Remember, France had earlier conquered the city. And failed to hold it.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give away titles to heirs or not. I prefer keeping them close. In my current game, I had groomed my heir well, and he was a golden god of manliness. I gave him a duchy to let him rule a little, and he declared independence. They're insane.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
You just get the heir back later, so no big deal. I once had a nephew go off on me and start a civil war. To keep alive I surrendered. As the son I started amassing forces to take back the realm. Then his cousin (the old nephew) died of pneumonia. Kingdom restored.
Serlo begins his reign with some reorganization and diplomatic endeavours. His personal demesne has grown unmanagably large, so he splits off some provinces and creates a new Duke of Flanders to oversee them.
Proving that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword, Serlo expands his realm peacefully, bringing some new vassals into the fold of great Burgundy.
That is not to say that this is an entirely peaceful era. Some of his subjects mistake weak health for a weak will, and try to strike out on their own. They must be shown the error of their ways.
First Narbonne tries to leave.
Then in September, Foggia
Then in December Brittany leaves too.
All are brought back in the fold retaining their counties. The title of Duke of Brittany, however, is bestowed upon the ever loyal Count of Leon.
After the flurry of rebellions, peace settles across the realm for the time being. The people rejoice when a miracle worker lifts the illness which has afflicted their King. Hopefully his will be a long and prosperous reign.
Godfrey, heir to Burgundy is fostered with the King of England in a attempt to establish closer bonds with our norhtern neighbour.
Things proceed uneventfully until heresy rears its ugly head in the Duchy of Holland. This obviously needs to be stamped out, and fast.
Unfortunately they immediately swear loyalty to the King of Poland, who clearly harbours heretical tendencies himself. Nevertheless, Holland rightfully belongs to the Burgundian crown, so war is declared in December.
Silesia has no stomach for this conflict and offers a peace as soon as it can. Holland puts up little resistance and is easily subdued.
Poland shows its true heretical nature by burning down our newly build church in Alexandria. The war with Poland is fought entirely within our respective Egyptian holdings, with the mainland provinces being nowhere near each other.
Some of our treachorous vassals take the Polish war as an opportunity to declare independence, hoping we will be too busy to strike back. Their hopes are in vain, and their army quickly shattered. They are recalcitrant however about actually accepting a peace deal.
All these heretics and traitors understandably upset Serlo's younger son, but he needs to learn the ways of the world some time.
The Egyptian conflict with Poland drags on with no end in sight. The armies clash again and again, provinces change hand back and forth, but no decisive victories. In the end, Serlo decides to end the fruitless conflict. Heresy can be dealt with after our internal struggles are over.
Peace is short lived however. Clearly Godfrey has failed to win over the England king, and Burgundy prepares for a war with our northern neighbour.
So far Serlo's entire reign has consisted of stamping our rebellions as they flare up everywhere, leaving little time for advancing the Burgundian cause in the world. Apart from the new English war the Duchy of Alsace is still independent though fully occupied by our armies, but are unwilling to accept a peace deal at the moment.
The Duke of Alcase finally realizes his cause is lost, and accepts to become our vassal again.
The war again England goes our way from the start, with the English losing battle after battle, and the Burgundian forces occupying their province of Anjou.
By October the English have come to realise that we are not an easy target, and give up the province of Anjou in exchange for peace.
Bouyed by his victories, Serlo "discovers" that he has claims to the province of Eu, and proceeds to retake his supposedly ancestral lands. The country of Eu joins the Kingdom of Burgundy.
Plans to create a Duchy of Normandy are thwarted. I'm not sure the current holder of the title knows where Normandy is.
The Norman Duchy will have to wait for a more auspicious time. The state of the empire as it stands:
As word of our greatness spreads, more flock to join our mighty kingdom.
One of our Dukes decides to try for independence, but is rapidly crushed, and his duchy removed from him as a punishment. Serlo holds onto the title for the time being.
The bishop of Mar asks for our support in his papal aspirations, which we reluctantly grant. 500 is a lot of money, but being papal controller is priceless.
Fortunately god smiles on our generosity, as we come into a small fortune a month or so later.
Wars aside, our efforts in fostering the heir, Godfrey to the English court seems to be paying off, as he has befriended the English king. This could bode well for future relations.
1171 - 1175
As a new year dawns, the pope calls a crusade to capture the holy city of Jerusalem, currently held by the Kingdom of al-Murabitids.
