I've having a rather frustrating problem with my router. I'm currently running cable internet to a Cisco-Linksys WRT54G2-RM Wireless-G Router (though it's a refurbished router). I've had the router less than a month, so I'm thinking that it was never properly fixed when it was refurbished, but I wanted to double check here. So here's the issue.
About a week after I got it, my internet connection suddenly became very slow. It had been working flawlessly until then. When I tried to ping yahoo.com through command prompt, 2 out of 4 of the ping requests would time out. I was able to fix it by resetting the router to factory defaults, unplugging it for 15 minutes, then reconfiguring it. Neither resetting it nor unplugging it worked individually. Had to do both.
It worked just fine again for about a week. Then the same problem emerged, and I fixed it with the same solution. This was yesterday afternoon. Worked fine until this morning. Same problem, same fix. Started acting up again 2-3 hours later. Obviously, the problem is becoming more frequently. I can usually browse the internet still once it dies, but it's slow. I also get disconnected from most IM clients, and there's the ping request timeout issue.
When I plug directly into the modem, everything works fine. The slowdown occurs on multiple computers, including one that's on the wireless network. I've tried different patch cables and different ports in the router to no avail. I'm using the most recent firmware. So is the router just scrap at this point or is there some other fix I don't know about?
Yes, using the most recent firmware.