You know what I'm talking about. That game you had to have. That game you didn't read the reviews on. That game you didn't rent. That game none of your friends had. That game you can't take back because you KNOW it won't trade for anything and you'd like to keep your pride.
For me it happened during the N64,PS1 era.
We all know that N64 suffered from a great lack of RPGs. At the time I only ever bought Nintendo products so I was stuck with it. I decided to pick up this interesting little title called "Queust 64". the cover art was cute and colorful and I always had a thing for colorful JRPGs.
I had no idea what I was in store for. Could you imagine a 64 Bit game that was worse than most 8-bit games? I present to you for your consideration Quest 64, perhaps the worst RPG to ever exist.
How many times did I have to slowly walk up and hit an evil bunny rabbit with my cane over the head before this piece of dung was over?
Terrible controls, horrendous combat system, weird back and fourth yet linear game play and TOTAL lack of depth made this title a shining example of why I needed to rely a little more on magazine reviews.
So I ask you PAers. What is that game that you wish you never bought?
not worth it
Those games just aren't for me and/or I just didn't get it.
I know everyone here loves it but I just couldn't find it in me to want to keep playing it.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
As for something I actually bought, I'd say it's a tossup between Champions Online and Super Paper Mario. I bought CO at release, played it to level 8, and got sick of the input lag. I don't know if it's been fixed, but I can't be arsed to resub to find out.
I actually had fun with SPM for the first couple hours, but it dragged on for way too long and got really tedious. I never finished it and can't bring myself to do it. I wasn't even planning on buying the game either. I got suckered in by Circuit City's "if we don't have it you get a gift card" ploy. There weren't any on the shelves, so I went asking for it and they pulled a copy from a giant stack behind the customer service counter. I should have told them to forget it, but I didn't want to look like an ass. I figured it would be worth it because of the quality of the series. I was wrong.
My answer to every single "disappointing/hated/regret/dislike/worst game ever" thread is, and probably always will be, Black & White.
Used with birthday money so it wasnt too bad, but I passed up Starfox 64 and never got back around to trying it out.
With AC4 I just couldnt get into it.. I think I just am not giving it a fair shake since i think I got sick of the AC series back on the PS2, but I was in Japan when it came out there and the ad for it was awesome and it stuck with me until it came out here.
I just didnt "get" Unlimited Saga, very innovative but it really wasnt for me.
Prototype. Picked it up at a "buy 2 get 1 free" deal, not a bad game just one that never captured a significant interest. So many other games I could have taken instead....
Fight Night Round 4. This is actually a good game, I just.... never play it. Borrowed it to a friend, I feel obligated to get it back but not because I really want to play it, more because I feel bad for buying it at full price and putting in a total of about 40 minutes into it.
Tribes 2. Picked it up on release day, couldn't run the game until a full year later. Absolute waste of time and money.
Wii Play. I got a free Wii Mote with it! It cost like $10 more than just a regular Wii Mote. That's $10 I'll never have back.
Tribes 2 is the only game I'll really say I completely wish I never bought. The others were at least sometimes entertaining or useful, or a friend enjoyed them or similar. Tribes 2 caused me nothing but anguish.
I got suckered in by the thought of how there was going to be FMV scenes with actual actors from the sequels that flesh out more parts of the story. This was before I realized the sequels were complete shit.
Throw in the fact that the combat was clunky, the models and animations were stiff and lifeless, the plot was batshit (even more then Revolutions.. You fight GIANT ANTS at one point.) and the game had some of the most sloppy aiming controls I've ever seen. (I had to replay the "shoot the airplane wheel" part like 10 times because the fucking sniper rifle was so slippery and imprecise.)
Not even the lesbian kiss made that pile of shit worth it.
I was always under the opinion the game was a gameboy quality game released on the N64. So it's not surprising when they re-created the game for the gameboy.
