I bought a battery for my camcorder off ebay. Turns out it's the UK version of the same battery I need.
Their model numbers are very similar. They're both 7.2 volts. I'm wondering if this UK battery will work in my American camera and charge in my American camera's charger?
This is the battery:
Thanks a lot.
What would amperage numbers look like?
"xxxx mah"
When you say it looks the same, do you mean that it is the same type of connector or you can actually tell which is + and which is - ?
Lithium Ion 7.4v 2640 mAh
If that matches up to your American set, you should be fine to use them just like any other battery.
Edit: If the batteries are rated the same you can charge them in the same charger and, personally, I would just put them in the camera and find out if it turns on and works. The batteries will not force all their current into your camera, as your camera will draw what it wants and your batteries will fight to supply that current for as long as they are able and willing.
The battery that came with the camera says: 7.2 V 1250 mAh(Min.) 9.0 Wh
The other battery says: 7.2 V 2640mAh
I typed it exactly as it says. What do you think? This battery was expensive so I don't want to open it unless I'm sure it works.
On the charger, it should say something like 'Output: 7.2V --- 1.5 A'. (That --- is a symbol that has a long line with three dashes underneath it). As long as it says 7.2V, it will charge the battery. And if it charges your old battery, then there should be no risk of overcharging with the new battery, but it will take a lot longer.
You should be fine. It's just a higher capacity battery (which is why it was expensive).