Last update: 31Dec11
ITT we laugh, we cry, and we sit around with our party flag up.
Final Fantasy XI is Square's entry in the MMO market and if you've got a PS2/3, Xbox 360, or a half-decent PC then you too can play, because it's totally cross-platform with international servers
The June version update is here, marking the arrival of "Vision of Abyssea", the first in the Abyssea series of battle add-ons set to offer epic new challenges to adventurers who would take up arms under the sunless skies of this forbidding realm.
But that's not all! This update will feature the long-awaited lifting of the level cap, accompanied by a host of new weapon skills and job abilities. Adventurers can also venture into the newly unlocked Walk of Echoes and experience the climactic conclusions of the Wings of the Goddess nation quests. There's bound to be something for everyone!
Players are also encouraged to revisit the Vision of Abyssea site, where the latest information on the formidable set of arms known as "Empyrean Weapons" has been revealed.
Full details on the version update may be found
Access the official Vision of Abyssea site
Seasonal Event!
No seasonal event currently~!
Not sure if FFXI is for you? Then you should check out the 14-day free trial! It's free (as cleverly indicated in the previous sentence) and doesn't even require a credit card to play.
NA TrialEU TrialJP Trial
What makes this game different?
- Job system - 20 available jobs, all of which can be played on a single character
- Difficulty - nothing in this game is easy
- Grouping - if you're going to get most anything done, you'll need to team up
- Crafting - nearly everything monsters drop is in some sort of crafting recipe and the job system ensures even low-level gear is always in demand
- Community - the playerbase is a pretty good bunch and is willing to help you out with most things
- Atmosphere - the game looks and feels like Final Fantasy through and through
- Cutscenes - yep, they're here too
Screenshots from Grinnin
Screenshots from Bri
Screenshots from Ormi
Haiku Attachment
I wish I were a real girl.
Sad automaton.
Can I solo?
The simple answer is "Yes and no," but it is a bit more complicated than that.
As a brand new character, fresh out of the shrink-wrap, you will be soloing until you get a job to level 10 at the minimum; sometimes upwards of level 15. From that point on, it is in your best interests to find parties, or at least one or two other people to group with, for two reasons:
The monsters get a lot tougher. The power curve goes from a gentle wading pool to an olympic swimming pool to a raging river rapids.
All higher end reward content (the stuff that gets you the cool swag) needs parties in sets of three, (usually) six, and sometimes 18. How to behave in a party is a skill set that you need to cultivate: Without it you miss the whole game.
Once you have some job levels under your belt, and some other resources, you may pursue a job combination that allows you to solo at higher levels. Be advised though, that these jobs are often lonely things, and expensive to boot: Making aquantinces and sharing risks is and always has been the fastest way to advance in the game, in the long run.
How do you work this crazy thing?
Here is the lowdown on the controls:
First put the mouse away from you. Don't touch it while in game.
Red is main menu. It has lots of option on two pages. It is pretty much everything you can do, so in combat it isn't particularly useful. If you have something targeted, hitting the enter key will bring up a context menu on the lower left. Navigate menus by using the arrow keys with your thumb.
Green is movement. 8 key for forward, the others for left, right, back. The five key in the center will change camera from first person to third person. If the camera is in first person, 4 and 6 will turn you. If it is in 3rd person they will move your character left and right. While in 3rd person, and a menu is not up, the arrow keys will handle camera control. While in first person and a menu is not up the arrow keys will turn your characters head.
If you are running forward, 7 is auto run. If you find yourself stuck walking slowly, you accidentally hit the / key, and hitting it again will allow you to run again. The * key on the numpad will let you heal. This will restore lost HP and MP.
Tab and escape for targeting. F1 through F6 will target yourself and members of your party. This is handy for mages.
Alt +1 through 0 and Ctrl +1 through 0 will allow you to use macros you have previously set up. There are a few default macros when you create a character, but those are useful pretty much only to show you how macros are set up. Delete them all and make your own by going to macros on page 2 of the main menu in the upper right of your screen by hitting '-' on the numpad, then the left or right arrow key once and the down arrow key to get to macros.
