So what happens in a world where you have a Near-Zombie Multiple-Personality Disorder Immortal
A horny floating skull that wants to have necrophillic sex with fem-zombies
A self doubting githzerai who must *know* things that are *known*
A Tiefling thief with a smart mouth and and a oddly alluring tail
A batshit fucking cuckoo pyromaniac on steroids.
A chaste succubus who wont fuck your soul out but would certainly satiate your intellectual lusts.
A giant living garbage can
And whatever the hell this fucking thing is
In a city where collective belief becomes reality, Portals can exist in the damdest places and launch you anywhere in the planes, that is constantly re-arranging itself as various factions fight and whine under the watchful eyes of The Lady of Pain?
Why, one of the best games in the history of man kind.
Sure, its 11 years old, and isometric, and does not have any fancy smancy digital 3dmofiying shader vertex shells of imagry, but it dosnt need that shit. If you think it does you just need to bugger off before I make a deadder outa ye an sell ya body to the dusties for some jink
There is another page with a lot of planescape mods, but it also contains no-cd patches. The game is 11 years old, but I'm erring on the side of caution and not posting a link to the page for the sake of my infraction count and immortal soul.
So, lets all talk about how we love this game.
MODSInfinity Engine Resolution Enhancer
For Infinity Engine games, like Planescape Torment, can be used to increase the resolution the game runs at.
Planescape:Torment Fix Pack
Supposedly fixes a lot of bugs, typos and restores lost content. I've never used it, No opinions on it.
I wonder if I had toked up with him, if I'd wind up in the Lady's Shadow.
Nordom is a fearsome cubic warrior!
One could say he's...
System Shock, System Shock 2, and Planescape Torment have held the top three positions since launched.
I think it's in IP/publisher hell, unfortunately. Either that or WotC doesn't want to sell it because they've discontinued Planescape as a property. It is, however, available on Gametap. People using x64 operating systems need not apply.
What can change the nature of a man?
Until Steam or lets me do that; I'm going on the record as saying this game is shit and not worth playing and you're all fucking liars!!!
....but really, I want to play this and see what the hub-bub is about. :oops:
Use the engine from The Witcher, just add the option to pause the combat at any point.
I'm not sure what you're claiming to be "that guy" about. I don't think anyone here would disagree that the graphics aren't exactly stellar for 2010 and that the combat leaves something to be desired, or that people would love a remake.
I'm saying that it, compared to current games, is not worth playing in its present state.
Games just don't age well.
Given the character's enormous power, essentially undead status, the number of items 'of Vecna' in the game, and how bits of him (both spiritual and physical) tend to come to life on their own, I still think this makes a lot of sense.
At several points you have the chance to re-attach old parts of your body for extra powers, which just reaffirms the idea (it's been years since I played, but I recall the finger and tooth offhand.)
If not best game... still my favorite I believe. Such amazing characters. I want to spend more time with all of them.
They could have deleted that whole section from the game with little problem
The two walls of text, when you meet
Can't say I agree with this. The combat isn't good, but it's also very very easy. I tend to just brute force my way through as a Warrior, putting nearly zero thought into fights and have no trouble.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Oh my god.
You have to set your keyboard to spanish! ( Yes, yes they do. And no, no you don't )
Also, I think, if you know what you're doing, its possible to only have to win like 2 fights the entire game, if you wish to go that route.
Now, the trick is where to find it....Amazon first, I guess.
I just got around to starting a new game about a week ago with the fixpack and I can already see where some of the differences have been made. It is thoroughly legit, and I'm pretty sure the guy who made it was even in email contact with one of the developers from PS:T.
It doesn't fudge up the story, but restores content and seems like it's intended to be played even if it's your first time with Torment.
This game had the best NPC's ever, and to this day remains my favorite game of all time. I really want to do a Let's Play, but I know that I will have no chance in hell of doing it proper justice.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
White FC: 0819 3350 1787