I guess it's about time for a new thread. Y'all must know how I do OPs by this point so I can't imagine you're expecting screenshots. It's pretty though, trust me.
Tube should I buy this game?
I don't know, make your own decisions. It's essentially X3 Reunion with some gameplay tweaks and a lot more ships and weapons. While this is good (there's really no reason to buy Reunion over this) they would have been far better off making a less shithouse interface. So you know, if you're patient and you like space games buy this. It's the best space game ever made, but it wouldn't be particularly hard for a decent developer to top it.
Tube what is the best ship to fly?
The Paranid Odysseus. Stuff flies up to it, the screen goes white, everything is dead. The only problem with it is that friendly fire is essentially guaranteed, but what kind of problem is that? At a job interview the Odysseus would answer the question "what is your biggest weakness?" with "sometimes I can be
too good at killing". Otherwise, the Springblossom (finish the Terran plot) because it's very fast and is manifestly based on the Marvelous Dragonfly from Jade Empire
Tube should I do the Hub Plot?
No. Just cheat. Seriously. Whoever designed that mission should be executed by firing squad. Cheat. You might get diagnosed with cancer next year, do you really want to have spent
hundreds of hours of your life finishing the worst mission in any game ever? I don't say that lightly either. Cheat.
Tube I don't have any credits what do I do?
Get more.
Good lord man.
Terran Conflict did make a bunch of nice improvements (the indicator showing a mission is available is worth the price of admission alone), but I honestly liked Reunion with X-Tended more. The layout was a little neater, plus their Terran ships are about eleventy billion times cooler.
The best.
Go. Go buy it.
So instead of like ten billion of everything, its like 25 of a few things.
Boreas and Osaka.
These manly beasts of M2 destruction can take out anything by themselves.
10gj and 12gj of shields.
The osaka can charge a bank of 8 psp turrets and one shot a Q. The charged shot does something like 10 times the damage! It's so sexy I almost cried the first time I did it.
Particularly noteable mods I run in this game. All of these can be found in the egosoft x3 tc scripting and modding forum.
Mars This turret script lets your ships do what the npc ships already do: swap out weapons automatically based on the situation. So if all your capital ship turrets have to shoot is a little m5, they will swap to flak and toast it in about .1 of a second. On the other hand, if the first target that they see is an m5 but there's a big ol battleship flying right behind that tiny harmless scout, the turrets will ignore the m5 and kill the bigger threat. They also prioritise missiles that can actually do significant shield damage. They won't stop shooting an enemy m2 to focus on a bunch of mosquito missiles, for example. Doesn't increase their accuracy, it just makes them more efficient. It prioritises targets based on threat and the right weapon to kill that threat.
Also turns some of your drones into little helper Goblins. These little guys are so handy. You can target loot in space and send them flying off to grab it for you with a single hotkey press. You can set them up to automatically decoy and distract enemies if you have excess drones. Supposedly you can also set them up to do missile defense, but I think that's bugged in the current version.
CAG - better station freighter buying and selling software. Levels up like UT's and reacts more intelligently to fluctuations in the market. Has a million setup options so you can configure them to do what you want them to do.
Complex Cleaner - Crunches your giant fps destroying complexes into big ol shiny metal borg cube, turning a 5fps complex back into the 150fps complex it should be.
Station Camper - You can tell a ship to sit at a station and keep buying up all the product that gets made using your money. If you have complexes that produce stuff for you, you can combine this script with the stations autotransfer money to player script to automate filling a supply ship with the goods that complex is making. Your money goes into the complex, and then the complex reaches the transfer limit and sends the money back to you. (The auto transfer command is in the vanilla game)
I have a ton of little small quality of life scripts as well but they're not as important. I think this is all the major ones but I have a feeling I've forgotten some of them. I've installed a lot of scripts!
Mars in particular made big ship combat much less frustrating. I'd recommend that one very highly.
