So as the title says, my Xbox is experiencing sporadic crashes, but with no obvious indication of what the problem is, like red-ringing or an E74 error or whatever. Might be the lead-up to one of those, but it's been going on for awhile now...
To describe the symptoms: it is an instantaneous freeze (goes from perfectly fine to dead, with no minor graphics glitches), with a small burst of sound and screen tearing that looks kinda like if you divided the screen into small rectangular chunks, and then shifted every second chunk to the right. When it occurs, the console light ring remains as it was (with a single green light for my single in-use controller), and the controller itself doesn't flash or turn off or anything. The only way to recover is to turn the console off and on again with the power button. This happens seemingly at random, at the dashboard or in games, with the only pattern I can POSSIBLY identify being that it MAY occur more frequently when I have the guide menu open.
So I mean...the problem I see is that without a red ring, I can't get the damn thing serviced for free (I'm outside the 1 year warranty, but within the 3 year period for that particular failure), and I'd rather not pay for repairs or simply buy a new console without some definite prognosis on this one. Meanwhile this IS occurring frequently enough to cause me a good deal of consternation. So any recommendations are welcome.
But really, in the not-quite-broken state you don't have a lot of options.
I thought about the trade-in idea. Still a possibility I suppose, but up here in Canada our trade deal ain't so hot...lousy Gamestop.
I would advise getting a can of compressed air and blowing the dust out as much as you can from every port and vent - making sure to use it properly so as not to spray liquid into it. Short bursts should do. Also go into the device options and clear the hard drive cache, as freezing can something be a hard drive problem.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I ask because I've seen a similar issue caused by the usb ports where it wouldn't red ring, but would freeze and glitch slightly whenever the controller was plugged in.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
My 360 elite still freezes when any type of microsoft device is plugged into the USB ports. 3rd party usb devices? Oh shit, those work just fine. lol