I hadn't heard of this game until today, but browsing around the shops I spotted it. Out of sheer curiosity I picked it up right there on the spot and I was fairly impressed.
It's a faithful conversion of the Playstation Point Blank games, games that I bloody loved (so much that I remember I rented Point Blank 2 and never returned it!) It only just hit Europe in November, but it's been out in the US and Japan for ages. Anybody else played it? What's the multiplayer like? Thoughts, impressions, etc...
I did think when I bought it that using the stylus in place of the gun would be strange, but it feels very natural. I think the one issue with the game is that the stylus is much easier and accurate than the gun, which is both a good and a bad thing. Good in the sense that it's more accurate and easier to play, bad in the sense that it makes many of the minigames ported over from the PS1 games way too easy. There's a lot of all new DS games that are more difficult, though, and I'm pleased to say on insane it is... insane. As it should be.
No Wifi multiplayer, sadly.
Anyway, I highly recommend this to fans of the series, and... well, this shows Namco has interest in porting light gun games to the DS... Time Crisis 1 please. Please.
Screens for people who haven't seen the game:
Isn't it only like $20 or something?
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games