Dear Loyal Customer,
We are thinking about making an open-world western in the vein of our smash hit Grand Theft Auto IV. How far would you like us to take this shit?
a) To the max.
b) To the extreme.
c) To the X-treme.
d) To the next level.
e) To eleven.
f) All of the above.
LAUNCH TRAILER (NEW 5/13)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NUjbORZueUREVOLUTION (NEW 5/7)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHkXbw9wY-ICOMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER (NEW 4/22)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImwR0apkuzAFREE ROAM MULTIPLAYER (NEW 4/8)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA9wSxebZmALIFE IN THE WEST, PART II (NEW 4/1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GXEqv8dxLgGENTLEMEN & VAGABONDS (NEW 3/25)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6fbil-esa4LIFE IN THE WEST (NEW 3/17)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrCY0G86SKkTHE WOMEN (NEW 2/24)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmMuJFta0_UTHE LAW (NEW 2/11)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Go2wm1w8RYWEAPONS & DEATH (NEW 1/28)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkHGEJXF-1MGAMEPLAY INTRODUCTION TRAILER (NEW 12/16)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1mb723fuYgMY NAME IS JOHN MARSTON (NEW 12/1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sU0PwzdMiY
This thread is about Rockstar's
Red Dead Redemption, the upcoming open-world western that uses an upgraded version of GTAIV's Rage/Euphoria engine.
Here is a link to the official website. It will be available on the
Xbox 360 and
Playstation 3. No PC version is currently planned. Let the discussion of western awesomeness commence.
Game Informer - 9.75/10
OPM UK - 10/10
GamesTM - 9/10
IGN - 9.7/10
PRE-ORDER BONUSESGamestop - Deadly Assassin outfit (reduces cooldown on Dead Eye)
Amazon - Golden Guns pack + $20 gift card toward future Amazon purchase
Best Buy - War Horse (faster + increased damage resistance)
Game Crazy - Mini-guide
Target - $5 gift card
Walmart - $10 gift card
Want to rope steer with fellow PA forum dwellers? Add the Xbox 360 metatag
AFistfulofWangs to your friends list, which is headed up by local cowpoke Crappy Jack. Jack has created a second tag, as the first only has a few slots left. If you can't get into the first, add
By popular demand, I will try to keep an updated list of
Playstation Network gamertags below. Please PM me your PSN username if you wish to be included.
PA Name / PSN Tag
Mr Obersmith / Obersmith
Jean Claude Van Calm / Grimmsy-
Shorn Scrotum Man / sojakfa
Capt Howdy / KayleSolo
Dashui / Vacorsis
NovembersChopin / NovembersChopin
Judas / Judas Iago
Pookiepoo / Pookie-san
Spectrum / MissGardenia
Lucascraft / Lucascraft
Skeezicks / Skeezicks
Schwhat / Schwhat
Coltaine / Flard
cooljammer00 / JohnDarc
Wishpig / MassiveHugAttack
Brock / Brockimus
Lehman / LehmanCM
Dr_Keenbean / Dr_Keenbean
Mostlyjoe13 / Mostlyjoe
MarioG / MarioGuzman
TehSloth / TehSloth
Cobell / Cobell
Salboacha / Salboacha
GnomeTank / GnomeTank
Fluxcap / Haul_N_Oats
badpoet / badpoet
KidDynamite / Ninjaforhire
wanthony / Grie
blikbok / blikbok
YamiNoSenshi / YamiNoSenshi
Kitantho / Kitantho
Evyl / AncientEvyl
Fluffy, Our Beloved Flopsy Bunny Friend / Reo_Bravo
Vanderbrent / Vanderbrent
Rubycat / Rubycat3
Doctor Fink / Doctor_Fink
Grunjin / Grunjin
Mightyhog / AgreeingMachine
Killerkabuto / thekillerkabuto
Hayt / Old_Cthulhu
deveric / deveric
Multiplayer is based in a free-roaming atmosphere, wherein the entirety of the map is available for you and your posse to do various activities, like hunt, take out gang hideouts, etc. More structured multiplayer modes will be accessed from this hub, and the details of those will be available soon. See the video above for a more detailed look.
