Late to the Inception party? Yeah, me too.
The other thread filled up because they were talking about some comic book movie I guess?
Anyway this is an awesome film about some very sexy people doing some very weird things.
So, let's talk some more about this movie that is WAY TOO SMART FOR THE AVERAGE AMERICAN.
Seriously, go see this fucking movie.
i need to
it just has to happen
the music is fucking great
also (realspoiler)
I'm going from the
standpoint here, but who do y'all think
i couldn't stop laughing when that happened
Director's Cut: 2 hours longer
Honestly, I am totally cool with this movie being all about Cobb and just having the other characters be along for the freaky-as-hell ride.
A movie doesn't necessarily need any subplots to be good.
Ellen Paige is my future wife
Honestly, I thought was pretty terrible. Take some responsibility. That isn't The Lady and the Tiger, it's more like The Decent Ending and the Bullshit Ending.
Who are my brothers?
you need to get on it
this movie is so good
This was a mistake.
I didn't feel that did leave it up in the air
What happens is pretty straightforward if you were paying attention
Because every time I go to a movie with my mom, the first thing out of her mouth after it's over is "That was too long".
Sometimes she's actually right (Return of the King) but she says this shit after EVERY. MOVIE.
pretty excited
I need to see if I can get anybody to watch it with me Wonder how weird I'd look if I went by my self?
i took my mom out to see it because she loves sci fi.
aside from the violence, which she doesn't even look at the screen for anymore, she loved it.
This movie was not too long, it was just right. BAH.
Yeah, but I was really hoping that the obvious interpretation was incorrect.
This is a good way of looking at it that I had not thought of before
Actually I liked Fischer more than any of the other characters
That's precisely why I didn't mind all of the ambiguity
I was able to take a more distant point of view
Amazon Wishlist:
Oh man, I never thought of it that way before. Awesome.
Halfway through the drive home my brain started to melt as I kept running through possibilities.
Now I come back to find this thread new and fucking empty of different viewpoints
CD just blew my mind a little bit.
so, best heist movie ever pretty much.
Amazon Wishlist:
I don't know if that sounds like crap or not. I'm still digesting.
Ok, mostly just two:
(Side question: How did they get to Limbo in the first place? Is this ever explained?)
How did Ariadne and Cobb get to Limbo from the snow level? We weren't sure on Ariadne's whole plot, but it seemed like they (Ariadne and Cobb) just popped open another dream machine? How did that lead them to Limbo? Why not just another level of dreaming?
This is the other one thing that really confused us, since so much of the plot relies on Limbo being a level of dreaming completely separated from the whole other stack of dreams.
Amazon Wishlist:
Yeah, it was fucking amazing.
3DS: 2981-5304-3227