Course, depending on what rules you're playin' by the Tyr is just a system-killing one-ship navy. Mmm-mmm, sixteen-gun broadsides...<3
EDIT: Mods? Welllll...
I don't install things that are outright cheating. Just things that logically should have been there in the first place.
I like the look of the boreas. Space ships should look like spaceships: big lumps of metal slung together that never need to go into an atmosphere.
I also love the teladi ships. The shrike is one of my favourite ship designs.
The vidar is sexy too, pity it's so slow. Looks a bit like the defiant from deep space nine.
The only designs I don't like much are the Boron. Space whales are just a bit too creepy. Especially the orca...the docking port faces forwards and is shaped like a whale mouth. So when you dock your fighter manually, you can't help but feel like you are getting eaten. O_O
I just remembered another mod I installed. I can't remember it's name though.
It lets your player owned ships use docking computers so they don't have to rely on the autopillock and smash into your ships/stations when docking.
For me it's stuff I think is too easy, defined by how I feel about it at the time.
For example, I didn't want to install that computer component script, nor the npc bribing script.
I've bought an m7m instead, a mini complex to supply missiles for the occasional uses it will see and am training up my marines.
I'm not too much in a hurry with the game, so I don't let it sit there on seta very much. If I'm waiting for something, I will do something else in the meantime. Like explore the asteroids in another sector to look for good roids, plan another station complex, do a mission or two, continue my corporation missions, clean out a xenon sector in a major shipping lane so the npc traders can take it easy for a while, or set up more ut's.
I always have something to do.
It turns a single cruiser into even more of a fleet killing god than a player-controlled ship normally is.
Against pirates with their medium missiles (means fighters can carry them) that do 1.25 million damage! and infinite supplies of plasma burst generators to stick on all their fighters, not really. X3 TC combat is pretty poorly designed.
The option is always there to stick them on the ai as well.
Missiles, even hammerheads (which isn't pirate exclusive) aren't too hard to deal with, mosquito missile defense is an easy solution. PBGs are fine too, gives fighters some needed anti-capital power, just bring some friendly fighters with you. Or just lots and lots of hurricane missiles. Missiles are the answer to everything in X3, IMO. Most people seem to just sell them off, aside from the M7M missiles. Shame, they're a great force equalizer no matter what you're flying.
Just preference I guess, MARS is boring to me. Assuming you've got a cargo full of guns, you've always got the perfect weapon available. Takes away the fun of deciding whether to outfit your dorsal and ventral turrets with anti-fighter flak or anti-capital punch.
Some of the goblin features are nice though, namely the "fetch things for me" stuff. Wish that was separate.
There's a trick for this.
Go to the moon, sell the guns you want at the military post there. (let's say x2 for example)
Then duck over to the shipyard in the moon and buy 10X baldrics. When you outfit your ship, buy up all of the military posts weapons. (so x2).
You'll find all 10 baldrics have x2 weapons in their cargo hold. You will also have paid out the right price for all of them. (cost =10x2)
It's an intended feature to make it easier to outfit multiple ships.
Transfer all the items you want to a ship, then sell the baldrics.
Works with any item that you can equip into a ship when you buy it.
If you don't want to do it like this, then I'd recommend sticking sector traders spaced out through the terran sectors so you stimulate the terran economy. Without player help, the terran economy rolls over and dies. It's annoying but I only needed to throw a few st in there and as they levelled up I set them to a jump range so they can cover most of terran space. It seems to be working, none of the terran stations are being killed off by "God" in my game.
Oh and you'll want to do this with Aldrin as well, but in that case use springblossoms. It's expensive but the aim is to make sure none of the aldrin stations go pop, not make money.
GalagaGalaxian: Install mars, then just don't activate the mars turret scripts. (Set the mars turrets to off in the configuration window.) Then you can use your normal turret scripts
+ have the goblins. Mars is just a set of turret scripts like every other script so you can customise which turret uses it. I turned off the mars on my forward osaka turret for example, so I'd always have x8 psp in there to do a charged alpha strike on incoming ships.
