My guy friends like my girlfriend, they occasionally joke with her and just have fun around her. I think that is mostly in part because my guy friends are laid back, if I'm happy then they're happy for me. I guess you could describe her as pretty laid back, but she's not too spontaneous, either. I've fallen in love with her and such, and I'm happy. That's all that really matters to me, but I don't like that fact that around my girl friends (a handful of them, atleast) she clearly gets the vibe of not being well liked.
One of them wishes I would go out with another friend because we've known eachother longer (this same girl also played me.) A few others don't like her because of new reasons, but in the end I think it may come down to jealousy. I like bringing her around my friends just to hang out, I, in return, am nice to her friends and on good terms with them (even if I don't really care for them.)
Now like I said, my guy friends who I'm usually around, like her and there is no melodramatic shit there. The girl friends, though, who I travel to basketball games with, are just kind of raising their noses in the air when she's around. I mean they're nice to her and everything, but both of us know it's just kind of because I'm there. My girlfriend admits if it weren't for me, she wouldn't hang around the people I do but I reassure her that they like her for who she is and such (sans those few.) In the end I know I should just say, "fuck'em," but I don't want them to be able to say, "He's changed so much. Left us for her, gah, what a friend." Or something to the high school bullshit as that.
Keep in mind we're all in the 17-19 age range here, still in high school, so I know a lot of this is just bullshit. I just want to be able to bring her around my friends and let her be comfortable. In the end, should I just not bring her aroundthose people or...?
Mario Kart DS: 3320 6595 7026 5000
You shouldn't have to avoid bringing your girlfriend around. It will cause you problems if you try.
Your girl-friends have no license to behave like that. They should accept your choice. If your girlfriend was outrightly rude, or mean, or could rationally be disliked for something like that, then that's fine. But it really seems that they dislike her simply because she's dating you, and not one of their other friends.
I'd say it's likely that one of your girl-friends has a thing for you, and they are collectively trying to create a wedge between you and your girlfriend, and you seem to be falling for it.
TroubledToms Advice is good. Set boundries.
The thing about the jealous two is that one of them is taken by another. Now none of the mutual friends care for him, because he told her they were taking a break and the next day writing notes saying he wanted another girl and his last relationship wasn't worth it. Now there's some malice towards him, but not to the level of eye rolling that comes to my beloved. Not so much direct dislike, but they just don't really involve her in much.
I would just like to say that doesn't mean they're not trying. It's similar to parents forbidding their daughter to date guy X, and it only brings them closer together. This just means they might be trying, and failing drastically.
Oh man are you in trouble. Spousal abuse kills, and it isn't just for the ladies anymore.
One day she'll feel so comfortable with you that she won't think twice about jamming that fork through your eye.
Ye' been warned! :P
:? I hope that was sarcasm or some such.
She has to learn to be cool with the fact that no matter what you do, some people won't like you. If the snotty girls can't at least be civil, then don't bother with them. If they really value the friendship you have then they'll come around. If not, go your separate ways for now. Don't burn bridges, just put up a barrier where you and your girlfriend are concerned.
Im glad that I was totally oblivous to that kind of stuff.
Theres nothing you can do about it except for you and your girl to continue to be your nice pleasent selves.
Oh my God she's behind you!!! Watch out!!!
Seriously though, man up and hit her back. Then things'll get interesting.