I have lots of Classical music and am looking for something more "Rock". I really enjoy Apocalyptica - and am looking for something along those lines - I found a group last night who does the same thing, but covering Megadeth songs which was pretty cool - can't remember their name off the top of my head though....any others that you guys know of?
Also - I am looking for some good Bagpipe music
“Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro—I'm Broda!”
Their cover list.
Doesn't look like they do Megadeath, but they do pretty much everything else.
And I found the name of the band that covers Megadeth, it's called Primitivity.
Keep 'em coming if you have any more...
I will vouch for the Tool covers. Good stuff by and large. The Nine Inch Nails one is bad though.
I lurv Vanessa Mae. More pop-ish/upbeat but still fabulously good