We heed gods call, and a crusading force quickly besieges and captures the holy city.
Unfortunately the war itself is not so easily concluded, and war rages back and forth across southern Spain as we try to bring the war to some kind of decisive end for the next couple of years.
All is not well at home however, as while the King is crusading in God's name some of his subjects raise rebellion at home, drawing troops and funds away from the holy war.
Going to check up on the state of Godfrey in the English court, I find that at some stage he inherited a title and is currently serving as Count of Narbonne. Unfortunately, he is not all we might want in an heir.
Between the crazy Godfrey and the inbred Geoffrey who is third in line, the house of Vermandois has fallen on hard times. The second son Robert is the only reasonable man among the heirs to the throne. Upon him I bestow the title of Duke of Flanders, while I make Godfrey Duke of Anjou to see how he handles the responsibility. If he goes too far off the tracks we might need to take... steps.
It really depends if starkiller thinks he can write a schizophrenic well.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Blue dotting this to follow along. Over the weekend this thread inspired me to finally break down and buy Crusader Kings. I'm terrible!
Looks like you're fairly well set for heirs, but I'm slightly less terrible at EU3, so if you hit a lull at some point and need someone to step in I can do it. Honestly though, I'm happy enough just reading along...
We've got another 220 years of this silliness. ~11 more players.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
The crusade was turning out to be an endless drain of resources, with no end in sight.
In the end, the cost was deemed to high and a white peace was concluded with the infidel king. Jerusalem could wait for a more propitious time.
The King of Scotland extends his hand in friendship, and we agree to an alliance in the name of national security.
Instability continues at home, as Hainaut rises in rebellion time after time.
Not all the news is bad though. The kings inbred halfwit nephew dies, saving the realm from any potential of him taking he throne.
The kingdom settles down for an era of peace and consolidation of its holdings. This quickly pays off as national stability increases and all is well in Burgundy.
And eventually Hainut settles down from its rebellious ways.
Now that all was calm in the realm, we felt secure enough to recommence reclaiming our national heritage. The province of Arques in particular was an unsightly blemish on our northern coast, and was ripe for union with the mother country. Their loyalty to Sweden was considered but a small problem.
And so it begins. Arques itself is quickly taken, though a swedish invading force is slightly more persistent.
Unfortunately as we are involved in our swedish struggle, our scottish ally gets into a war with Poland, which we are honourbound to join them in.
Though it seems they have small stomach for dealing with the might of Burgundy, and beg for peace like the cravens we are. I accept, as fighting wars on multiple fronts seems like a bad idea.
At this stage the Duchy of Normandy somehow re-establishes itself in their traditional lands, taking a couple of our provinces with them. Also, the Duchy of Holland swears fealty to the King of Italy. These insults will have to wait for a better time before they can be dealt with.
All this war has taken its toll on Serlo though, and he takes a bad wound in battle.
This quickly degenerates, and it is not long before the realm has itself a new king.
Overall I don't think I left the kingdom much better than I found it, but at least I didn't leave it much worse off either. We're still at war with Sweden and the next king is Schizophrenic, which could make for exciting times.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Yup, PM it to starkiller and let's see what he can do with Godfrey the Mad.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Woah is that purple blob above the Black Sea the Byzantines?
The region above the black sea is deceptive. Each territory has a base income. Some territories, such as Ille de France, and Alexandria have a very high base income, whereas other territories, like the ones above the black sea have low base incomes.
What this works out to is that even though you might have every last economic building built, those territories still generate less income and manpower than one of the more populous zones without any economic upgrades.
Honestly the area that we would call Georgia is pretty crappy.
Of course, Byzantium proper is the second best territory in the game, so it's kind of moot.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Woah is that purple blob above the Black Sea the Byzantines?
The region above the black sea is deceptive. Each territory has a base income. Some territories, such as Ille de France, and Alexandria have a very high base income, whereas other territories, like the ones above the black sea have low base incomes.
What this works out to is that even though you might have every last economic building built, those territories still generate less income and manpower than one of the more populous zones without any economic upgrades.
Honestly the area that we would call Georgia is pretty crappy.
I know... I'm just amazed that Byzantium is in recognizable shape and seem to have grown a bit when the rest of Europe seems to have imploded.
