I'm a big SRPG fan, and I've been itching for a new one to play. This game kind of looked interesting, in that the gameplay seems pretty deep, and they have what looks like a fun Phantasy Star 3 like mechanic (you pick a bride from a selection of girls, and get a child from said union).
Of course I'm basing this on what little information I've been able to find. Still, I'm a little wary of buying it.
I'm not overly concerned with the whole dating sim thing, or (what looks like) a very anime style story. My main concern is that I won't like the battles. From what I understand, the movement and action phases are separate, and it looks like battles go down by positioning your guys in such a way that they can execute super combos, and destroy people in one drawn out bludgeon fest. To me that seems kind of boring.
Since I'm having a hard time getting any opinions, I figured I'd ask here. How do the battles play out? Is the gameplay as deep as I'm lead to believe? Is it very different from other SRPGs (so much so that I won't enjoy it)?
For reference, the last SRPGs that I enjoyed and played to death were Valkyria Chronicles, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and anything from the Final Fantasy Tactics series.
From what I've played this morning (downloaded it last night), It's a fun game, a bit challenging to get the hang of at first, but it has a smooth battle system, and separating the Move and Action phases just adds to the strategy needed.
The game's only real challenge is the fact that enemies can deal some hefty damage over the course of one turn, and bosses can one shot a group of allies if you're not careful. The combo system helps a lot, and the game emphasizes on bullying one enemy at a time, as well as planning which attacks you should make (it runs on an AP system, moving during the Move phase, as well as the various attacks and abilities, all use AP, which regenerates at the beginning of each character's turn).
Would I reccomend it? I'd certainly say it's worth playing, but the game is 5 generations long (a new hero per generation), which sums up to the main story taking up 100+ hours.
XBL: GamingFreak5514
PSN: GamingFreak1234
I'm not sure I like it just yet, but I'm still in the tutorial I guess.
PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | Battle.net BadHaggis#1433
And a pillow case. :?:
NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
What's this game about, anyway?
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
It's Japan. What did you expect?
The best part was the marketing for the game...almost NOTHING about the SRPG part of it...the ad even said "Hot pix included." That's right, pix. With an x. Nice.
Gamestop corporate told us to basically keep this game behind the counter unless asked for...which is probably good, since having a GIANT box with naked girls eating bananas and having cream on their faces was going to draw some...unwanted attention.
Limited Edition trailer
BTW the trailer music in the second half was so popular they added it to the music CD with the game.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
Well they put mosiacs over most of the bad stuff... and I'm pretty sure that's vanilla icecream all over the 12 year old anime girl's face.. but yeah, you should probably avoid it.
I don't read Japanese, so most of that went over my head. Good to know I can use my fightstick to play, though.
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Also, I can't really click on those links for the trailers since I'm at work till 6, but I have seen a few trailers already (Gamespot, YouTube) that didn't really help me make up my mind. As for the whole "Naughty limited edition" thing, I think they kind of overplayed that whole aspect of the game in the marketing, as previosuly mentioned. I didn't really get the same pervy vibe from the trailers as I did from the box art and the lol-bewbs mouse pad. Anyhow.
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
EDIT: Oh, and you're welcome, valleo.
XBL: GamingFreak5514
PSN: GamingFreak1234
But honestly the game doesn't seem to be all that risque when you get into it, no more than your average anime SRPG. Most of the mechanics seem pretty solid. You can even play Pokemon/Persona by capturing and fusing monsters to fight for you.
It's no difference then how some games promote the violence in their games.
Someone I know has an exact pad like that, except a Kasumi (Dead or Alive) patterned one, which leads me to guess there's a whole collection of these things out there.
It does support your wrist pretty well, though.
I was kind of wondering about that. The ads made it look like the kind of game I shouldn't even bother buying given that my consoles are in a shared room. Then I saw that it was rated T rather than M and I'm wondering...is there really no inappropriate content? Is it pretty much just the kind of thing you might expect in anime normally?
Someone I work with preordered the game and got laughed at when he went to the store to pick it up.
Maybe I can buy it over amazon without people thinking I'm a pedo.
Lol at Luca's dominatrix outfit, and Cloche's bondage outfit...
*ahem* anyway, yeah, this game is getting way too much crap from the public and retailers. Hell, Gamestop refuses to shelve it, saying that the customer must inquire about it before they show it and sell it.
XBL: GamingFreak5514
PSN: GamingFreak1234
This is why retailers are not putting Anime Porno Edition on the shelves, it's common sense.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
It's the side pictures with the hentai-esque innuendo that are the problem.
Also, among other ridiculous "hrr hrr girls have boobs" pictures, the side includes a shot of a small girl deep throating a sausage.
An actual sausage.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
At least Ar Tonelico has a normal box, so nobody knows the truth. And if they do, then you can just smile smugly and say "Trap sprung."
Agarest is exactly opposite. On the outside it looks like porn, in the actual game there's nothing remotely resembling porn.
PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | Battle.net BadHaggis#1433
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
I like it thus far.
The only weird parts came prior to playing.
Had to explain to the girls at gamestop that I wasn't joking and I really did want to buy the game, despite the box art.
Had to carry that box around for a little bit in a clear bag, sadly gamestop doesn't look like they carry brown paper bags with "THIS IS NOT PORN" stamped all over it.
Then unpacked the stuff just to find out that the boobs on the mouse pad were bigger than I thought they were from the pictures.
Then I played the game for a few hours.
But now I need to decide, should I bring this mouse pad to work since I could use a new mouse pad there, or do I keep it at home to horrify guests.
Oh yeah, and as an aside, when the gamestop girls asked me if I wanted to buy a warranty for the game, I asked them if that includes replacement mouse pads ya know, for wear and tear, turns out, it does not. Also that's a good way to get them to stop asking about the game waranty.
Look up Chaos Wars.
It's almost certainly going to be garbage. They couldn't make a game fun if their lives depended on it, so they throw in pandering fan service.