Warning. Racial Slur contained within:
That would be the Springboro, Ohio Tea Party's official Twitter page, updated on March 21st by one of their organizers, Sonny Thomas. He seems to have misplaced his firearms, and isn't very happy about it. Here's the full story behind his tweet:
The Dayton Daily News reports that controversial tweets on the Twitter page of the local Springboro Tea Party have “triggered cancellations by several local and statewide candidates and elected officials” who were scheduled to speak at an upcoming Ohio Tea Party rally. Most of the cancellations appear to be in response to one specific tweet posted on March 21st.
The tweet, posted by the group’s founder, Sonny Thomas, is especially alarming considering the fact that he is a father of a son who is part Latino. “Basically, it’s like he’s saying he hates his son,” said the mother of Thomas’ son, Alana Turner. Linda Oda, a candidate for Warren County auditor who canceled her appearance at the group’s rally as a result of Thomas’ tweet, agrees. “Certainly, the tweet from Mr. Thomas in which he used a racial slur was enough for me to remove myself from any connection with him,” said Oda.
Thomas, who just recently regained visitation rights to the son he lost as a result of a domestic civil protection order filed by Turner in December 2009, blamed his troubling remarks on the Bee Gees, a rock group in the ’60s and ’70s:
“As I am a lifetime music lover of all genres, I always have some sort of song that can fit almost any occasion or situation. Coincidently the song “Spicks and Specks” by the Bee Gees had been on my player. I made the reference to the song not stopping to think of the era that it was produced and taken out of context could be offensive to some people.“
As the Plunderbund blog points out, the Bee Gees song refers to “spicks and specks” of old girlfriends, not Latinos.
Putting aside Thomas’ insulting Bee Gees-inspired racial epithet, there is absolutely no excuse for threatening violence against undocumented immigrants. Thomas has yet to offer an apology for his threatening words. Yet he isn’t the only tea party member to advocate shooting immigrants. Back in August, a right-wing protester suggested that undocumented immigrants should be sent back to their home countries with “a bullet in their head.” Tea party activists have often been caught referencing the 1787 quote by Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
I still can't figure out how the Tea Party is able to not only retain some sense of legitimacy as a political movement with morons like this at the helm, but also achieve a level of influence on current affairs that is both frightening and widespread. They are quite literally insane, even to the point where Fox News thinks so too:
Reporting for FoxNews.com, Cristina Corbin writes that tea party rallies have “attracted the kinds of mistruths, exaggerations and conspiracy theories that make Tea Party leaders cringe.” Corbin notes that many tea partiers believe the conspiracy that Obama “is a secret Muslim” and that “Obama wants to keep Americans unemployed so that they become dependent on government-run programs.” She then highlights some of the comments she has observed from tea partiers:
“Obama, to me, is a socialist. He’s a Muslim and all he wants to do is bankrupt us and run us into the ground,” Ken Schwalbach of Escanaba, Mich., said at a rally on Friday. […]
“What’s more disturbing is that he’s not answering them,” Tea Party member and conservative blogger Andrea Shay King said of the questions over Obama’s birthplace. […]
Ron Moore of Petoskey, Mich., said he stood firm in his belief that the Democrats’ goal was to implement “death panels” to decide who receives medical care and who does not. “They’ve already started,” he said.
To her credit, Corbin debunks many of the claims and rightly notes that these are “misinformed beliefs.” But of course, one of the primary reasons that so many of these right-wing activists believe these conspiracies is because Fox News has pushed them. For example, the “birther” conspiracy has been advanced on Fox News websites. The “death panels” myth has been advocated by Fox News personalities Peter Johnson Jr, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Brian Kilmeade, and Michelle Malkin, among others.
Why has the Tea Party gained such prominence in the American political and social spheres and come to the point where Republicans court them for political points? How is it a man who has a partly Latino son is able to sleep at night having told the Internet how much he wants Latinos dead? What kind of logic goes into these people's decision making?
