Man, I wish I could get Elona for Linux. It just sounds so crazy.
Your wish may just end up being granted soon. The person who's taking over development of Elona is going to be porting it over to Java with an eye towards making the game cross-platform.
Skulkraken on
ElldrenIs a woman dammitceterum censeoRegistered Userregular
Man, I wish I could get Elona for Linux. It just sounds so crazy.
Your wish may just end up being granted soon. The person who's taking over development of Elona is going to be porting it over to Java with an eye towards making the game cross-platform.
I've been playing a bit of Dungeon Crawl lately, and it's certainly a lot of fun. Are there other good roguelikes that are like it? I cannot play ascii games for the life of me.
I just had the worst two games ever in Shiren the Wanderer. In the first attempt, I stepped onto a confuse trap the moment I walked into the second room on the first floor, and was surrounded by three enemies that I could do nothing to harm.
In the second attempt, well, here's the log:
Pekeji: Hey, brother!
Pekeji: I trained more, and learned how to capture a fly with chopsticks.
Pekeji: Please take me with you!
Pekeji: Oh, that hurt... but thank you! I'll do whatever I can to help you!
Pekeji joined you!
Shiren took 2 damage from Mamel!
Shiren did 3 damage to Mamel!
Shiren took 2 damage from Mamel!
Shiren did 3 damage to Mamel!
Mamel was defeated.
Shiren gained 2 experience.
Shiren did 4 damage to Mini Robber!
Shiren took 3 damage from Mini Robber!
Shiren did 4 damage to Mini Robber!
Mini Robber was defeated.
Shiren gained 3 experience.
Shiren did 4 damage to Mini Robber!
Pekeji took 2 damage from Mini Robber!
Shiren took 22 damage from Pekeji!
Shiren was defeated.
Pekeji: Oh noooooooo!
For reference, the maximum health at level 1 is 15.
EshTending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles.Portland, ORRegistered Userregular
edited June 2011
So, Thomas Biskup is almost ready to release an early alpha of JADE, his successor to ADOM. If you friend him on Facebook you'll see that he updates A LOT about it.
CAO doesn't transfer over. But you can register on the thing without having to do email verificiation or anything.
I'm Frosteey! Also probably a poor person to spectate since I'm a huge fan of dying at level 2, and I think spectators get kicked back to the lobby and have to manually chose the new game to watch when one ends.
Frosteey on
EshTending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles.Portland, ORRegistered Userregular
edited July 2011
JADE is at 0.1.0 finally! It's pretty basic right now, but the random overworld is working at least and you can try it out. Keep in mind, this is REALLY bare bones right now. But, anyone who is familiar with ADOM (considered the best Roguelike ever) knows what Thomas Biskup is capable of.
Started playing Dungeon Crawl on the webtiles server during the week, punching things as a draconian monk.
Wondering if I should've chosen a different race, as it appears as I level and my scales harden, I'm starting to get racial penalties on dodge...which given the whole no-armor routine, is probably going to end in hilarity down the road.
I think they've buffed draconians but they're still pretty hard to play. Random (and usually not great?) aptitudes plus armor restrictions make them seem not so awesome. Not sure how their breath weapons hold up now.
Also I was a mummy wizard and Boris killed me with a 78 damage orb of destruction : ( I could have just used blink or something but I had so many HPs : (
Frosteey on
citizen059hello my name is citizenI'm from the InternetRegistered Userregular
edited July 2011
I have become a big fan of the Spriggan Venom Mage. Sneaky, fast, and mephitic cloud. Oh, that wonderful cloud.
Been playing one offline and recently found a book of fire magic that has increased my power greatly. Best game I've had so far. Can't wait to see what kills him
citizen059 on
Mojo_JojoWe are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourseRegistered Userregular
JADE is at 0.1.0 finally! It's pretty basic right now, but the random overworld is working at least and you can try it out. Keep in mind, this is REALLY bare bones right now. But, anyone who is familiar with ADOM (considered the best Roguelike ever) knows what Thomas Biskup is capable of.
Go get it.
Wow, he was actually working on JADE? Last time I checked he'd got distracted by making a pen and paper ADOM RPG.
Mojo_Jojo on
Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
Grenades are the best thing ever invented.
Your wish may just end up being granted soon. The person who's taking over development of Elona is going to be porting it over to Java with an eye towards making the game cross-platform.
In the second attempt, well, here's the log:
Pekeji: I trained more, and learned how to capture a fly with chopsticks.
Pekeji: Please take me with you!
Pekeji: Oh, that hurt... but thank you! I'll do whatever I can to help you!
Pekeji joined you!
Shiren took 2 damage from Mamel!
Shiren did 3 damage to Mamel!
Shiren took 2 damage from Mamel!
Shiren did 3 damage to Mamel!
Mamel was defeated.
Shiren gained 2 experience.
Shiren did 4 damage to Mini Robber!
Shiren took 3 damage from Mini Robber!
Shiren did 4 damage to Mini Robber!
Mini Robber was defeated.
Shiren gained 3 experience.
Shiren did 4 damage to Mini Robber!
Pekeji took 2 damage from Mini Robber!
Shiren took 22 damage from Pekeji!
Shiren was defeated.
Pekeji: Oh noooooooo!
For reference, the maximum health at level 1 is 15.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
They finished online tiles for Crawl and nobody told me ever : (
Hopefully I can now rope in people who refused to play on CAO so I can judge them.
What's your handle, Frosteey? I want to see you ... succeed... yes....
I'm Frosteey! Also probably a poor person to spectate since I'm a huge fan of dying at level 2, and I think spectators get kicked back to the lobby and have to manually chose the new game to watch when one ends.
Go get it.
Wondering if I should've chosen a different race, as it appears as I level and my scales harden, I'm starting to get racial penalties on dodge...which given the whole no-armor routine, is probably going to end in hilarity down the road.
PSN: LucidStar_BC
Also I was a mummy wizard and Boris killed me with a 78 damage orb of destruction : ( I could have just used blink or something but I had so many HPs : (
Been playing one offline and recently found a book of fire magic that has increased my power greatly. Best game I've had so far. Can't wait to see what kills him
Wow, he was actually working on JADE? Last time I checked he'd got distracted by making a pen and paper ADOM RPG.