I haven't really gotten into missiles yet. I haven't sat down and figured out which ones are good versus ones I don't need etc. I stick them all into an armory transport large, so that when a corporation mission asks for x amount of missile I have it already.
Screw it I'll just play Freelancer again.
should have gotten TC when it was on sale at christmas for 5 dorrar
I hated X2 with a passion. I loved TC.
Also screw you guys for making me want to play this again.
I have a complex in the unknown sector next to zyarth's dominion, and I need to get the ore from it to the hub. the hub is connected to heretic's end and asteroid belt (I fucked up the alignment). How can I set my freighter to automatically shuttle ore to the hub (preferably jumping) without going through xenon sectors or having to do anything manually? Also no scripts, I play unmodded.
Sorry if that indeed was a script, it's been nearly a year since I've played TC.
The default scripts don't resupply from npc stations. Only from their homebase.
That's a player made script, either CAG or CLS, that does that.
Use the command manual trade run. Set the price at the hub one credit higher than the one at the complex. Set the homebase to either the complex or the hub.
You are better off setting it to the complex, because the resupply script tries to buy up the energy cells before it offloads any cargo.
So your full freighter wont resupply properly at the hub because it'll be full by the time it gets there. Whereas it'll be empty when it first docks at the complex.
Personally, this was way too much trouble for me. So when I did the teladianium stage, I got 4 mistral sf, put them in a wing, and manually went through filling them up. I would hit enter, d on each one, then just hold the right arrow till it filled up. It's more work but I found leaving them to their own devices, they would tend to not resupply for some idiotic reason even though I'd set them to and would try to fly to the hub the long way round. I only realised this after I got the first "x has been killed by pirates in bumfuck sector x shouldn't have been in"
I'd recommend getting the Commodity Logistics Software script or the CAG scripts from the scripts and modding forum. Not only are they better scripts all around, but they buy fighter drones, avoid unsafe sectors, avoid sectors enemies have been sent to and so on. The only problem is that you need to train them up like UT's to get all these features. I know you are playing unmodded but hey maybe you'll get sick of the vanilla so if you do at least you know what to get.
Btw man you set up in the xenon sector next to zyarth's?? Balls of steel tube, balls of steel. I stay away from the east end of the universe for the most part, except for a complex 100km off the main trading routes in mines of fortune.
Xenon Q's are nothing to sneeze at. They can one shot everything but an osaka due to how out of sector combat works.
The asteroid belt has a ton of ore too though doesn't it? Your Hub is connected to there after all, woulda made it easy.
I haven't scanned the asteroid belt though, so it might just be filled with lots of loose trash rocks and low yield asteroids, no idea.
But I haven't had a good look at the Ore Belt either, now I know where to stick another chip plant.
There's a couple of big silicon roids in antegone memorial, enough to support 18 or so chip plants. Two x61 silicon roids and a smaller one 2x something.
I've only got the two big ones in my chip plant.
On the advice of forum members at egosoft I scanned barren shores as well. It's got about a million silicon roids and I'm going to make the crystals for the hub there.
Once I get off my ass to start making stations again, I'm a bit lazy about complexes. Been trying to get myself some IBL's while I was waiting for the teladianium stage to finish.
This is due to the medium shield complex in Legend's Home always being out of ore.
After I did that, I got that sector working smoothly again, so I can always buy the L versions of Mistrals and Mistral SF.
Depends on your game of course, the medium shield complex might have gone poof for you.
Did you buy it off steam? You can download the pdf manual, it's pretty good for a tutorial.
There's also a nice X3TC for Dummies guide on the forums, I got it on my HDD. I'll see if I can find the link.
Here: X3TC Guide for Dummies 1.1
fuck the work.
I tell myself "You need to make more stations man" and then I go blow something up instead haha
Like, I built the infrastructure for 18 chip plants in antigone memorial, but by the time I got to making the chip plants, I got bored. So I stopped at 6.
I still need to go back and finish it up proper but...you know...explosions are more fun.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"