You have 20 books of macros to play with. Each book has 10 pages, with 20 macros on each page and six lines on each macro.
Which server should I join?
Carbuncle seems to be the server of choice for PA people so maybe consider going there! Or somewhere else! Anarchy!
Here's a list of who's on or has been on what server, though I don't know how accurate it is!
(PA forum name) - (FFXI character name)
Skullie - Skullie
SkannerJAT - Ramiah
SNES - Arkm
Bama - Dael
Grundlestiltskin - Treva
Kyanilis - Kyanilis
Varega - Varega
scygen - Scygen(?)
fightstrife - Paige
king awesome - Emol
Ultravisitor - Dose
Arcibi - Arcibi
The Dude With Herpes - Kingshand
Just_Bri_Thanks - Bri
Xhero - Ormi
Pb - Ancalaehte
Smashism - Samash
Trevor Goodchild - Loras
ins0mniac - Dimen
Xanarios - Rikiru
Koopa_Paratroopa - Maus
Demitri Omni - Demitrion
RawrBear - Littlebear
RooX - Lumir
Dyvion - Dyvion
ProfMoriarty - Fefron
zanmatto - Misteyy
EdwinOfThay - Edwin
draw4wild - Kalbus
WillisIVIIX - Gynin
Murphy - Murphie
Elimination - Vyles
EricKei - Erickei (Hiatus)
Professor Snugglesworth - Jorginus
Stryker43 - Caldyen
ProfMoriarty - Ocilus
seabass - Bassiwassi
Evil_Pig - Karli
GrinninBarrett - Ishmael
neville - Neville
UltraMantisBlack - Ultramantis
RavynBlackheart - Vehnibi
Tcheldor - Tortalius
Freebytes - Freebytes
mystic_knight - Everitt
Xhaztol - Xhaztol
Aoi - Squidge
The Laughing Man - Stompy
PM for additions or changes
Newbie FAQ that I'm totally copy/pasting from the old thread because I'm too lazy to write a new oneYou've installed the game. You plugged in your keyboard. Now what?
I. New Player Guides
II. Resource Links
III. Consoles
IV. PC and third party addons
If you have installed the game on PC and are playing it for the first time, make sure you run the config utility out of your start menu before playing the game. The game will be an ugly mess if you don't. If it is not in your start menu it can be found by going to your ffxi installation and then going to "...\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI\ToolsUS\FINAL FANTASY XI Config.exe"
I. New Player Guides
SE's New Player Guide
These video's are hosted on the main FFXI site.
They contain easy to understand instructions for all platforms.
Watch all videos, click each section on the left column.
LBR's Gigantious Beginners Guide to Vana'diel
So this is a FFXI podcast, I'll admit the hosts are kind of annoying.
This super long podcast though has a lot of useful information to a new player.
Skim through it sometime while soloing out those first levels.
Forum Post New Player Guide
Kind of opinionated but lots of good macro tips and more.
II. Resource Links
These sites will help. Go here first if you have a question, a lot of basic (and advanced) info is out there for the taking, just look for it. Of course, ask away in this thread if you can't find an answer from these links.
Links by Grinnin!FFXI Auction House Database
An online AH that lets you check prices and trends from any AH on any server from your browser.
FFXI Wikia
FFXI's Wiki. Just about everything you could possibly look up is in this Wiki.
Another FFXI Wiki just in case the other one doesn't have what you're looking for.
Vana'diel Atlas
A site with all the maps and related information in the game. Useful if you're ever lost, or wondering what kind of treasure you can find in a zone.
Vana'diel Bestiary
Excellent source for finding out what monsters exist where; also a handy tool for deciding where to take your party to XP.
FFXI Firefox Plugin
Nifty Firefox plugin. Show FFXI times, searches, skillchains, and more.
III. Consoles
Playstation 2
Must have a fatty PS2
Need a HDD
Must have Network Adapter
USB keyboard
Playstation 3
BC confirmed for consoles that allow it
Xbox 360
Must have HDD
POL and FFXI take up about 7.5 gigs
USB keyboard
Messenger Kit mini keyboard doesn't function correctly. "/" doesnt work.
