Weigh-in: August 15
What say you PA? Are you a bad enough dude(duddette) to get in shape?
This is the official DnD Weigh Loss Challenge. Doesn't matter if you have 5, 10, 20, 40 lbs to lose (or gain), feel free to join in. There's no judging here, no harsh stares. Unless you get on webcam. Every 30 days the participants will report with their progress. There will be tears. There will be laughter. And hopefully there will be self improvement.
Joining is simple. Just add yourself to
HERE and start at it.
Yeah, the site design is atrocious, but there's tons of good stuff here. It's a good place to keep track of calories for food, get a workout plan, and mark your progress. It also has sparkpages, so you have another outlet to flaunt your sexy new selves.
Official DnD Spark TeamPhotos!
Show your sexy self off! Watch yourself go from zero to hero! Just make an album for yourself, label it as your spreadsheet and fill it with pics.
Username: WeightDnD
Password: pennyarcade
Tips and Tricks:
-Weight loss, contrary to what some people think is not impossible. It's all about making the right choices, and plenty of motivation. We can't help you out with the first, but you'll find plenty of the second.
-Count your calories for the first week at least. When you realize how much a snickers is, you'll start thinking twice.
-Everything in moderation. Feel like eating out with friends? Go ahead. Treat yourself every once in a while. If you binge, or fall of the wagon, just keep at it.
-There's no diets. Think of it as a lifestyle change.
-You'll never regret going to the gym, but you'll always regret having skipped it.
My New Year's Resolution, as hokey as that sounds, was to lose 20 pounds. I was 205 lbs., now I'm sitting at 174, on a 6' 1" frame.
Now I want to focus on eating healthier.
Started the year around 275-280, am down to 252 on the dot as of this morning (on a 6'4" frame).
I intend to hopefully lose another 30-40 pounds (give or take a little muscle growth as well) in the next year and a half. Hitting my goals early would be nice, but I've made this my 2-year plan to get back into shape, so it's very much a long term goal.
I turned 30 this year, and decided it was time to get off my ass and do something about the weight I'd been putting on for the past decade. I left high school around 225, not in amazing shape, but better than I am now, so I have something to work towards. At my height, it's only a matter of time before back and joint issues start cropping up, so it's time to get rid of that spare tire and extend my good years remaining.
I was at 260ish 2 years ago, and using sparkpeople and really trying I gotten down to 183ish. I sorta been stuck there though, and I ll be the first to admit that I slack it more than I should when it comes to my diet.
If you guys do sign up for sparkpeople let me know your user names and I'll stick them on the OP. I can't stress how much that site helped me out, and I'm hoping that if I get back into the habit of using the weight loss will come again.
I am currently 235 pounds (or for people like me who use real units, 105.5kg), sitting on a 6ft 3in frame (192cm)
The best I got down to was 188 pounds (85kg) but that was practically starving myself and exercising stupid amounts.
I am game to see if I can shed some weight in a reasonable manner.
...yeah, guess so.
*eats pop-tart*
also I want to try new things
Please be around in a little over a month!
NNID: Hakkekage
Sorry I didn't say this before.
I goal weight is 187 lb, but I might have to adjust that depending on how much muscle i gain
Currently around 230, trying to get to 185.
Steam | Twitter
I'm about 147lbs, but I'd like to lose more...I just don't know how much. Basically, I want a flat stomach (ideally a six-pack) and to get rid of excess body fat. My weight might not fluctuate much because I'll probably be gaining a little muscle on top of that.
Doing this through swimming, don't care much about counting calories.
Our very own sparkteam.
anyway I have a ways to go, so I'll be reading this thread and giving encouragement and all. always great to see something positive.
also I'm in
forget how much I weight but it's a lot and I'd like to drop down like 60 lbs I think, yes
I don't know what my weight is right now, but I know it's higher than my goal, which (for now) is 180 lbs.
I decided to start exercising today, and did a brisk walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
Then I sat and watched a yoga video while I played around on this very forum. ^_^;
My plan for tomorrow is to do some of the yoga myself.
I'll try joining the sparkpages thing... tomorrow.
Goal: 200-205
It's hard work when I'm such a bad cook.
And yeah, design wise sparkspeople sucks, but they got good info burried in there. Their fitness part is particularly nice.
Current weight: 211.2 lbs
Goal: 198 lbs
Thats just the short term goal. Once I hit that weight I'll assess the situation and see if I want to continue to lose more.
Weight as of this morning 249lbs, goal weight 200lbs
Initially I'll be doing a low carb diet and mostly employing the not at all embarrassing 30 day shred DVD for exercise.
