I know none of you know me, but I feel it is my duty to tell every gamer I can about this travesty that has befallen me. I am therefore posting it on every forum and video game site I can find. If you don’t like to read a lot then I suggest you just move on to another post. And don’t bother flaming me or anything, because I will never read this thread again.
I purchased my Xbox 360 on March 4, 2006. I had high hopes for it, as many did, and it did indeed deliver well up to my expectations. But then, in the middle of July, just 4.5 months after I purchased my Xbox, something went wrong. The disc drive malfunctioned, and it could no longer read any disc what so ever. I was disappointed, but not angry. I knew this happened a lot, and there was nothing I could do. So I sent it in for repairs on 7/21/06. I got a brand new one from them around 8/15/06, and was very happy for a while. Then, 2 days after Christmas 2006, it died yet again, and could no longer load discs. The exact problem I had just 4 months before! So, I sent it in for repairs once more, a little bit angrier than I was the first time. I got a brand new one (again!) yesterday, 1/9/07. I had high hopes, feeling that the 3rd time is the charm. My faith, however, was misplaced. Today, after having it for less than 24 hours, it died. The screen went black, and the ring of power showed 2 bright red lights at the top.
Allow me to recap that for you:
360 purchased 3/4/06. 4 months later, 7/20/06, my xbox dies. One month later it is returned to me, 8/15/06. 4 months later, my xbox dies, 12/27/06. My xbox is returned 1/18/07. My xbox dies, for the third time, 1/19/07.
I’m generally very calm, but this time I really lost it. I am afraid to call customer service, because I know I will end up flying to India and killing the poor chap who answers my call.
Why am I telling you this? No reason really, I just feel that everyone should know the bullshit Microsoft is pulling. I suppose I should feel honored, having probably set several records with my experience with the xbox 360:
1) Most times fucked over by microsoft in one year.
2) Most xbox 360 failures
3) Quickest xbox 360 failure
sincerely yours,
The Monger King
T-Nation blog
I'm pretty sure there's already someone on this board who's on their 4th 360. sorry, you don't win.
C) Welcome to the PA forums, bro.