Free Silver membership required (no need for gold)
IV. PC and third party addons
Controller Issues
Most PC users prefer to plugin a USB controller and play mostly with that, although many players go without it. See which you are most comfortable with.
If you do use a controller, there are a few problems you may run into.
The Microsoft Xbox 360/Windows controller will have some issues. The MS drivers won't let the triggers work, which you need badly for macroes, trust me.
Xbox 360 Fan Drivers
These fan made drivers let you use the 360 controller correctly with the game.
They also allow you to use budget third party controllers too. Such as, mad catz, pelican, and so on.
MUST BE THE WIRED CONTROLLER, the wireless adapter WILL NOT work with this fan driver, thus making the wireless controller useless for FFXI.
VISTA USERS: Pay close attention to the direction on your install, it is a bit trickier.
Windower - Shhhhhhh
The first rule of
windower is you do not speak about windower (in game, ever, I am serious). SE sees all third party software as potential hacks and if they can prove you use it, they will ban you.
Windower is essentially some plugins that provide a multitude of options outside of the default game. You can view other party members TP, distance from enemy, cooldown counters, and way more.
It can also increase the graphics for the game by tweaking the registry (which you can do by yourself at your own risk), so the game appears sharp.
How do you know it's safe to use?
There is no way that SE can detect you using the program, SE has never detected anyone and just banned them for using the program. Now if you run around Sandoria shouting I USE WINDOWER, I don't think I can guarantee your accounts safety.
Even if you discuss it in a party nobody will probably respond, so you are better off just not mentioning it in game, at all, ever. EVER.
How do I use it?Download the program first. Unzip it to a more permanent location.
Open up "Launcher_GUI"
Click the
Advanced box. Set the Overlay Resolution to whatever resolution you want FFXI running at (desktop resolution).
Under: Registery > Background, is where you can change the texture sharpness. Make sure they both match. If X is greater than your background resolution it will create an in game AA effect. Nifty, AND HOW!
Now launch FFXI from this launcher from now on.
I also recommend the DrawDistance plugin to cut down on the fog in game and the infobar plugin to show you enemy details.
Higher Resolution Sprites - UI icon's
Brandson first made some higher res sprites for the game and Emiko has recently taken up where he left off. These
icons IMO are clearer than the FFXI default icons and much more clean looking. There is also a widescreen version so no more icon stretching.
In game map replacements
Another old project of Brandson continued by Emiko. Replaces in game maps with more detailed variants that include path information, NM spawns and more.
ApRadar - The third party minimap!
If I could marry a plugin it would be this one. Simply unzip and open when you have FFXI running. It will display a minimap of your current location. Also displays maps regardless if you own them or not, so useful.
I made a series of youtube vids back in the day showing what some different areas in the game look like. Give them a watch if you like:
And now, here is Kingshand talking about helpful websites:
So, I was going through my bookmarks to cleanup my bookmark bar and thought I'd share some of the more useful FFXI links I use quite a lot while playing:
FFXI Timer This thing I leave up constantly while I'm playing. It uses your system time settings and displays the upcoming moon phases, element for the day and upcoming days, and what real time they'll be;<<<Snip>>>
FFXI AH Exactly what it says. Infinitely more useful now with linked AH's, but it's always been a major tool. <<<Snip>>>
FFXIclopedia FFXI Wiki. Pretty self explanatory. Virtually anything you might want to know can be found here.<<<Snip>>>
MithraPride Chocobo Race Schedule If you're looking for a certain item (usually the xp pages) from the chocobo "races" you sometimes see when going to a chocobo stable in town (the NPC will ask you for a favor, etc), this site will tell you when you can find said race to get what reward and what the required time is.<<<Snip>>>
FFXI Atlas Exactly what the name implies. Maps. And with a lot more detail than the in-game maps. You can turn on/off a lot of the options to see what you need to see.
OP shamelessly stolen, but modified a bit!
I am not sure if I was doing enough damage, but the dancer was doing about half of what I was doing. Edwin thinks it is all his fault we lost, but it isn't. 4 Jelly reached the center and then we all died horribly.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
Don't people usually want gravity for that one though?