I've lost ~20lbs since my absolute worst weight. My problem is consistency, I'll be great for a week and then fall into shitty eating again for 2-3 days. I need strangers to yell at me.
According to a recent medical checkup, my ideal weight is 183 lbs. I weight 187 lbs so I'm not focusing on weight.
My waist though, measures 38.18 inches and it should be 35.43 inches to avoid risk of heart problems in the future.
So my goal is get to slim it down to at least 35, six pack optional.
I'm starting today with a yoga rutine and will look for a place to relearn how to skate near my house
Hell, okay. Maybe a little public shame is what I need to get my ass in gear.
Currently sitting somewhere between 275-280.
Have recently set myself a goal of loosing 20lbs over the next several months.
Ideal weight is probably around 210. Or rather last time I was happy with the way I looked without a shirt on I was 210. I was doing a fair amount of weights at the time too. I am right at 6ft. (5'11" and a bit more than three quarters of an inch is what I say when I want my fiancee to throw a shoe at my head.)
Current weight is 225lbs, goal weight is 200lbs.
edit: We going to put pictures up?
I'll put one up. Assuming shirtless?
What do you all think monthly weigh ins?
Current weight: 161 (at 5'6")
Goal weight: 142
I was at 188 last august and successfully got rid of my giant gut, but I'm stagnating in the low 160's thanks to losing motivation (I no longer think I'm going to die). Joined spark with my forum name, too.
I'm 5' 11''. I was biggest back in high school when I was anywhere between 250-260. Right now, I'm about 210. I started doing the Insanity workout roughly a month ago and, while I haven't lost any weight (due to gaining some muscle while losing fat), I'm definitely looking a little more cut. If your knees and ankles can handle it, I would definitely recommend you folks checking it out. It doesn't require you to buy any kind of extra equipment like P90x. You just use your own body weight and follow the instructions.
My goal is to get down to around 180. I have two reasons for this:
1. I am trying to become an MMA fighter right now and I feel like Welterweight (156-170) is the best weight class for me. If I'm down to around 180, cutting water weight to reach 170 won't be a big issue.
2. I haven't weighed 180 since I was in grade school (I was a fat kid, folks) and I'm motivated to reach it just to see if I can. Besides wanting to fight, I'm motivated by the challenge of getting my weight down 30 more pounds. I'd still be trying to get to around that weight whether I was trying to fight or not.
Anyway, that's my background. I'm up for throwing pictures on here or linking to my photobucket account if that's what everyone else is going to do.
clownfood/clownfood/250lbs/200lbs and I am 6 ft even.
I have restarted my regiment and really need to crack down on my diet. I have the p90x DVD's and have started early morning workouts. This morning was actually kinda nice to stretch before work. I have to get into shape before my European trip.
Spark called me obese. Guess my muscle mass means nothing.
Anyone else have problems sticking to diet like me?
I went from 267 lbs. to 170 lbs. - half using traditional dieting and half using the ketogenic diet - in addition to lifting and using the elliptical trainer.
Now get outta here, normy. Non-fatty. Skinny-scrawny.... I got nuttin'.
This also reminds me that I really should consult a doctor, both to get an informed opion on what a safe/healthy mass would be based on my height and frame, and to make sure there isn't anything else going on medically that needs to be addressed.
Edit: for the purposes of the challenge, according to some BMI calculating site, I should aim to be 210 or under. I'd like to speak to a doctor or nutritionist before I take some random sites' advice based on nothing but my age and height, but it seems like a fair enough starting goal. Depending on how much fat I lose and muscle mass I gain, I'd honestly be happy anywhere in the 200-225 range, but as I have 25-50 pounds to go before that's even in question, I'll just wait and see how I feel/look/am doing by the time I get into that ballpark.
I've already noticed some improvements; running isn't so difficult, and my muscle definition is improving. Not enough that I'm comfortable walking around without a shirt on, but enough that I've noticed.
Edit part deux: I've been hitting the gym 4 times a week for an hour per visit, focusing mainly on cardio, primarily on the elliptical machines. I know I should add more weight lifting to my routine, but I enjoy this and it's showing results, so I'm sort of sticking to it for the time being.
Ill make a sparkpage later, gotta go to work now
Dang, man. That's a lot of weight. Do you have a lot of loose skin or did it tighten up with you?
Also, is this a competition or sorts or just a "Let's get together and stay motivated" type of thing? Because if there's a competition, we should probably have a cut off date of some kind.