Wake is a Neverwinter Nights Hardcore Roleplaying Persistent World. It's a mouthful so lets break it down
Neverwinter Nights - It's a multiplayer server within the original Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Nights game, it requires all the expansion packs to play
Hardocre - Low-magic, low-level, permadeath. The max level on the server is 6, and it runs on the
e6 gaming system. There are very few mystical beasts, undead, etc. and when you die you're dead for good, you have to roll a new character. The idea is to recreate a more down to earth experience rarely found in other NWN PWs
Roleplaying - You roll a character, whether it be a human warrior, dwarven cleric, or elf ranger. You give him or her a name, background, and goals. Fill out your skills and attributes according to this persona and then you enter the world and do exactly that, roleplay, with about 20-30 other people doing the same. It's certainly a different way of going about multi-player gaming and can be funny and exciting at times
Persistent World - A server that runs a bunch of connected zones as a world, populated with monsters, resources, buildings, cave systems, etc. Essentially an MMO-lite
So now that we have that out of the way, lets examine the server itself
Server Vision
Wake is aimed at reclaiming the quality of roleplay and the feeling of community that embodied the early days of Neverwinter Nights Roleplay Persistent Worlds. It is an attempt to put aside the cynicism and disappointment that many of us have found ourselves in since the advent of NWN2 among the many servers that never quite measured up to our expectations. Wake is our last attempt to reclaim the enjoyment of our shared hobby and create a server where engaging and high-quality roleplay is the standard and players are free to prance around pretending to be elves in an environment that reacts to their choices and actions. But seriously…
Wake is our attempt to recreate the traditional RP PW. Our aim is to take all of the things that made HAZE successful and create an enjoyable, high-RP server, to feed the addiction we all seem to have with online roleplaying.
Wake will be set in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting in order to take advantage of the fact that the majority of players are already familiar with the setting. It is expected that the FR setting will have little impact on Wake beyond providing a common background to the characters as well as the religious pantheons available.
Wake takes place on an unnamed continent being used as a Penal Colony by various nations and organizations throughout Faerun. New players arrive to the colony by sea, being thrown overboard from their prison ships near enough to the coast for them to swim the remaining distance. The players will immediately be given control of a failed settlement near the coast, and from there they will be left to their own devices to survive or perish upon the hostile continent as their actions see fit.
Ok wait so what the hell is this?
It's a roleplaying server, straight and simple, with less of a focus on adventuring and monster grinding and more on player interaction and the intrigue and backstabbing that comes with it.
I've been playing the server since launch, which was only about a week and a half ago, and already a bunch of really fun and amazing events have cropped up completely started, controlled, run, and ended by players. These events include
-A dwarven group attempting to consolidate resources and eventually creating a big gang war that broke down into a couple of fights, with the dwarven group ending up mostly dead
-Cultist of the demon god Jubilex discovering an ancient shrine and gathering together to try and control the slime monsters for an attack on the town. They were eventually hunted down and killed
-A druid group separating from town and creating their own grove somewhere more in-land, stealing resources from the town whenever they can
-A large, charming half-orc forming a harem around himself and essentially gaining control of the productivity of the town
So they don't call the main town Murdertown for nothing.
What to expect
You'll start the server at level 2, washed up on shore with some crude armor, a weapon, and a tool. Keep these things with you, as they are very important. The island is populated with various monsters of all shapes and sizes, most of which can kill you easily.
Once you arrive in town, you'll notice a large part of the people are gathered by the crafting stations. Crafting is a big part of the server, as the people of Murdertown attempt to build themselves better tools, weapons, armor, and other such things to better their lives on the island. There are no NPCs, everyone is a player and everyone has their own philosophy or goal in mind. Routinely people will form groups to gather resources outside of town, and that's where you'll encounter the most of your "adventuring"
Crafting and the harvesting of resources is a big part of the server, as on the opening day all anybody had was the ramshackles of the starting town, a tool, and a few petty resources. Everything you have to wear, wield, and weather under has to be built from the hands yourself or the community. Routinely people will make journeys inland to harvest resources which will be used to craft various items or materials, so if you're new jumping in on these groups is a great way to get accommodated with the people and the places of the server
Wake has an extensive wiki that explains the better part of the crafting system:
As well, you can see how indepth the crafting system is when you pour through the plethora of receipts and formulas required for items
http://spreadsheets1.google.com/ccc?key=tKyEtaIsbXUNPijZlwkqq7A&hl=enOk so now what?
To keep the population manageable and to make sure you understand what you're doing before you step into the server, there's a sign up process found here:
Once you're accepted, you'll have to download their launcher program, and once that's done you create a character and jump in-game. If you're new, I would advise you NOT use your favorite character concept for your first character, as you will probably end up dieing to a stupid mistake like walking into a spawn or being someplace you shouldn't. Once you have a grasp on the server, then make a second character with a concept or background you more enjoy and can explore fully.
If you're new to roleplaying and want to try it out or an old veteran who hasn't been around the block in a while, I'd definitely try it out. Give it a few days, as things may not be active when you first join up, and see how it works out.
Wake runs on the original NWN and although they try their best it doesn't look much up to par with today's graphics but it does the job and is mostly easier for the creative team to build or modify areas as they please.
I don't understand why NWN isn't up on digital distros yet. I think it'd be a perfect fit over at GOG.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
I'm not ashamed of what a humongous fucking nerd I am.
You on the other hand seem to be very ashamed of your pretty princess half-elf and her dress
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
No it's really not, it has a fucking enormous amount of problems right now but it's salvageable.
If the player base dwindles much more though it is screwed, as it won't be able to sustain the kind of factional conflicts the concept runs on
White FC: 0819 3350 1787