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
It was only a little my fault. :P But seriously we need someone who is not a dancer. And is preferably a Dragoon.
Would a WAR/SAM be at all useful? I could pick up some level 40 WAR gear and give it a go if it would help. Definitely couldn't level DRG for it though; I have a hard enough time hopping on to play as it stands with red dead redemption and WoW.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Was originally only going to take whm to 40 so that I could do COR/WHM or COR/RNG all the way through 80, but it's been surprisingly enjoyable. Or it was until I got haste anyway. Then it was haste 4/6ths of the party and rest every 3 minutes, with occasional emergency healing / dia2.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
For all the newcomers: It would be wise to not pick Whm as your first starting Job. The spells get very expensive, and you can't farm for shit. Just my personal complaints. :P
And as long as you can dish out some damage I think Warrior should be okay.
Also is a 52blm gonna be able to solo the dragoon flag nm?
WHM is the second cheapest job <.<
It's also not a terrible farmer with its amazing durability if you build a decent melee set. And you can just Tele-whore for the initial cash.
I'm 90% certain that fight is uncapped, so yes. Sleep the eye, nuke the dragon, nuke the eye.
Best DRG solo subs are generally considered to be BLU / RDM >> BLM (ice spikes + poison) / WHM. RDM will probably usurp BLU in June with native refresh / convert.
Best/Expected party subs are WAR/SAM/NIN and very occasionally, one of the above mage jobs.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
How accurate is this entry:
From the Stop Having Fun Guys page on TVtropes?
As for Dragoon -- DRG/WHM is what I've been told until 30, then DRG/DNC is an option.
At 35 you get your first colibri party and you should be 75 in about 2 days after that due to your having a polearm, and thus piercing damage. Most Dragoons are DRG/WAR until 60, then DRG/SAM after that -- at 30 you get Meditate as a /SAM (along with Store TP 2). Around the same time, DRG/WAR starts pulling hate, so L60 is a very good time to start going DRG/SAM.
Personally, once I hit 75, I'm going to start working on Dragoon until the patch comes out. I plan on ultimately staying at 80/40 Samurai/Dragoon in parties at endgame, so I don't have people expecting me to tank. Plus, there's the whole Jump = TP = YAY thing.
And drg/dnc is only if you don't have a mage job to sub or possibly in campaign (due to how exp is counted), otherwise the the wyvern healing breath absolutely destroys /dnc's ability to heal. Hell, I've seen a couple amazing drg/rdms solo heal entire groups (granted, after they get their AF helm.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
Myself, I just like ye olde Samurai. I HITS STUFFS WITH MAH SWORD.
Samurai is simply the highest low which is why it’s so favored (everyone expects the worst).
THF: one of the highest DoT jobs in game. Oh and look they do piercing damage just like Dragoon. Just as invited.
WAR: higher DoT than SAM average+ gear levels
DRK: Highest possible DoT, with the potential for Apoc and K.Club at the absolute peak.
RNG: Piercing damage more powerful WS than Dragoon
MNK: Insane haste, birdkillers give h2h piercing damage.
Basically I’ve only seen discrimination against the “special” DDs: PUP (suffered from weak start and uncheckable automation), BLU (nonSEA BLUs give it a bad name), DNC (really a support job), BST. But there are fewer of these around anyway, so that also explains their lack of invites.
Yeah sure. Of course, in situations where there’s an actual tank (aka non /nin), all melee can benefit from /DRG (+5-6% haste, jumps), /DNC, and /THF. So… like above, 3-5 useful subjobs
WHMs get haste, healskin, and AoE debuff removal, making them just as good as RDM for bird parties without melee manausers (common) and probably superior anywhere else. SCH works out in all parties too, they provide benefits other than haste and refresh (and they’ll get both over the next few months).
Ugh. NIN wheel is very very strong after 40 until endgame. Elemental resistances are used against HNMs. The –CE on hitting shadows was added to make it consistent with –CE from being hit normally. This is considered a boon to anyone /nin since in general you want to be hit and then *lose agro* before you start losing HP. No, NIN didn’t end up like SE’s intended vision, but that vision was idiotic to begin with. But complaining NINs tank is like complaining PLDs tank.