The biggest question of all, the one that a lot of the posts on this subject matter eventually come back to, and the one that underlies this and the stuff posted above, is this. Can humanity as a whole ever completely overcome this kind of blatant ignorance and ideology and stupidity? I'm hopeful, but every day I wake up and read the news and the Tea Party or some other bigot or religious fundamentalist or moron is doing something stupid without know the facts and insulting and hurting others around them. It's just mind boggling how so many people can use so little of their brains.
The press gives them legitimacy because they comprise a solid percentage of one of the major parties in the US, and the press needs a horserace to make money.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Oklahoma, my proud home state, took her literally.
It is? Dang. Where's the thread? I can't find it.
And We Shall Name it TALIBAN
Ah. Silly me thought the thread was about, y'know, the Taliban.
Columbus is one of the most diverse (and awesome) places, but the rural areas of Ohio - even 30 minutes from the city - are indeed more concentrated crazy by several orders of magnitude.
It's quite shocking, really. I'm not aware of such a small gradient in terms of distance-to-crazy-people anywhere else.
Edit: Like so.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
Best to just ignore these types of people since they are looking to make themselves look like victims in this "Lubruel, Socliaisticiommunistic, United Nations of America, which BTW is ran by a Muslim Darky Hurrrrr".
Spot on
Which makes the news item about Oklahoma posted earlier hilarious.
I think the word you're looking for there is "eerily disturbing."
New York's entry: Let's nominate 4chan for Governor!
As long as there are physical differences between people, those differences will be used as a reason to discriminate. A world without racism would look like something out of a science fiction novel.
Go go singularity!
dude... This is America. Racism, hatred, and ignorance are at the core of just plain being American.
Goddamn liberal media..
oh wait
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I'm already seeing yard signs for him all over the place here. His campaign slogan is the "I'm Mad as Hell" quote from Network - people who have actually seen Network will recall that Howard Beale was actually a damn crazy person (but no matter).
Also his defense for the emails is basically, "Well of course I'd never send those kinds of things out while I was governor!"
The technological singularity or do you have an idea about getting scientists together to attempt to create an actual singularity and us it to compress Oklahoma to an infinitesimally small size, because I can get behind both of those things
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
In order of blue dot size that's:
The fact that I can name every community that the blue dot represents was entirely my point before. And the red dots about to rape Cincinnati are all the rich, white, Kentucky folks who decided to move to the nice suburbs (Cincinnati is basically Kentucky if you weren't aware).
See that large red dot on the Indiana border above Cincinnati? That's where I grew up, and that's also why I don't talk politics with my parents. Ugh. Talk radio territory.
Well, I'm sure if he was governor he wouldn't have to resort to the internet for his bestiality fix. Because he'd have the keys to the public zoo.
And if there isn't already a viable counter-movement, gosh darnit, the media will do their darnest to make one.
If they ever met each other, I'd imagine someone's brain would explode spontaneously. It's kind of true that Ohio is a microcosm of the rest of the country contained within one state.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
They're the same groups, so its not really that surprising. Right wing crazies don't change that much in 10-15 years
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
And this is why I left Oklahoma for good with no intentions of ever going back. The conservative culture in Oklahoma has become so bad that my parents are even considering leaving... and they've never lived anywhere else (ever).
I really hate how embarrassing it is to be from Oklahoma...
Stormfront's Neo-Nazi? Did not know that
You know what's worse? Being forced to live there by the federal government. It's like, fucking really? This is where we want to have a military base at? Fucking why?
Also to this state's credit it seems remarkably sensitive to the issue of Native Americans. It's still a terrible piss-poor excuse for a state though
Is there a graph like this available for every state?
Nationalize healthcare and then you have my opinion on what should be next.
Maybe I read too much Chomsky, but to me the guy is right about damn near everything.
You have to understand they have the best anti-jew Black Metal I've ever hear-OOOOH jeez.
Which base were you posted at (judging by your reaction, I'm going to guess Ft. Sill)?
I still maintain that Texas and Florida are tied for Worst State In the Union, but Oklahoma is definitely in the bottom 5 of that running.