In short, I need help understanding the policies of apple in order to fight what I believe to be a grave injustice.
Less than two span ago ( 17 days this morning to be precise ), I bought a new Macbook pro. Now, as a computer programmer, this hurt.... My soul actually... Being told NOT to muck around in system files because it was dangerous placed a dark shadow on my lungs that I could feel with every breath I whispered into the world's worst built in microphone. However, as I am traveling abroad and moving from country to country for the next year and a half, I wanted a reliable computer that could also work well with my elitist iPhone... Damn my soul for giving into snobbishness...
So, after purchasing my new laptop I was disappointed to see how slow it ran Photoshop (the program I need the most as travel photography is what I am doing... ). Then, while in South America, I uncover an e-mail! New Macbooks with i5s! Now, I should have been excited as coke whore in a crack-house, but I wasn't. Why? I specifically ask the mac employees if any newer models would be debuting soon. I was told no. Straight up, no lies, just no. To get an e-mail about new macs less than two weeks after my aforementioned purchase, made me vomit, everywhere. Avacados and beans coated the walls.
I contacted multiple technically supports, care lines and my local retailer today when returning to the good old U.S of A... They told me their is nothing I can do because I am outside of the 14 day return policy... My heart is broken, I feel deceived, lied to, cheated. I'm that college student that just met the right girl after getting herpes from the wrong one. So, I beg, can anyone help?
Can anyone help, give advice on, or assist me in this dilemma?
Is their anyway to work around the mac service policy in order for me to upgrade my new Macbook to the brand spankin' new one that came out 17 days after... Anyone at all? Maybe just a way to return it and make a new purchase?
If assistance leads to me achieving my desires, I will provide robots and/or beef jerky. You have my word.
Please do not violate our signature rules.
You're pretty much out of luck, really. How soon would you even be coming back to the US?
For all your future buying needs.
You may be able to take it in and exchange it for credit towards the purchase of the new machine. I think that's about the best you're going to do, and even that depends on who's working there. They will not give you the full return value of the computer. I worked at an apple store very briefly and I will add this: Don't tamper with it in order to make it look like you got a defective machine - they will figure you out.
Also, and I might get in trouble for this, your signature is too tall. There's like an 80 pixel vertical limit.
Your best bet is to sell your C2D laptop as quickly as you can to a private individual. You'll get most of your money back, and you can turn that around and buy the new i5 or i7 MBP.
Craigslist it. Apples hold their value better than any other computer. Take a $200 bite (haha) and call it a lesson learned.
The i5/7's are actually more expensive than their Core 2 Duo older brother were though, fyi.
Thanks for the tip, as a previous employee, are you aware if credit for any reason is ever regular policy? What would be the best way approaching that... And thanks for the signature tip.
eBay? Or got anywhere better?
If it doesn't work out then I would say that selling it to an independent party is your best bet.
XBL: Torn Hoodie
He stated that he's outside the 14-day window of opportunity.
Also, OP: what are the specs of the machine? I'm looking into buying a MacBook Pro, and the C2D models are sufficient for my needs (I do mainly video editing for work, and I don't like being tied down to the office, but I'm willing to take a computing horsepower hit if it means I can work out of home).
How much?
Not within the 14 day return policy....
And i put it on craigslist. Is pay pal acceptable?
cash is king
Only deal with local people, accept only cash.
But don't agree to meet them at midnight behind the Walmart.
Cash ONLY and DO NOT ship it anywhere.
Cash is best, but haven't people had problems with counterfeit twenties en masse?
Not that I've heard of. If someone is afraid of that, just hold the bills up to the light or use a counterfeit pen to check them.
Also, yeah, ignorance is truly bliss here.
If they pass a "hold up to the light" and counterfeiter starch pen, then they're going to be accepted by any store clerk, and you've done your due diligence to insure that you're not passing fake bills.
You made made a bad purchasing decision.
If you buy something from a store and three days later it goes on sale do you run back to the store expressing your moral outrage as well?
You were perfectly happy to pay market price for it 17 days ago. You did not get ripped off in the slightest. Asking a genius whether or not now is a good time to buy is a silly thing. Firstly they are stupid. I wouldn't trust them with my rubbish. Secondly they're fucking salesmen, they don't care about making a sale in 17 days time, they care about making a sale now. Additionally they want to make a sale now because they currently have a whole bunch of computers that are going to be obsolete in 17 days, they don't want them hanging around the store.
I suggest next time you actually do some research when you buy something.
Satans..... hints.....
Many stores offer 30 day price guarantees for just this circumstance. There's no need for this agressive tone towards the OP.
Again, this is kind of mistake is not to be attributed to some sneaky corporate apple plot to rid the store of old model laptops before the new ones come out, the sales people don't hear about these things until the day it's announced publicly anyways. Also, unless I'm mistaken the apple reps don't work on any kind of commission, they're simply there to inform, assist, and process sales, I don't honestly think they're so vested in their company's profits that they're going to try and rip you off with an older model when they know a newer better product will be coming down the line shortly.
All else aside, this is definitely good advice, apple has a fairly repetitive release / renew cycle, and the knowledge that these improvements were coming down the line was fairly common place amongst all the tech blogs I frequent at least, a little Google searching, or even cursory examination of the product line would have revealed that this new product was on the way, just something to keep in mind for the future of all computer related purchases, but especially for apple products.
...however that advice is all after the fact, and hindsight is 20/20, given the state of affairs now I'll simply reiterate what others have said, Craigslist as fast as possible, only accept cash. Make sure to mention that it's brand new, still under apple basic warranty, still eligible for apple care extended warranty, etc etc etc.
Cash Only! don't get craigs-ripped-off-list'd. I've seen it happen way too many times before, paypal, escrow or check and you're more likely to get fucked then not. Cash is King.
I'm not saying he didn't do his research, all I'm saying is that in this day and age, it's not unreasonable to have 30 or even more days to "guarantee" you got the best deal possible.
Would it be intelligent to rely on this? no, should he have done more research? yes.
But it doesn't help the op in any way to (in not so many words) call him an idiot, and demean him because he was dissatisfied with his purchase.
I'd say pull it from craigslist. Call the Apple store manager, go in in person, raise fucking hell, do whatever. Contact BBB, go through every goddamn annoying avenue you can, so it makes them think it's easier to just let you return it, then deal with a pissed off customer on a day to day basis.
Just as a heads up, you're welcome to do this, but it'll almost certainly be a waste of your time.
You're reasonably angry, but not a whole lot of what you're saying makes sense, like that your Macbook Pro is "closed" (?) and that you shouldn't muck around in the system files (?) and that it's bad for a programmer (?). I mean, you're talking about a Linux-derived OS with a full terminal here... you can compile almost all of Linux from source...
but back on topic, I don't think being angry about this is a justification for anyone to help you with anything. You can bet that few people WITHIN APPLE CORPORATE ITSELF even knew that a new MBP was coming out, much less the sales people on the floor of the Apple store, who *are not* paid on commission, for what it's worth. I can literally guarantee you that they found out about the new MBP at the same time you did. Should they have said "no?" Probably not. But what they were saying was, "to my knowledge, there is no new MBP coming out soon." And that was exactly truthful. Because they don't tell Apple store employees about new products until they arrive.
So redirect your rage from Apple, call it (an expensive) lesson learned, and don't do it again. You made a mistake, fix it as best as possible and move on.
Maybe it's just a matter of wording and a jaded customer service employee?
The 14 day policy is BS, and I would still try to return it - there's a chance.