Hello all, I come with a kind of odd situation, and am not sure if I should intervine.
So anyway, this coming Thursday I have a film shoot that involves some nudity. This is for a class that I mentioned before where it's a group of students attempting to make a legitimate short film. There are three people assigned as being "In Charge" of this scene. Me, my friend J, and another guy, lets call him...Pervy.
Pervy seems like a generally decent guy, but routinely hits one every single woman we come across always. For example, yesterday when scouting the location for the shoot, he took to asking the owner of the location if she was happy in her relationship, and how fun it would be to get drunk with her at the wrap party.
This is the first time they met.
He's also hit on women in class with lines like "If I weren't so shy I'd flirt with you more" and "If you were single I'd hit on your more". He's not very good at macking, naturally.
So, come this Thursday, I find myself concerned he'll say something to the kind of naked actress, or do something similarly embarrassing and ruining for our shoot. I'm not kidding, every woman he meets, he hits on. We had auditions for younger actresses and there he was.
So, my question: Do I bring this up to a professor, or kind of let things ride, or go subversive and kind of declare that for a scene with nudity it should really just be audio guy, Director, actors, camera.
Yep, unless you're shooting porn, it's pretty standard practice to limit set access on days when there's nudity.
I'd imagine that's only gotten more so in the age of cell cameras, TMZ, and social networking.
I would say something to him in private, because if any actor or actress feels uncomfortable during the shoot the scene is going to fucking suck.
Have the actress have a close friend on set to make her feel more comfortable, and only have the bare minimum (lololo) of crew on set. Better to be short a soundguy then have some creep leer at the actress and fuck things up.
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ask her if she wants him there or not
ask her who she wants there at all
whoever she doesn't want there, heavily consider not letting them be there, she's the one who's nuding up, she should be controlling who gets to see her
Option 2 is, as has been stated, limit crew that day to absolute minimum necessary to shoot the scene.
I'd probably suggest doing both, just to cover all your bases.
it's not her responsibility or job to control the set. the producer/director has to take charge, do their job, and clear the set to only necessary bodies. that's the standard.
putting that pressure on the performer is unfair and might make her feel like she's kicking people out and causing hurt feelings
However, approaching her to ask her if she has any concerns about shooting the scene in a general sense is always a good idea. If she had problems with a person or anything else that would be her opportunity to raise it
The lady is the one getting naked. Yeah the whole thing might be the dream of the director et al, but at the basis of it, it's the chick who's showing off her body to the world. She SHOULD get to control who gets to see her naked.
She's not in complete control, but she should have a say in the matter
I don't see that as a burden, it's more of a "I don't want ___ ogling me, can he leave?"
edit: remember that if she's not happy with how things are going, she'll just leave. Then you're left with wasted money and time
She already knows she's getting naked in front of people, but there is really an impetus on her to say "hey man, I don't want him here because I know its going to fuck with me".
Strike that, don't ask her. If she doesn't want someone there she should tell you and you should only have who you need and tell all of them what the deal is. Not even a funny comment regarding her getting naked, not an "oh yea", fucking nothing.
Is she going to wear pasties/petals?
This. Talk to the guy, I wouldn't mention to the actress you have a weird dude you're worried will get creepy with her, it might make her re-think doing the scene. Remind him that this isn't a game and you're not out on the pull. Tell him that if his lack of professionalism costs your crew their grade you will not be happy with him.
More importantly tell him to grow up. Hitting on every woman he meets? Seriously? Some of the stuff you mentioned up there was just plain creepy. Just tell him that if he absolutely must be a creep to do it on his own time.
If you're the director, the set is yours. If you don't want that guy creeping about, sit him down and tell him you don't want him creeping about. Talking to the professor about it is really unnecessary, as taking control of a set is one of the things you need to learn to do if you ever want to be successful.
But as was already said, make sure there's a skeleton crew to begin with, and keep everything really tasteful on set. No glaring, giggling or laughing. You can't control what happens afterwards but you can control what happens during. Make sure you exercise that control. I'd ask the actress for any broad consideration she may have "is there anything I can do to make this more comfortable?" but you should know the pitfalls going in and have removed them. Its not up to her to be making decisions about who is on set and who isnt. She's there to work, and so are you.
1. Keep crew to a minimum, but functional. Don't make anyone with an essential job (I would consider sound essential) leave, but don't let any PAs stand around gawking, either.
2. Make sure you have one other female present, or an escort of her choice.
3. Have someone with a towel ready to move in and give it to her to cover up between takes. She might wave it off, a lot of actresses do, but you should make the offer anyway to help her feel comfortable.
