Ok dudes. For Xmas I got a guitar. It looks like this:
It is not that though, because we are poor. The guitar is also poor. Poor in quality.
I do not know how to play the guitar. So let's discuss such exciting things as:
What songs should I learn first?
What instruments do you guys play/want to play?
I also have a harmonica I don't know how to use.
If none of this interests you, may you consider:
-I am getting a scene from "300" airbrushed onto my new guitar, possibly.
-The tuning knobs are made of cocks, dicks, etc.
-Maybe I can learn to mimic the sound of a cat sneezing.
-The pick may have something to do with zombies.
-What things do you own and really have to use for?
take pictures too i'm serious
also, it is mandatory to learn Smells Like Teen Spirit even if you hate Nirvana
it was so good on guitar hero anyway
No, shut up you horrible person.
even if it is poop
Also, I forgot to mention I can play the opening to "Blister in the Sun" pretty sloppily.
I'll add SLTS (sluts?) to the mandatory list along with the opening riff of Smoke on the Water (olol cliche).
I enjoyed Infected on GH too, one of my favorites. Maybe I'll just start with the GH catalogue.
Edit: Guitar Hero 2? I'm 3 steps ahead of you, my man. I'm about to trade my PS2 version in for the 360 version. 10 new songs at least!
Women? 15 year old girls that don't know anything about music except that stuff that runs on MTV maybe.
count me in
come to the states and play nirvana, you'll be knee deep in college pussy
Yeah 15 year olds don't know Nirvana. Maybe college chicks. But if they're wearing pink, prob not.
No, I don't live in England, but I guess it's everywhere the same in Europe.
Silly American people.
it is so easy and will make oiled up muscled guys fall from the sky.
then they stab you
with their "swords"
I don't know why I did that
And get to the good part.
Color me intrigued.
More information: I know the C and G chords!
Also, Workin' overtime, work out!!
dun doodoodoodadoo doot, doot doot doo dooooo
no stupid that's south of asia
i would be three shades of sad
No one wants to live in France.
And Nirvana is the favourite band of every wannabe punk rock teenager girl and most of the boys.
I'm so glad I started with Flogging Molly.
nobody would admit it
it'd be sad to watch them pretend
There are two options: Laughing because a movie everyone thought would be awesome turns out to be bad.
Watching a fantastic movie.
Everyone wins!
oho man when that one guy almost killed that other guy oh man that was good
or or that terrible ending, that was a totally artistic aproach
I would admit it. I knew the matrix reloaded sucked within 30 minutes of the movie and I was ready to admit it an hour after that.
Revolutions on the other hand
Don't get me started.