Howdy, Ive been playing d20 games (mutants and masterminds, d20 modern, and recently been dm'ing a 4E game) and i have this idea for a game.
I want to run a d20 modern (or shadowrun but ive never played that one) that takes place in a dark version of duckville from duck tales (about 10 years after the cartoon ended). The overall story is that Scrooge has control over the once prosperous city with an iron fist. The police work for him, and duckville is just a bad place to be in.
The players would be recruited by the bugle boys. There would be some side jobs here and there. One mission would go wrong and innocnets would be killed/hurt. One such character would be Fenton Crackshell. His legs get blown off and he see's his family get killed. He goes all punisher on the town and joins forces with a insanely gifted scientist named Gyro and becomes Gizmoduck.
Another thing going on would be Launchpad running a resistance. He and scrooge used to be great compainions, but he felt scrooge was crossing the line. One night, Scooge sent the silent 3 (huey, duey, and lewie) to kill him. However, he escaped just in time and went underground. The resistance is named "The Quack Pack".
The big final mission would be to steal scrooge's first dime, which is said to give scrooge all his power (its just a normal dime, but no one realizes that). They would have to infiltrate the money bin, and have to get past Donald (a lunatic who Scrooge releases on the city after the players have caused him so much problem) and Scrooge himself (both are more like the bad ass comic book versions and less like the cartoon.
So what do you all think? What can I add or do to make this game epic?
EDIT: Forgot to mention darkwing duck would probably make an appearance sometime since launchpad was in both shows
Bombie the Zombie
And this girl :
let me just go ahead and sign up for that right now
Yeah, d20 modern should work for what you've got in mind, I think so