Or so they don’t die. Less damage that needs to be healed, the more DPS they can stack in and less early deaths that lower group damage. DPS is the only stat that scales infinitely in these games, this is pretty standard operating procedure… Simply put, LSs are going to make you take the strongest defensive sub on fight where survival is more important than theoretical maximum dps.
10-68 PUP in parties. PUP suffered a huge stigma from sucking when they started.
Everyone wants dancers, there just aren’t that many of them.
Beastmasters don’t seek, but they do fine in parties if they feel like it.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
Also how does the mage sub work for dragoon, if I'm under 35% health I cast any spell and my wyvern will heal me? So far I've only tried opening a battle with poison and my wyvern did nothing, of course foV regen makes it so I'm never under 35% hp for the most part.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
drg/dnc sucks, don't bother. You can't dance hard enough to make up for the loss of Healing Breath
drg/blu will be your main healing setup, though drg/whm is better in some situations (most notably, Nyzul Isle). drg/blu is only going to get better when the level cap increases: more drg-relevant stat boosts via set spells and self-haste via Refueling are gonna rule
drg/nin is the exact definition of doing it wrong and if someone asks you to go to anything drg/nin, I suggest laughing at them and showing up drg/sam out of spite
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
I say this because, yes, whm is cheap in and of itself, but also, unlike melee jobs you can't sell back the scrolls you inevitably spend 200k-300k on. If you are lvling any other melee class, you can just sell back your armor if you need extra cash.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
Monk (for 'free' dual wield) -> 18
War / Monk (after subjob quest) -> 30
Dancer / Monk -> 25
Samurai / Dancer and Samurai / Warrior -> 50
Hand 2 Hand is cheap and really high damage. Dancer allows a lot of melee classes to solo. Samurai is generally a very cheap, simple, easy job that is in high demand. Warrior is incredible damage as a subjob.
After 50, start doing the Genkai quests and your AF -- 25 Dancer gives you Sneak and Invis, as well as self healing. Makes doing them a lot easier. As I got higher level cap, I worked on Warrior and Dancer to 40 for subjobs.
My ultimate goal at 80 is 80 dragoon/samurai and/or 80 samurai/dragoon.
I cannot imagine starting the game as a caster. I've never partied with one in a party after L37, at least not casters that use offensive magic. The cost of the magic, too... ugh. White Mages get teleports, at least there's that source of money, I guess.
I started White Mage after taking Bri to 18 on Monk. I also never really got into the whole selling teleports thing, but we have previously established that I am a glutton for punishment.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
True, melee can sell gear as they level, but the cost of their final set could also be considered a sunk cost (peacock charm alone is more gil than any mages sunk cost to spells). Also a lot of mages reuse the same spells or get use out of them as a sub. You only need to drop 20k on haste once for whm and rdm.
Still, even count spell as the only sunk cost, its the cheapest mage job by the virtue of not needing as many sets of gear or all those expensive spell acc / spell damage pieces. Other than bard I can't think of any job that requires less gil to be decent good or great.
Re: drg. Yeah I originally had blu > rdm, but rdm offers some extra utility (sneak/invis for one). Plus at 99 it will offer dispel convert refresh and haste, hard to beat.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
It's kind of daunting thinking of having to level /war and /sam to 30 too just to play dragoon, especially considering I only have 4-6 summer months before XIV and this is only a stopgap till then. I suppose as long as I can finally kill Shadowlord and get rank6 after 7 years I'll be happy tho:)
it's funny, half the time I hate the way my taru looks and think I'll never roll lalafell in XiV. then the other half of the time I love it and think I have to roll lalafell. He was awesome in my dinner coat and hose, then when I wore leather at lvl 7 I hated him, and now I love him again in scale
Doing the math, it's going to take me 5-6 days of constant partying to go from 71-75.
I think it took me a week to go from L1 Monk to L30 War, 18 Monk, 1 Sam, 1 Dancer.