I'm gonna make it up as I go along. It might take some time but save files are fairly easy to manipulate (it's all a big ole .txt file!)
Hopefully one of the various ones will facilitate things though.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Not home yet but I did get to glance at the save file. It seems our new king is a Gregarious, Romantic, Schizoid with a burgeoning love for the church and a decent amount of piety already built up. His wife, who at 24 has given him no children has the selfish trait. To that end:
King Godfrey was a noble soul who loved his wife dearly and was fairly well loved by the court on his enthronement despite his mental faults. He was known for writing poetry and doting on his family, especially the younger members since he had no children. Some snatches of verse are still available:
My wife cold you are to me
When we could have such glee
But in the end you will see
How much you mean to me
I will pine the days away
Just to make you long to stay
And if you run and play
I'll take that crown away
Some say that I'm a bit mad
Since I was a little lad
Such saying make me very sad
And tend to make me act bad
So say only the bestest things
Brought on dearest angels wings
And remember those two rings
That children should bring
Upon rising to the throne he set himself a general policy. The Angel Ansalem who whispered in his ear encouraged him to enter a crusade if he had the chance before he died. His dead father told him that he should correct the faults found in his court and give his younger relatives positions worthy of their blood and the love that he bore to them. He found his fathers mutterings troublesome since his Marshal was technically proficient, a relative, and a known coward.
Yup, it'll be in your CK folder under something obvious. Or if you're in windows 7/Vista it's hidden somewhere horrible in the bowels of your system, but you can do a quick google search for that.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
I think it'll be in My Documents -> Games but I'm not 100% sure. Google is not as quick as I remembered the last time I went hunting for the answer to this question.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Not wanting to nitpick, but you're missing Duke of Anjou from the list of Godfrey's titles on the first page. He already had that title when he inherited.
If Vista is anything like Windows 7, your screenshots could be showing up somewhere like c:\users\[username]\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files\paradox interactive\crusader kings
First, I found them, they're in the base CK directory. Second the summary:
The war with Sweden is going to hell in a hand-basket.
As my first rule of business I up my contributions to the church. While it fits in with the role play I can't risk getting targeted by the Pope, want to get softer madness hits, and hope my country doesn't disintegrate.
My vassals are quick to take advantage of the change in rule, the war, and my madness. Provinces in Africa begin to break free. Then I get hit by real duress and I start bleeding out in France.
And, indeed, it turns out the angels really are talking to King Godfrey:
This gives me slightly better stats but is still far from optimal. However, I'm thrilled that it fits so well with the character.
Unfortunately I also get hit with a series of events that reduce my economic efficiency. This is a combo of my bishop and my own zealousness. I can't help but feel a chuckle as the moneylenders get thrown out, but my advisers think things are going down the tubes:
I am disheartened though when the madness slips from purity into scantily hidden murder. It is true that these fellows needed to die, but I would have preferred it to happen on the field of battle:
When (I think) Nantes goes I fight a brief skirmish in the south of Brittany. I can't allow a vassal to declare war without the realm breaking apart. I'm able to rope Brittany into putting down the invasion. However, I've lost most of my demanse to Sweden by now and things are looking grim. I begin to reluctantly pull vassals into battle. I get a steady hit of drops to stability that I pay heftily to avoid. These will eventually drop my to +1 and leave me without much of a treasury. BTW: who goes to war when their only heir is talking to themselves? Really?
Negative religious events continue and I'm faced with a hard choice. Unfortunately Mother Church says he must live:
When my namesake revolts I decide its time to go to sleep for the evening. The voices are just too much:
And yeah, that's weird, they do seem to be in there.
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Ouch, well the crazy king is keeping things interesting at least Did the swedish finally land a decent fighting force, or are just you losing all your manpower from vassals defecting?
To embed the images you want to use the link labelled "direct" on the right hand side of the image shack page btw.
I was about to complain about us getting too strong and how we'd have nothing to do in EU3 and beyond. Godfrey is our savior!
enlightenedbum on
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
First, I found them, they're in the base CK directory. Second the summary:
The war with Sweden is going to hell in a hand-basket.
As my first rule of business I up my contributions to the church. While it fits in with the role play I can't risk getting targeted by the Pope, want to get softer madness hits, and hope my country doesn't disintegrate.
My vassals are quick to take advantage of the change in rule, the war, and my madness. Provinces in Africa begin to break free. Then I get hit by real duress and I start bleeding out in France.
