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An edit that only shows up when you quote me

UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
edited July 2010 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Pretty strange. It's not a big deal but I wanted to report it in case its indicative of a larger problem.

This post. If you click that and read it, the final sentence will be "This is huge for them." This was what I originally typed.

But when you quote it, or if I go to edit it again, the last sentence is "Portability and connectivity is a big deal to them." This is what I edited it to say.

I tried this in another browser that didn't have any cache of the page so I figured it's likely it would look the same for anyone.

EDIT: Also there was nothing strange at the time I edited it, no slowdowns, no errors, no issues before or after.

Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
UncleSporky on


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited July 2010
    Huh. Well how about that.

    Tube on
  • JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    A write to a DB master that didn't get copied to a slave?

    Jasconius on
    this is a discord of mostly PA people interested in fighting games:

    we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
  • EndEnd Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Or memcached with stale data.

    End on
    I wish that someway, somehow, that I could save every one of us
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