Levelsync made finding parties very easy, but christ getting skill ups is a bitch.
I'm currently 110 Polearm, gained 23 points on Colibri solo in B. Thickets today. Going to try for 150 tomorrow and then just play dumb with my next Colibri party. I should go from 150 to 200 pretty quickly.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
It just seems like the "initial investment" for magic is much more than a new player should have to handle, not to mention that some of the gear for melee jobs can be won from BCNMs and the like, given that it's rare.
A pre40 WHM can get away with:
Cure I: 65
Cure II: 600
Cure III: 3500
Curaga: 1400
Protect I: 225
Protect II: 6500
Shell I: 1600
Regen: 4000
Barfire: 1760
Total: ~20,000
Getting things like barstonera, silence/slow/paralyze, and the status cures aren't strictly necessary at that level for most things but even if they knock up the price to 30,000 it's not that much. And that's all guaranteed from NPCs, a bunch of those are common drops that go on the ah for pennies or that you'll find just killing beastmen to level. That's at most 30 stacks of crystals, or a few stacks of onions/beehive chips/silk/etc. A couple pieces of beetle or bone +1 and / or a good weapon will match that (versus a cheap staff or wand+1), to say nothing of an Emp. Hairpin or Leaping Boots.
And then there's the food where mages get to use super cheap cookies or pies while the melee should still be using mithkabobs or tentacle sushi or rice dumplings.
Anyway, you could gimp it up as a melee pretty cheaply, sure, but you can do the same as a mage. Low level mages are cheaper to excel as though, or even just to do well as, esp. whms (and lazy SCHs/RDM who only build a whm set).
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
Yeah in a little under 3 weeks I got 37dnc, 20nin, and19 drg and that's all solo. I don't like grouping if I'm not properly geared so lack of utusemi for dnc/nine and no/war yet for dragoon make me solo.....ill probably get drg to20 then level war to 15so I can group on drg some, especially since the best part of this game for me is party dynamics
40+ is where I ran into trouble. So...I guess it is a cheap starting job. After 40 though...I don't even want to add it up.
(hell they even added nice 30 BCNMs that are also profitable).
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
The upcoming version update will see the lifting of level restrictions in Chains of Promathia areas. In light of the planned level cap increase, the level and distribution of enemies in certain Promathia areas will also be adjusted to pose a worthy challenge to players level 75 and beyond. A journey of rediscovery to your favorite areas of old awaits!
Level restrictions will be lifted in the areas below:
Pso'Xja / Promyvion - Holla / Promyvion - Dem / Promyvion - Mea / Promyvion - Vahzl / Phomiuna Aqueducts / Sacrarium / Riverne - Site #B01 / Riverne - Site #A01
Promathia Missions
Level restrictions imposed upon mission battlefields will also be lifted, making the Chains of Promathia missions more accessible than ever before. Adventurers who have yet to delve into the dark secrets of the Twilight God may now proceed with easier hearts!
*No changes are being planned for the storyline or mission progression. Level restrictions will remain in effect for ENM quests.
Eh, nowadays, even the spells 40+ are super-cheap. Erase goes for 3k now. 3k! I paid 600k for it back in the day (and that was before the super-inflation of '06. Back then you'd get 500 gil per tele! Also, I had to walk to Jeuno uphill both ways in the snow! *shakes cane*)
At least by the time I made it to Raise III, it wasn't 3mil+ anymore. (Now it sells for 10k. )
Soboro access is going to mean a bagillian more samscrubs. At least SAM roll is pretty decent for my COR.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
Does this mean ill now have to be 75+ to do CoP missions tho. I was looking forward to being able to duo and trio the CoP storyline
From the sound of it, they may be adjusting some mobs but not the mission areas. "*No changes are being planned for the storyline or mission progression. Level restrictions will remain in effect for ENM quests. "
My guess is you'll be able to, say, have some 75 friends come kill everything in the Promy up to the fight and then do the fight as normal. What they might bump up to 75 would be the NMs, like the Soboro NM, to keep those items from becoming simple solo camps. It will still be much easier to get them though.
Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
(Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
(Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf