Here are the details. We are running a Scales of War campaign. We have 4 people, and have had trouble securing a 5th.
We play Sundays at 5-6 pm EST. We meet up over various IM programs etc... and join my vent server to play. We use maptool ( no frameworks ) to play on.
Our GM is relatively busy during the week and has left it up to me to do the recruiting etc... Please respond here or PM me if interested.
Our campaign starts at Lvl 2. We are using DMG standard for starting equipment ( One lvl 3 item, One level 2 item, One level 1 item, and 360 gold, and 1 adventurers kit ).
We have a Kalashtar Bard, a Drow Assassin, an Elven Avenger, and a Human Wizard. We would appreciate a defender class for the 4th role, but it is neither vital nor necessary.
We welcome all kinds to our group and we are quite enthusiastically chatty.
We are also looking for someone who is able to keep in regular contact either through Email, IM or other means during the week.
As i said before we are doing Scales of War. This is the players guide we are using for the campaign. It has a history of the Elsir Vale, and starting information etc... to help you create a character.
We are starting in the city of Brindol. The meeting place is the Antler and Thistle on the east side of town, north of the university. The characters do not know each other.
Only monsterous races are off limits. All other races are welcome. All classes are welcome. We use the DDI character creator to make our sheets, but if you want to write one up or dont have DDI you can do so as well, and we will convert your sheet into a PDF for you.
Experience levels vary. We would like someone with some roleplaying experience. You dont have to know 4th edition, but it does help.
We are playing tonight, but if you cant make it tonight, but can make it to future sessions, feel free to sign up. We are looking more for the long term rather than the short term.
Ill pm you my contact information, And ill get you introduced to the group.