Also, Quest 64 is my biggest regretted purchase (although I've had family and friends make worse choices). The graphics were okay but the world was bland and samey. Too often would you find yourself lost or heading back the way you came after a battle because everything looked the same and battles had a nasty habit of turning you around.
The spell system was neat and a good concept I think but it didn't really matter because all your mana went towards healing spells so you ended up with a plethora of spells you barely used anyways (training or when mana is less sparse) and a really strong water spell stat. If you didn't have healing by the first boss you had to restart by the way and there was no hint to this until you got to the first boss and realised that putting your points into fire spells wasn't the greatest idea.
Aiming spells was a pain, you had to face the enemy (on a 360 axis no less) and hope your spell didn't just barely miss them. Most battles consisted of you whacking things with your staff (if you were training) or running (if you were actually trying to make it to the next area).
Upgrading spells was a crap shoot unless you already knew what you were doing since there was no indication on what spells you got for putting points into elements. This ties into the problem above with needing the healing spell.
ALSO, you couldn't buy items, each shop had a specific item (some sort of bread) which they'd give you one unit for free if you had none. Unfortunately the final battles require lots of bread (and MP tonics) so you have to ration your supplies (those found and received) or restart the game.
I hear the gameboy version fixed the last point by adding money.
Super Street Fighter II for the PC.
I already had it for the SNES, but somehow (maybe it was the different boxart?) I thought it was SSFII Turbo. On top of all that, after a few minutes it turned out the game played like shit on my PC (it was my first one, dirt cheap and dirt weak), with no sound either, so I put it away in some box where it's remained ever since.
In my 3DS: Super Smash Bros, AC New Leaf
Last game completed: Steamworld Dig
Wow, I had to choose who died! I totally saved my girlfriend instead. Wait...why has she stopped talking? Oops! She died too! Time to go enact vengance at 12 frames per second!
Very definition of a game that is not for me. But it seemed like it would be! Especially from what I read of reviews. I couldn't wring any enjoyment from it. I actually drove a distance to get it, too, as it had become pretty hard to find when I caught wind of it.
Same thing, except I bought it on release day. Whenever someone says it compares favorably to any Zelda, all I can do is wonder why. The combat in particular is awful, they hold your hand through all the puzzles, and the most annoying sound effects ever when dealing with any bit of (unskippable) dialogue.
No More Heroes
I only got about halfway through this one, but it's easily the most repetitive action game I've ever played. I've often heard about them, but never once had I actually played a game where mashing one button repetitively will get you through every situation. When you're not dealing with un-fun combat, you're doing chores, which play exactly how they sound. I suppose some people believe this is brilliantly meta or something.
I rented it and played it from beginning to end! I liked the last boss, but was too young to know any better.
It set up the last boss in a creepy way, you walked through an evil version of just about every area you ever were in, but there was no bad guys around.
That shit was hard. If you died, burning through items in a boss fight, you still lost those items. What kind of shit was that?
Pokémon HGSS: 1205 1613 4041
Its numerous flaws had already been covered in numerous reviews, but I just refused to believe the reviews. I figured the reviewers just don't love sandbox games the way I do. And so I had to experience first hand the horrible disappointment that is Spore, both as a sandbox and as a game.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
The manual even has misprints.
Luckily I only spent like $10 on it, but still.
I think that's the only game I regret buying.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
On the flip side Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 are some of my favorite purchases.
Wait, I put my vote in for this instead.
100% this.
More expensive than Quest 64 and the fact that I actually expected it to be good is what really killed it for me.
Looked for it for years. Thought it looked awesome. I loved Final Fantasy Tactics and still do, and the system seemed even better, customizing your units not only by combat role but also morality. Being able to change the outcome of the game's plot. A deep and involved story. I finally ended up paying some exhorbitant price for it, don't remember whether it was online or in a store.
Too bad that the battle system was excruciating. What the hell is the fun of playing a wizard when they can only equip ONE SPELL? What's the fun of developing units when they're lost forever if they get killed in battle? And what's the fun of a tactical rpg where you apparently have to spend most of your time beating on your own units so they don't get swamped by the story battles?