And, indeed, it turns out the angels really are talking to King Godfrey:
This gives me slightly better stats but is still far from optimal. However, I'm thrilled that it fits so well with the character.
Unfortunately I also get hit with a series of events that reduce my economic efficiency. This is a combo of my bishop and my own zealousness. I can't help but feel a chuckle as the moneylenders get thrown out, but my advisers think things are going down the tubes:
I am disheartened though when the madness slips from purity into scantily hidden murder. It is true that these fellows needed to die, but I would have preferred it to happen on the field of battle:
When (I think) Nantes goes I fight a brief skirmish in the south of Brittany. I can't allow a vassal to declare war without the realm breaking apart. I'm able to rope Brittany into putting down the invasion. However, I've lost most of my demanse to Sweden by now and things are looking grim. I begin to reluctantly pull vassals into battle. I get a steady hit of drops to stability that I pay heftily to avoid. These will eventually drop my to +1 and leave me without much of a treasury. BTW: who goes to war when their only heir is talking to themselves? Really?
Negative religious events continue and I'm faced with a hard choice. Unfortunately Mother Church says he must live:
When my namesake revolts I decide its time to go to sleep for the evening. The voices are just too much:
lowlylowlycook on
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
Frankly a good portion of the fault is mine. At one point I let my army go since I had a bizzillion 73-133 or so man armies. I figured I had suffered from attrition leading in (for the most part however it was just small armies). Since the Swedes were a ways off I decided to let them go home and recuperate. And sent in a smaller force of about 4,000 into the Rhineland to capture some of his holdings there. That force got jumped by what must have been vassal musters of about 14k troops. He then went on siege spree before I recovered as my vassals peeled off. I've tried very uneven peace proposals in the hope that he'll just go away. Fighting a war while crazy against a major opponent is not a good thing. I won't be able to play tonight since I'll be on the road but I'll pick up again on Friday. What I may do is muster only in the capital and send myself on a hopeless expedition hoping for a serious wound. I'm not fond of this idea since there is a fairly good quality nephew (I think he was a nephew) in the wings
I'll double check but that is _not_ good news. CK is by far the hardest of the Paradox games if you don't reload due to real duress.
I wasn't really paying to much attention to the titles I could give out towards the end of my era. I had plenty of prestige and piety.
One thing that I would recommend to young Serlo is to keep at least one Duke title, so that you can give it to your heir.
One of the biggest problems with inheriting a new ruler is vassal loyalty. If your heir has built up a good amount of prestige that will help a lot.
Serlo begins his reign with some reorganization and diplomatic endeavours. His personal demesne has grown unmanagably large, so he splits off some provinces and creates a new Duke of Flanders to oversee them.
Proving that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword, Serlo expands his realm peacefully, bringing some new vassals into the fold of great Burgundy.
That is not to say that this is an entirely peaceful era. Some of his subjects mistake weak health for a weak will, and try to strike out on their own. They must be shown the error of their ways.
First Narbonne tries to leave.
Then in September, Foggia
Then in December Brittany leaves too.
All are brought back in the fold retaining their counties. The title of Duke of Brittany, however, is bestowed upon the ever loyal Count of Leon.
After the flurry of rebellions, peace settles across the realm for the time being. The people rejoice when a miracle worker lifts the illness which has afflicted their King. Hopefully his will be a long and prosperous reign.
Godfrey, heir to Burgundy is fostered with the King of England in a attempt to establish closer bonds with our norhtern neighbour.
Things proceed uneventfully until heresy rears its ugly head in the Duchy of Holland. This obviously needs to be stamped out, and fast.
Unfortunately they immediately swear loyalty to the King of Poland, who clearly harbours heretical tendencies himself. Nevertheless, Holland rightfully belongs to the Burgundian crown, so war is declared in December.
Silesia has no stomach for this conflict and offers a peace as soon as it can. Holland puts up little resistance and is easily subdued.
Poland shows its true heretical nature by burning down our newly build church in Alexandria. The war with Poland is fought entirely within our respective Egyptian holdings, with the mainland provinces being nowhere near each other.
Some of our treachorous vassals take the Polish war as an opportunity to declare independence, hoping we will be too busy to strike back. Their hopes are in vain, and their army quickly shattered. They are recalcitrant however about actually accepting a peace deal.
