Yep, it's that time of month -
Woot-Off Time!So, Hedgie, what's Woot?
Woot is a website that has, at midnight Central, a new product go up that they sell for the whole day, or until they sell out (whichever comes first.) There are a few offshoot Woots:
Kids.Woot - specializes in kids stuff (toys, books, DVDs, and other kid-related gear)
Shirt.Woot - sells exclusive to Woot tshirts with designs submitted from all corners of the Internet
Wine.Woot - sells wines and other comestibles (not available in all states, check before ordering)
Deals.Woot - a repository of hot deals all over the Internet. Also houses Sellout.Woot, which is basically Woot's kid brother.
Sounds neat. But what's so special about a Woot-Off?
Well, about once a month, the Woot warehouse in Texas gets to overflowing, and so the boys decide it's time to clear the place out. So they start selling off everything they have in the place, replacing the item with a new one when the stock runs out. It's like a month of Woots crammed into three days, and it is glorious.
And, if you're lucky, they may even toss out a Bandoleer Of Carrots. And if you're even might manage to get one (or three).
But a 2400dpi laser mouse came up for $10. Hello soon to be new mouse.
Oh man.... I have a set of those at my parents house. But I don't have them with me. Damn. Now I miss them.
And I got my woot-off lights right here. :smug:
EDIT: Silverware? Well that's a first.
EDIT: ...where the hell did they get an explosives tool from?
They're out of Texas. And anyways, you probably don't want to know.
What the
Where the hell have you been
I haven't been paying attention to Tron news
I figured I'd just see it when it came out.
Buh what? Oh fuck. Yes.
I picked up my iPod Nano from Woot 2 years ago (refurb) for <100 bucks and it's still going strong.
And I'm betting this is the end.
EDIT: And this is, indeed, the end. Back to normalicy, folks.