4. Tell Pervy he's got to be on his best behavior, and that means no flirting, and probably no joking around, either. He may make remarks and then if she gets uncomfortable pull the, "Hey, I was just kidding around!" defense. Make it clear beforehand he has to be absolutely professional and can't even joke about anything that may make her uncomfortable. If he isn't, eject him from the set and talk to your professor about it.
5. Get a photocopy of her ID along with a picture of her holding up the ID and a newspaper with the current day on it, if any actual nudity (not just implied) is going to make it into any of the shots. Can't be too careful about covering yourself legally.
that is an incredibly weak statement and could do more harm than good.
you need to be forceful with him or not allow him on the set at all. make it clear to him that he won't be welcome for any of your projects in the future (if that is an option) if he fucks this up.
actually, you know what? Keep him off the set entirely. Even if he stays completely professionally silent, he sounds like the type of guy who's just not going to be able to restrain himself from an appraising look or a leer.
Look, You already know this guy if this guy goes for brains or bodies, I have been in nude drawing classes where people were joking and talking politics with the model (everyone also got a good laugh at the steelers fan want to watch the game instead of her o_O)?
But don't be afraid to take charge, this is your project, career, vision, grade, and future, draw the line and make him stand behind it, holding up the towel.
Oh, and some space heaters should be considered depending on how long she will be naked and how cold the room is, thermostat shouldn't be used because the gear will make everyone else even hotter and when she has her robe, she will get hotter.
Oh, and one of the models wore sweats and a sweater during breaks, quick change, no problem (except for her hair maybe).
You dont need to come up with some contrived plan to avoid confronting him directly (although you probably should limit the crew anyway) and you dont need to be all overcompensating tough guy "so help me god if you fuck this up there will be hell to pay" because in any kind of group management project theres only so many times you can get away with directing people like that.
Just say whats on your mind, make it clear to him that you've noticed it, and you wont stand for it. Then if it looks like he's going to fuck it up you take him aside and give him a bollocking.
w/r/t "weakness" this is basically a people management problem and its the same kind of problem thats going to crop up over and over again in any kind of career. The thing shitty managers do is they ruin their case by overstating it, they have a legitimate grievance but they're afraid of looking weak so in their quest to establish that they not one with whom to fuck they blow it out of proportion and put the other person on the defensive and by extension end up looking like they're just making a big deal about nothing. State the problem outright without embellishment: You are doing x and I will not put up with it.
Personally if it's as harmless as the stuff that you've mentioned I'd let it go. If it's something out of line then I'd just stamp down on him hard and kick him the fuck off the floor immediately.
Satans..... hints.....
Not only is it really scummy to be hitting on girls in relationships happy or otherwise you clearly haven't read the thread. This has less to do with the OP being jealous of the guys lady wooing skills and more to do with his concerns about it fucking up work that affects a lot of people.
If so its especially important - warn him that he could be sued for sexual harassment.
If he's not a key crew that needs to be there just have him take the day off. Or make him in charge of crafty if he absolutely has to be there.
Oh no, your Pervy project partner found your thread!
In all seriousness, I totally do not understand why you would think his original post comes off as jealous. He's dealing with a delicate working situation, and as someone with industry experience, I can tell you that no, that kind of thing is not the sort of thing you let go as harmless on a set with nudity. These situations require the utmost professionalism, and the OP understands that.
Also, every girl I've ever been friends with or dated that has commented on the subject has said that whenever a guy pulls the "are you happy in a relationship" line they just smile and ignore it but really want to punch the guy. It just makes you come off like a douchebag and hurts your chances way more than it helps them. It is such a stereotypical bad line that it amazes me anyone actually tries to use it in real life.
We had a problem at my school where a student said something along the lines "if you hug me, I'll give you the part" during a casting session. Our faculty were very upset and hastened official apology letters and such; I'm sure that the school would rather not have this guy on set since they are often responsible for student projects. With this kid's track record it is best not to risk anything and in the case that the OP doesn't feel comfortable telling this guy that he can't come, I am sure it will be simple to get the professor to do the dirty work.
The entire post to me comes off as a dude trying to white knight the lady so he can be the hero and she'll then magically fall for him without him having to actually ask her out or something.
If you are honestly worried about the dude though have a closed set and if he is still really necessary for the shoot just be ready to stomp him the fuck down and kick him off the set if he does do anything out of line.
Satans..... hints.....