In addition to the deep single player campaign and robust online multiplayer components of Red Dead Redemption, we are also very happy to finally reveal the game’s co-op mode, which will be released FREE in June simultaneously for both consoles via Xbox LIVE® and PlayStation®Network, respectively.
The Outlaws to the End Co-Op Mission Pack will feature six all-new cooperative multiplayer missions to play with 2-4 players. This will be a completely free download that we will have ready for you to download and play at some time in June.
These six explosive and epic missions will play out across the game world, including:
“Walton’s Gold”
Walton’s Gang have taken control of a mining camp rich with gold. Fight through the camp and load your mine cart with as much gold as you can carry and get out as fast as you can – Walton’s boys have rigged the place to blow!
“The River”
Ride a raft down river, taking out rebel encampments along the way until you reach the rebel stronghold of Nosalida and a final epic battle for the town’s massive weapons caches. Watch out for Gatling gun-equipped enemy rafts.
The Mexican Army has the town of Tesoro Azul under siege. Storm the gates under heavy cannon, Gatling gun and sniper fire to destroy the Mexican artillery placements.
Plus three more missions to be revealed in detail soon.
The Outlaws to the End Co-Op Mission Pack will also yield additional multiplayer XP rewards, and brand new Achievements/Trophies to unlock.
Stay tuned for much more information – as well as release information and pricing on two further downloadable content updates, which we plan to release over the summer. Both of them will also be available simultaneously for both consoles.
Austin Overpowered
Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.
Bearly Legal
Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.
Buckin' Awesome
Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.
Get 250 headshots in any game mode.
Clemency Pays
Capture a bounty alive.
Evil Spirits
Complete Tumbeweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.
Exquisite Taste
Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.
Fightin' Around the World
Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player.
Friends in High Places
Use a Pardon Letter with more than $5,000 Bounty in Single Player.
Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.
Go Team
Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches
Gold Medal
Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player.
Have Gun Will Travel
Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session
He Cleans Up Well!
Obtain the Elegant Suit.
High Roller
Win over 2,000 chips in a hand of Poker or Blackjack.
Hit the Trail
Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session
How the West Was Won
Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience.
In a Hail of Bullets
Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode.
Instinto Asesino
Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.
Long Arm of Marston
Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode.
Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead
Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank.
More than a Fistful
Earn $10,000 in Single Player.
Most Wanted
Maintain a max wanted level for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.
Mowing Them Down
Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.
No Dice
Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.
People are Still Strange
Complete 15 tasks for Strangers.
Posse Up!
Create a posse and get the maximum number of members
Red Dead Rockstar
Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match.
Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.
Slow on the Draw
Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session
Strange Things are Afoot
Complete a task for a Stranger.
The Gunslinger
Get a headshot while in Expert Mode in Single Player.
The Quick and everyone else…
Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches
Unnatural Selection
Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.
What About Hand Grenades?
Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes in any game mode.
Plus 13 secret achievements yet to be revealed.
Wait wait wait, where? You gotta tell me where you got $40 off for doing that.
You can ride it whenever you want. Its current location is always marked on your map, and it makes stops at a number of places, including Bonnie's ranch and Armadillo. One of the sharpshooting challenges is to shoot five birds while on a moving train.
Unfortunately, you can't jump onto a moving train, not even from a horse. I tried. A lot. So you've just gotta look on your map to see where the train is and get to a station.
xbox live | playstation network | steam | last.fm | flickr
Got a couple hours in on this last night. So far I keep being blown away by the scenery and little random events that seem to happen out of nowhere.
One of those random events (I think) happened when trying to get to the American Appetites mission. Wandered into some canyon by mistake and on my way out there was a dude running from two other guys shooting at him. Being the hero I am, I shot the guys doing the shooting. Turns out they were deputies or something. Ooops!
Problem is the game told me I was a bad dude and I couldn't help any more strangers until I was safe or something. Found the spot for the mission and nothing was there. I didn't see a wanted thing pop up or anything. Now no more question marks back in Armadillo. What do I need to do to help strangers again?
You can jump to a train from a horse, I've done it. You get a prompt to "press x to jump onto train."
I think you have to be at one of the junctions between the cars.
The three fastest horses are black, white with black face and golden pearl (the one you get from the quest). Also, your horse's stamina improves if you stick to riding it.