And the battles were SO SLOW. Good Lord were they slow. Movement was slow, animation was slow, loading was slow, everything took ten million years.
The only game that comes close to it in the disappointment factor for me was Bully: Scholarship Edition, but at least that game had the excuse of being an expansion to an existing game. What a total letdown.
I really hate the new camera, but a new camera is why I double-dipped on 3
MGS2 remains my favorite and one of my all-time tops
Spore - Horrid, pretentious, incredibly over hyped by the media and then subsequently forgotten a week after launch.
Force Unleashed - Absolutely loved the demo, absolutely hated the game. Quit at the junk world.
Street Fighter 4 - The problem was not the game, the problem was me. I just don't like fighting games. I'm bad at them and I can't get into them. I bought the game because I thought it might be different this time, and because I wanted to get into it. But just like the rest, I couldn't stand it. I should have known better is all.
Dragon Age. I had fun with the story. Characters were generally interesting. I liked how you could pick which city to start recruiting help from so it wasn't very linear. I picked the Mage tower or whatever one, the one where you get the old Mage lady to come with you. I finished that section and haven't looked back since. The gameplay just wasn't all that fun for me and it felt like it was getting in the way of the story. I regret buying it only because I just know I'll have to restart because I have no idea what's going on anymore and I just cannot take the combat in that game.
Final fantasy 13. The slow start to the game actually didn't bother me. Neither did not being able to choose my party. It was when I got to chapter 11 I think it was, the one where it finally opened up, that I completely lost interest. Bought that one day one and now it's just sitting there.
Fable 2. I actually liked fable 1. Looked forward to this sequel. And somehow almost everything I liked about the first game was gone or changed in a way that the game just wasn't any fun. I lent it to a friend a year ago and haven't been in much of a rush to get it back.
I'm not saying any of these games are bad or not fun. I did have fun with all of them. But I regret spending as much as I did on all of them and not finishing any of them.
I leveled up wind like crazy and cut the hell out of everything from the far end of the map, then I leveled up water enough to heal myself.
I'm not saying it was a super good game or anything, but I enjoyed it.
As far as disappointing games I got excited for- everything Molyneux has made since Black and White.
Beat Quest, but never Chronicles
The actually game play was terrible. I thought people quit making platforming this terrible 10 years ago.
Both games were awful incarnations of a once great franchise. I traded both in shortly after purchasing them. I just wish I hadn't bought them because, in doing so, I've contributed to both Square and Capcom's idea that this is what I want from each of their respective series.
Kartia (PS1) - Fresh of FF Tactics, I asked the guy at Microplay if there were any games like it, and he recommended this. In hindsight, the games are technically bolth SRPGs, but that didn't stop me from giving him shit for the awful game he recommended the next time I saw him.
Athena (NES) - I had asked my Mom to get me Zelda. She got me this because she "couldn't remember the name, and this sounded close". /cry
Goddamn, it definitely was not.
Coran Attack!
Tabula Rasa - Do I even need to say anything here?
Age of Conan - Welcome to boring generic dull world, where you're by yourself for the first 20 levels. Also we didn't really finish the game yet so please don't go past 30.
Fable II, especially since I got it for the online coop to play with my Navy brother and the coop was completely useless.
But my A #1 Boss of New York game which I've always, always, always regretted buying was Rebel Assault II over Duke Nukem 3D. Raaaaaage. I was a kid and kids are dumb. For the one guy who hasn't played Duke Nukem 3D, it's pretty awesome (or definitely was when it came out, at the very least). Rebel Assault II was horrible. It was a railshooter. A bad railshooter. About Star Wars. And I got that over Duke Nukem 3D. Still have nightmares about that.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
I've always been a huge Star Trek fan, but I absolutely hated this game.
It was as if the makers looked at everything good and awesome about Star Trek and decided,"Nope, we don't want that."
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!