I have poor to horrid skin, I am prematurely battling hair-loss, I can stand to loose 20 pounds...
but all of those things I have always actively battled, skin care tips, hair loss treatments, the gym...
The one issue I can not tackle is that I look like death. See, I have really dark, unhealthy looking bags under my eyes at almost all times. Under a lot of lighting I simply look like death.
Please see the following documents as proof of my beat face...also, please be gentle with comments, I very rarely like to even see myself in mirrors let alone take pictures and or share them.
Please help me become less unattractive. I have a wonderful personality which leads me to bone my fiance often. But id like to be pretty for her too. Has anyone else had to deal with looking like theyve never slept before a majority of the time? If so, are there tips to reduce the effects. Because, there are times where it doesnt look nearly as bad, and I have no idea how to maintain that as the status quo.
I hear drinking lots of water is a good way to battle bad skin / bags under the eyes. I tend to drink a fair bit and I sleep around 8 hours a night but I still look terrible.
I would also appreciate feedback.
Maybe change up your diet to a more healthier one? I know the diet thing DRASTICALLY altered my skin problems (for the better). Maybe that would have something to do with your bags under your eyes?
I assure you I look much worse when shaven. Im mainly looking for tips about the bags under the eyes, tired look. I understand theres plenty of other style tips I could use as well, but for now, eyes.
I could stand to eat healther, and I am doing so (for getting in shape, but we will see if it helps the bags).
also...thanks for that article, I will try some of that I havent already.
Because that sounds awesome.
But do any of these items work? I assume cover-ups will, but as a dude, I dont feel like wearing makeup. Creams to actually reduce the issue would be awesome if I had confidence they worked.
Then trim more. If you like the facial hair that's cool, but you could stand to trim around the edges of where it grows to give it a less blotchy look. Especially on your upper cheeks. Also you could grow it out a tad thicker so it looks like an actual beard instead of the constant 5 o'clock shadow. If this is as thick as it gets, I would probably just shave as it doesn't look that great.
Also, ask your prewife if she likes clean shaven guys or bearded guys. Most women don't like facial hair but some really like it. You need to know what you're dealing with.
She has stated she likes me with a beard more.
Those pictures do demonstrait some very weak beard action. I usually try to trim the cheeks and neck and keep a fuller beard. My beard is usually more akin to the following image.
However there are not many pictures with standard bearded-me that highlight the eye issue, so perhaps there is a correlation there.
Just for the record, I think your facial hair situation, however someone would want to describe it, looks fine. It's all a matter of opinion though. If you have an old lady who's fine with it also, that's great. If you don't have an old lady, there's no sense trying to make yourself into anything but what you'd like to be and work with that.
I've also had a good few friends go the facial hair route with their SO's being fairly against the idea just for the SOs to come around to loving it as much as the dudes.
Let me tell you this. You can buy this in a kit at the drug store. They're called Neti-pots and I find them far from awesome. It's kinda like accidentally sucking water up your nose at the pool, but for longer and with much warmer water.
-Get lots of sleep. Some of your pictures definitely looked better than others; I think I can tell when you were getting lots of sleep.
-Drink tons of water. I usually do 80-100 oz. a day. (recommended daily is 64 I think?)
-Cut salt out of your diet. Will definitely help the puffiness.
-Those creams and stuff? They work, or at least they have for me. But they are pricey!
-Vitamins! Yum. Get lots.
I have never tried cucumbers and potatoes, I will have to give those a try!
Is the area under your eyes constantly swollen? Bags may also be caused by excessive skin. That could be surgically corrected, if it were the case.
There's probably a connection between getting less than the recommended amount of sleep and looking like the ambulatory dead. Just saying.
It's simply genetics. The only way to outright get rid of them is through cosmetic surgery, and the cost for that is astronomical. Unless you have the money pockets and the desire to be rid of them forever, it's best to simply accept that you're always going to look like that and do your best to cope.
I LOL'ed.
Again, exercise, eat and sleep well.
I'm a night owl and do a lot of damage to myself, because I stay up too late. The most I've gotten in the last three nights is 6 hours. Fortunately, I exercise a lot, so I don't look like a complete zombie.
I could've mistaken you for someone on Chuck.
I was going to say the same thing. I was braced for some truly awful pics when I hit the spoiler buttons, but then I saw a totally normal guy. I think I have worse dark circles under my eyes than you, and I actually always get complimented on my eyes. They're not zombie eyes, they're deep-set eyes.
Another thing to note is that you should not do this with straight water. The kits have saline solutions to add so that the water doesn't feel stingy/burny inside your nose. I've never heard this recommended for skin, though; I usually hear it recommended for congestion or sinus problems.
Seems the general consensus is to get regular amounts of sleep, which is tough since I have to be up at 5:30 and dont get home till 6-7, I like my free time
Beyond that, exercize and healthier eating are already on my agenda, so hopefully that helps.
Ill also look into some of those creams to help with it. Ive tried things like ice cubes or frozen spoons before, but never cucumber, ill have to give it a go as well.
And I looked like someone from chuck because I was working geek squad at the time. So, I would argue, people from chuck look like me.
Let it sit for a minute, then wash it off and rub a little bit of this onto the same places.
Do this every morning after you shower and every night before you sleep.
The cleanser will clean up your pores; the moisturizer slows wrinkling and keeps your skin soft.
You must be consistent and patient to get results.
GIRL SECRET 2: Used Tea bags!
GIRL SECRET 3: concealer.
GIRL SECRET 4: VITAMINSSSS. Lots and lots. And water. Lots and lots.
at least remove it from your neck as much as you can
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Pretty much anything you do with this will be short-lived. Your best bet is makeup and to cover that up if it's bugging you. Is the skin underneath your eyes thin, can you tell?
So, y'know, if you ever need corrective lenses (or are currently wearing contacts), there's a solution for ya that requires no effort whatsoever.
That said, yeah, you don't look like death at all. You look like a nice guy and you've landed yourself a lovely lady. You should feel good about yourself!