All these heretics and traitors understandably upset Serlo's younger son, but he needs to learn the ways of the world some time.
The Egyptian conflict with Poland drags on with no end in sight. The armies clash again and again, provinces change hand back and forth, but no decisive victories. In the end, Serlo decides to end the fruitless conflict. Heresy can be dealt with after our internal struggles are over.
Peace is short lived however. Clearly Godfrey has failed to win over the England king, and Burgundy prepares for a war with our northern neighbour.
So far Serlo's entire reign has consisted of stamping our rebellions as they flare up everywhere, leaving little time for advancing the Burgundian cause in the world. Apart from the new English war the Duchy of Alsace is still independent though fully occupied by our armies, but are unwilling to accept a peace deal at the moment.
The Duke of Alcase finally realizes his cause is lost, and accepts to become our vassal again.
The war again England goes our way from the start, with the English losing battle after battle, and the Burgundian forces occupying their province of Anjou.
By October the English have come to realise that we are not an easy target, and give up the province of Anjou in exchange for peace.
Bouyed by his victories, Serlo "discovers" that he has claims to the province of Eu, and proceeds to retake his supposedly ancestral lands. The country of Eu joins the Kingdom of Burgundy.
Plans to create a Duchy of Normandy are thwarted. I'm not sure the current holder of the title knows where Normandy is.
The Norman Duchy will have to wait for a more auspicious time. The state of the empire as it stands:
As word of our greatness spreads, more flock to join our mighty kingdom.
One of our Dukes decides to try for independence, but is rapidly crushed, and his duchy removed from him as a punishment. Serlo holds onto the title for the time being.
The bishop of Mar asks for our support in his papal aspirations, which we reluctantly grant. 500 is a lot of money, but being papal controller is priceless.
Fortunately god smiles on our generosity, as we come into a small fortune a month or so later.
Wars aside, our efforts in fostering the heir, Godfrey to the English court seems to be paying off, as he has befriended the English king. This could bode well for future relations.
1171 - 1175
As a new year dawns, the pope calls a crusade to capture the holy city of Jerusalem, currently held by the Kingdom of al-Murabitids.
We heed gods call, and a crusading force quickly besieges and captures the holy city.
Unfortunately the war itself is not so easily concluded, and war rages back and forth across southern Spain as we try to bring the war to some kind of decisive end for the next couple of years.
All is not well at home however, as while the King is crusading in God's name some of his subjects raise rebellion at home, drawing troops and funds away from the holy war.
Going to check up on the state of Godfrey in the English court, I find that at some stage he inherited a title and is currently serving as Count of Narbonne. Unfortunately, he is not all we might want in an heir.
Between the crazy Godfrey and the inbred Geoffrey who is third in line, the house of Vermandois has fallen on hard times. The second son Robert is the only reasonable man among the heirs to the throne. Upon him I bestow the title of Duke of Flanders, while I make Godfrey Duke of Anjou to see how he handles the responsibility. If he goes too far off the tracks we might need to take... steps.
Looks like you're fairly well set for heirs, but I'm slightly less terrible at EU3, so if you hit a lull at some point and need someone to step in I can do it. Honestly though, I'm happy enough just reading along...
The crusade was turning out to be an endless drain of resources, with no end in sight.
In the end, the cost was deemed to high and a white peace was concluded with the infidel king. Jerusalem could wait for a more propitious time.
The King of Scotland extends his hand in friendship, and we agree to an alliance in the name of national security.
Instability continues at home, as Hainaut rises in rebellion time after time.
Not all the news is bad though. The kings inbred halfwit nephew dies, saving the realm from any potential of him taking he throne.
The kingdom settles down for an era of peace and consolidation of its holdings. This quickly pays off as national stability increases and all is well in Burgundy.
And eventually Hainut settles down from its rebellious ways.
Now that all was calm in the realm, we felt secure enough to recommence reclaiming our national heritage. The province of Arques in particular was an unsightly blemish on our northern coast, and was ripe for union with the mother country. Their loyalty to Sweden was considered but a small problem.
And so it begins. Arques itself is quickly taken, though a swedish invading force is slightly more persistent.
Unfortunately as we are involved in our swedish struggle, our scottish ally gets into a war with Poland, which we are honourbound to join them in.
Though it seems they have small stomach for dealing with the might of Burgundy, and beg for peace like the cravens we are. I accept, as fighting wars on multiple fronts seems like a bad idea.