No, they don't. I just rode around on my own business and kept an eye out. They're small and hard to spot, so just listen for the audio cues.
One time I whistled for my horse and it came around the corner a little too fast and launched itself into a ravine. That was the first horse I ever lost.
I accidentally shot my second horse trying to protect it from cougars. My third horse died as a result of a cougar attack.
I ended up buying one of the really expensive golden pearl horses, so I'm hoping that guy stays alive for a while. Under no circumstances am I willing to put him in harm's way, though. I will hike a mile to a hideout if it means there's no stray gunfire anywhere near him.
Anyway I stole one from someone who apparently hitched his horse right in front of my house (what do you expect? I thought it was mine) and then ran off and rode for a while, gaining loyalty in the process. Do you just gain that through time, or is it riding in specific areas? I noticed it happened when riding close to a cliff, but it could've just been a coincidence.
Also, lost that horse later and decided to run down a wild one on foot and ended up taming him right near the edge of a cliff - felt awesome.
...thank you. Thank you so much.
It had honestly surprised me that I couldn't do it because Rockstar had nailed all the other small details. I'm glad to know that I can actually do it. That'll also make finishing up that sharpshooting challenge that much easier. Unfortunately the first time I tried I got three before I went into a tunnel, but by the time I got out of the tunnel it turned to night time.
Who will run a posse with me in about an hour?
It's got character. And experience.
I was on the horse... Thought it was just a hill
Shouldn't need to do anything. At some point, the stranger will show back up. I did a couple of missions and whatever step I was on, that person showed back up near the Sheriff's office.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
Yah, you can, if you can find the herds. They can be annoying to find at times. And remember, you will have no horse to go chasing after them, unless you steal one.
Everyone keeps saying this! But I'm just not getting any Oblivion vibe... I guess I'm broken
Image by Sharpwriter on deviantart.com
Cool beans, I'll give this a shot tonight and see what happens. Today will be a long day at work.
I laughed out loud when I read the ravine part.
Now I want to buy this game just to try to recreate that.
I'm going to hell. I know it.
Also, where can I find those hunting grounds? I want to get a posse together and do the wave after wave thing Brannigan's style.
If you look at the map, there will be animals on it. I know it marks good dear spots and such. Look for a boar, and head to that area.
I am finding it hard to resist.
Friday is almost here.
It saves all the fucking time...basically after anything even remotely noteworthy happens. But if you are really worried about it, you can always force save by using the camp site or going back to one of your rooms.
Easy killer, I mean in multiplayer. The only time I noticed it say saving is when I finish a gang hideout.
How accessible is the train interior? If so, is it robbable?
North of Bonnie's Ranch is the best place. There are animal pictures on the map that serve as a rough guide.
Don't let them ram you off of the hills though.
Hanging Rock or something? It's a major landmark North of Armadillo.
Sorry, I was putting emphasis, not being aggressive :P
I was just saying this morning to my wife (who actually enjoyed watching FO3) that this was the first game I've been this immersed in, since Fallout 3. Not really trying to compare them as games, because they play quite a bit different...but how immersed I am in the world, and that "just one more thing" feeling, are very much the same.
I've been playing the good guy, tipping my hat at everybody. It's the decent thing to do.
Probably because I like all of the characters I've met, and the story is pretty great. It just feels wrong to be an asshole.
e: Except for poker. I cheat at poker. If I get caught, I shoot whoever it was and go back to cheating at poker.
That's the feeling. Very immersed in the world. Not just caring about the main character, but what's going on around him. I can't wait until I get home and the kids go to bed. I want to play more I want to experience the "wild west".
Gamer tag is TheRocketCan. Adding the 360 Metatags to my friend's list.
If you ladies and gentlemen would kindly permit me, may I say...
Yah, I agree. Oddly, I've been trying to play this game completely on "feel", because there is no "force meter" that I really care about (I know it tracks infamy and honor, but it's not as in your face as some black/white systems out there). So it's been pretty easy to do what I felt was the right thing to do, and in doing so, have very naturally taken a honorable path, though I have performed a few dishonorable acts (again, completely based on what I felt was right at the time, given what I knew, not trying to meta game it too much).
e: How do you cheat at poker? I know I can look around and stuff, but is there more to poker than I am getting? Does each player actually have a tell?