So there's this game called World of Tanks that just expanded its closed beta. Yeah, it's closed. If you don't have a key you'll have to hunt one down. Uriel found a site that had a few left but they're already gone. You can also sign up at the website and wait for them to let you in. Or just wait till the beta's open.
So, this is a game about tanks.
Well, to be fair there's also artillery units that you can control instead. But if you're artillery, expect all the other tanks to rush ahead and leave you completely undefended against the enemy tanks that will certainly sneak around the flank no one bothered to guard so they can kill you and cap your base.
So you want to wreck shit with a tank. Hey, who doesn't?
But check yourself hombre, because the way WoT works you have to earn experience in a given chassis before you can research your way to the next vehicles in the tech tree. Which means as a greenhorn you'll be driving either the soviet MS-1 or the german Leichttraktor. Both of which are pretty damn slow, have puny guns, and lousy armor.
The good news is that you can use experience you earn in a chassis to research a few upgrades to that chassis, but with light tanks you're best off saving your money and experience to focus on the suspension (treads) which determine your top speed and turning speed (as well as your max load), the engine which determines your acceleration, and the radio which determines the range you can communicate with other tanks. That radio range is important especially for light tanks because your primary role will be to scout enemies for bigger tanks and artillery, and if you're out of radio range then the best you can do is call out the hex they're in. But if you're in radio range they can see their precise location.
When you stat playing, you will by default be put into "recruit" matches. 15 players per team with everyone playing vehicles that are below a certain tech level so you're not going up against heavy tanks that can kill you just by ramming you. The two starter tanks are also free to repair and rearm with ammo after a battle, which is nice because repairing higher tier tanks can get pretty expensive.
Unfortunately, there are no clans yet but they will be enabled once the beta goes open. They will also add American tanks by release and then later will add British, French, and Japanese vehicles. So since there are no clans, every match is a pub match. Which means there's just not that much coordination typically, and also lots of assholes complaining about killstealing or how terrible everyone but them is. But them's the shakes.
The game's pretty simplistic at this point, and working your way up from the lower tier tanks can be pretty grindy, but if you want to check it out and can get a key, give it a try!
Here's the complete soviet tree
and the complete german tree
So far the only forumers I know play this aside from me are Urian, Pip, and Hunter
some tips for those of you that don't know, keep in mind that t3 vehicles and above automatically move you out of the "recruit" matches which means that as a t3 vehicle you're facing everything from t3 up
you will get decimated
most tanks will kill you just by looking at you
so a few options that can make that transition easier:
During the beta (I have no idea if this will be true after release) you get 150 gold every day that you play. That gold can be used to buy "premium" vehicles for any tier that don't need to be researched, but be careful about doing so as these vehicles can not be upgraded at all and are usually just a little better than the weakest vehicles for that tier.
I would argue there are two better uses for your gold. You can convert gold into silver (which you can then use to buy anything else) at a conversion rate of 400 silver/gold. That's 60k silver/day free just for playing at least one match a day. So you can chill out at t2 for a week or so and save up quite a bit of money so that you can blow through t3 into t4 or 5 even faster and actually be able to afford a tank from those tiers. Also, if you research all options (whether you equip them or not) for a class of vehicle, it becomes elite. This gives you two new options for experience earned with that vehicle. You can either use that extra experience that you continue to accrue on that vehicle to speed crew training, or even better you can spend gold to turn that into "free experience". Free experience is good because that means it's not associated with a particular chassis. So if you have a few thousand free experience and enough money, you can buy a t3 tank and then research all the improvements that get you to the next tier without actually playing the tank at all (and remember that your experience is already converted into free experience so you don't need to research everything for that chassis to make it elite before buying the next tier).
What does crew experience do? Just make them slightly better at their job? Can they level up to be put in new tanks or anything?
yeah, so a more experienced gunner is more accurate/aims faster
more experienced loader reduces your reload time
more experience driver allows you to move/turn faster
and the commander basically buffs the other crew based on his experience
so if the commander is at 46%, it rounds up and buffs the other crew by 5%
I don't think they can be moved to other tanks though
but you can use exp earned after you've researched all options for a tank to speed crew training but I'd recommend instead that you convert it into free experience to level through other tiers faster to get to the next tiers
Also, a good FAQ on crew (which
can be transferred to other tanks in spite of what I said earlier, but read up and make sure it actually makes sense in your case):
Someone send me a key
k thx
My name is Jarofmayo on there.
I like the russian tank more.
maxed out the lkeruzer
farming up for a bison
I really think it'll get better around the panzer 4... But I don't know if I wanna stick it out.
I love bigass tanks.
Gettin' blown up or run over all the time
That world would suck
why not just play battletanx
Because this has awesome 3d graphics, and is free, and has cool customizable realistic tanks...
unless they've rolled out their development model
Everything I've read says it's gonna be free2play my droog.
ohhh myyyy
What's the realism like on a scale of 1 (bf42) to 10 (WW2 Online: Battleground Europe/some other proper sim)?
also pip pip hey pip I have a new stalkee for you
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
you have to go get one somehow
find a site that still has some left
it would be much more enjoyable to get a group of forumers together and actually coordinate effectively
oh my word
was gonna im you this but you a butt
Just registered as TankHammer. Downloading now.
Thank you so much!
you just have to go random every time
I'm sure that'll change later but that's pretty lame
You're welcome
See you on the field of battle maybe!
(Not sure if my laptop can run this since it had a shitload of trouble running the APB beta)
it's just that knowing I'm killing someone else's crew by fully modelled spallation is so much more fulfilling than whittling down a health bar
also I'm Llama in this, downloading it now.
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
bad otaku
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
also werewolf women with awesome titties
Don't forget vampire Germans feeding them cocaine blood to make them stronger and so addicted they're obedient.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist