Ok, I hate to make a H/A thread for this, but I've tried google and can only find the opposite of my problem. Can anyone with car knowledge lend a hand?
I've got a 2001 VW Jetta, 4 cylinder, automatic transmission, 130k miles. The gas pedal does what I would call "sticking," but I don't mean that it takes extra force to push down. When I'm driving relatively slow, if I let my foot off the gas pedal, every once in a while it will depress on its own. If I just keep my foot on the pedal so I can feel it, but apply no pressure, every minute or so it will depress slightly, like maybe 10%, for a second or two. I tried to count between each time it does this, but it doesn't seem to be regular. It happens typically every 30-60 seconds. I thought maybe it was a busted cruise control or something, because mine is busted, but it happens independently to speed. I could be going 10mph and it will happen, or 60. It's dependent on how far I have the pedal depressed. Once I've got it down about a quarter of the way, it's fine.
Any idea what it is? I can try to find out more information if you think it would be relevant. I've got no idea if they're related, but the timing belt isn't the original, I had it replaced probably a year ago. It's got new power steering fluid and oil and everything, newish tires. The AC is busted, but it could have been all winter for all I know. Not sure what else might help.
edit: My main concern is that it not be a deathtrap. I've got enough saved up that it wouldn't be a problem to replace something so long as it isn't worth more than the car itself, probably $1500 on a good day. If that's the case I'll probably get a new car.
Yes, it actually accelerates.
I don't have any idea. Where would I look that up?
Under your hood, or wherever the car's main fuse box is, there should be a fuse that the cruise control runs off of. Try pulling it out and see if that gets rid of the problem (some other features of the car may not work, but it should give you an indicator if it is the cruise control).
My neighbor has a Z28 and the cruise did that to him in an intersection once. Since it was a 5 speed/ no traction control shit got a little wild. After that he simply disabled it like suggested above.
Cheap easy fix. Well, if you consider losing the CC a fix, but it certainly sounds like you don't want to dump money in the car.
Unfortunately the Jetta and Golf models switched to drive by wire in late 99. It could still be the cruise control module causing the problem, but there may also be other issues.