So today during a management meeting the owner brought up that he is considering giving everyone in the company who doesn't smoke a considerable raise, in order to persuade other employees to stop smoking. According to him, smokers cost the company money in lost productivity during frequent smoke breaks, they show up for work less than non-smoking employees and "it is offensive to non-smokers".
See, the thing is that he quit smoking about a year ago, after smoking for years. We aren't charged more money by our insurance for having smoking employees on the policy, and the whole "lost productivity due to breaks" thing is complete bullshit, as we're only allowed a certain number of breaks which we are legally entitled to anyway. The whole thing about smokers not showing up for work as often is also bullshit, as there are a whole number of things that cause missed days much more than
smoking, such as having children or drinking alcohol.
So, seriously, this is a bunch of bullshit. I'm sitting down with him tomorrow morning for some other things, and plan on talking to him about this new potential policy, but want your input on other points to bring up. As a smoker without children who doesn't drink and lives a responsible life outside of work, and who doesn't take more than two breaks a day to smoke which rarely take longer than five minutes at a time, what points should I bring up in order to prevent this ridiculous policy from being enacted which do
not sound like a bunch of bitching and whining just because I don't want to be forced to quit smoking during company time?
smoking is bad for you
you will die
I won't tell anybody.
If by preconcieved notions, you mean my grandmother dying of lung cancer, then yes.
Yes it is bad for you so your company totally has a right to hit you with a financial penalty for a personal choice?
yes, crazy notions like lung cancer and emphysema. fucking crazy.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
But is there a way that pipe smoking doesn't look cool?
unless I can take fresh air breaks, too
He speaks truth
What kind of bullshit crazy train did you people get off of?
Stop looking in my windows at night. So I help me I'll get Venetian blinds.
"Oh, hi.
Check these dudes out."
What, you can't wait 45 extra seconds to smoke, you chain-smoking fuck?
I doubt that Rank is quite THAT bad... probably just wants a couple of cig breaks a day.
Just state calmly that you don't think it takes away from your productivity. Prove it to him if you can. Or, as mentioned by Scarlet, just ask if the breaks themselves can be limited in frequency and time.
Smoking is a personal choice. Business is business. Therefore, your personal habits shouldn't influence how much you make... especially when it's applied to smoking and not drinking; drinking too much can make you suck at work, but smoking probably doesn't effect the quality of your work... only the time you spend at it (and, like you said, probably a max of 15 minutes per 8 hours).
well thank you for the breaking news mister whippy sir
however, seeing as how I am partaking of a perfectly legal activity twice a day during the breaks I am legally required to be provided with, I do not feel that this limitation on what I choose to do is reasonable
you see, the reasons he brought up about why he wanted to go through with this new policy are rather transparently false
we lose far, far more time to personal calls and family visits on a daily basis than we do to people taking five minutes a couple of times a day to have a cigarette
plus, during the meeting the accountant brought up the point that both individually and on average, the non-smoking employees already make a considerable amount more than the smoking employees
so this just seems to be a strange and rather foolish policy, and is one that I think is pretty damaging to company morale
plus, man, I like smoking
I find it soothing and relaxing, and don't want to be told to stop for some petty reason like this
I'll quit on my own when I want to quit, thanks
so what points should I bring up to make sure this don't happen?
devils advocate: "your body" is costing "my company" mucho moolah in health insurance.
oh, whoops! looks like we needed to do some cost cutting today!
(seriously, tho, i'm all for people having the right to not be restricted by their employer while they're not at work, but what's your counterarg for health insurance?)
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I mean, I really don't care if people get cigarette breaks
But it's fucking retarded when non-smokers can't take breaks just because.
I think I'm going to go with Kazhiim on this one
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
I've been tempted to just buy a pack of cigarettes once every couple weeks.
Go outside, light one up, and just hold it and take a break.
And honestly that's pretty fucking close to discrimination for them to reduce your pay because you're a smoker. I mean, I understand if an employee is going through a half pack an hour, but god damn, nobody does that.
I think I love you.
I work at a retirement home, in the kitchen. The cooks all smoke, so they all got out together. They can't even take turns, they all have to go outside at once.
I know that's not about policy or anything, but it pisses me the hell off.
having been a smoker and successfully having quit, i can make teh funney for any side of this debate.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
i mean jeez
can you imagine a born-again giving a raise to all his christian co-workers, as encouragement for non-christians in his employ to convert?
or oh hey
let's give a bonus to all the people who also like the tv show lost
that's bullshit
abloo, abloo
A guy I worked with would walk into work and immediately take a cigarette break. I mean, he was pretty much the best employee otherwise.
But fuck, why didn't you smoke on the drive over?
If people can't take snorting break, then you shouldn't be allow to take smoking break.
That's just retarded.