At this stage the Duchy of Normandy somehow re-establishes itself in their traditional lands, taking a couple of our provinces with them. Also, the Duchy of Holland swears fealty to the King of Italy. These insults will have to wait for a better time before they can be dealt with.
All this war has taken its toll on Serlo though, and he takes a bad wound in battle.
This quickly degenerates, and it is not long before the realm has itself a new king.
Overall I don't think I left the kingdom much better than I found it, but at least I didn't leave it much worse off either. We're still at war with Sweden and the next king is Schizophrenic, which could make for exciting times.
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scotland is doing fairly well for itself. France is deceptively weak, a lot of that blue is actually Sweden.
Do I just pass this save along to Starkiller now?
The region above the black sea is deceptive. Each territory has a base income. Some territories, such as Ille de France, and Alexandria have a very high base income, whereas other territories, like the ones above the black sea have low base incomes.
What this works out to is that even though you might have every last economic building built, those territories still generate less income and manpower than one of the more populous zones without any economic upgrades.
Honestly the area that we would call Georgia is pretty crappy.
I know... I'm just amazed that Byzantium is in recognizable shape and seem to have grown a bit when the rest of Europe seems to have imploded.
I tried using one from the EU3 boards, but I got an error about too many kingdoms to convert (like 150 too many).
Hopefully one of the various ones will facilitate things though.
King Godfrey was a noble soul who loved his wife dearly and was fairly well loved by the court on his enthronement despite his mental faults. He was known for writing poetry and doting on his family, especially the younger members since he had no children. Some snatches of verse are still available:
My wife cold you are to me
When we could have such glee
But in the end you will see
How much you mean to me
I will pine the days away
Just to make you long to stay
And if you run and play
I'll take that crown away
Some say that I'm a bit mad
Since I was a little lad
Such saying make me very sad
And tend to make me act bad
So say only the bestest things
Brought on dearest angels wings
And remember those two rings
That children should bring
Upon rising to the throne he set himself a general policy. The Angel Ansalem who whispered in his ear encouraged him to enter a crusade if he had the chance before he died. His dead father told him that he should correct the faults found in his court and give his younger relatives positions worthy of their blood and the love that he bore to them. He found his fathers mutterings troublesome since his Marshal was technically proficient, a relative, and a known coward.
If Vista is anything like Windows 7, your screenshots could be showing up somewhere like c:\users\[username]\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files\paradox interactive\crusader kings
The war with Sweden is going to hell in a hand-basket.
As my first rule of business I up my contributions to the church. While it fits in with the role play I can't risk getting targeted by the Pope, want to get softer madness hits, and hope my country doesn't disintegrate.
My vassals are quick to take advantage of the change in rule, the war, and my madness. Provinces in Africa begin to break free. Then I get hit by real duress and I start bleeding out in France.
And, indeed, it turns out the angels really are talking to King Godfrey:
This gives me slightly better stats but is still far from optimal. However, I'm thrilled that it fits so well with the character.
Unfortunately I also get hit with a series of events that reduce my economic efficiency. This is a combo of my bishop and my own zealousness. I can't help but feel a chuckle as the moneylenders get thrown out, but my advisers think things are going down the tubes:
I am disheartened though when the madness slips from purity into scantily hidden murder. It is true that these fellows needed to die, but I would have preferred it to happen on the field of battle:
When (I think) Nantes goes I fight a brief skirmish in the south of Brittany. I can't allow a vassal to declare war without the realm breaking apart. I'm able to rope Brittany into putting down the invasion. However, I've lost most of my demanse to Sweden by now and things are looking grim. I begin to reluctantly pull vassals into battle. I get a steady hit of drops to stability that I pay heftily to avoid. These will eventually drop my to +1 and leave me without much of a treasury. BTW: who goes to war when their only heir is talking to themselves? Really?
Negative religious events continue and I'm faced with a hard choice. Unfortunately Mother Church says he must live:
When my namesake revolts I decide its time to go to sleep for the evening. The voices are just too much:
This is the first time I've tried doing images so I probably mucked it up.
And yeah, that's weird, they do seem to be in there.
To embed the images you want to use the link labelled "direct" on the right hand side of the image shack page btw.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
I'll double check but that is _not_ good news. CK is by far the hardest of the Paradox games if you don't reload due to real duress.