I'm not sure if any of you know me because I think I've only played with some of you guys via TF2. But anyway, I'm going to DigiPen! Which means moving from my comfortable home all the way down here in Singapore to Redmond for 4 years! Which means I get to go to PAX! (As long as I don't miss the start of the semester, that is.)
I know this looks like it should go in H/A, but I lurk around here mostly so...anyway. Basically any advice anyone has to offer would be
awesome because most of what I know about the US (and Redmond) boils down to "remember to tip 15 - 20%".
Oh, and a major concern I have at the moment is accommodation. DigiPen doesn't have a hostel, so I'm trying to get an apartment settled before flying over (since I have to apply for an exit permit from the army here and they want my overseas address to be confirmed before I get it gaaaah), so does anyone happen to be living in the area and have any recommendations to offer?
I was looking at
this place from the DigiPen brochures and it seems alright but
holy fuck the rent is nuts. Also apparently their smaller studio apartments have all been snatched up.
So, yea. I'm going to the US! Tell me SE++ what else I should do in order to avoid getting stabbed?
If you have any DP questions, you can PM myself or Rankenphile.
A few others from herego as well, but are more lurkers than we are.
Goddammit Pony.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Anyways I was just goofing off the other day and I saw this.
It looks really tiny but hey it's something! But yeah lots of people wanna move to the Puget Sound area so a lot of places are going to be expensive. You don't have to like what I found.
You could try looking in places like Woodenville, I haven't been to Woodenville though in over a decade. Duvall is a small town, so that may not suit your needs but it's not that far from Redmond either.
I don't know what housing costs would be like in Kirkland or the Totem Lake area would be but I would avoid Bellevue for houses myself, but I haven't actually looked around all that seriously so take that with a grain of salt.
I can only tell you so much though, I moved away from that area in 1997, so most of everything that I know aside from locations of towns is 13 years old.
EDIT: Silly me saying houses, I meant apartments.
EDIT2: If you do decide to pick a place further east in places like Duvall or Carnation, Novelty Hill RD is pretty scary. It's up a steep hill and there's lots of twists and turns and crosses on the side of the road. Ahahah this is basically all I can remember, aside from traffic on I-405.
Tethered internet sux.
Damn you neville etc. etc.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
quick on the draw.
So I know the area quite well.
Nuka that place looks goddamn perfect. Basically anything above 400 sq ft will do, as that's more or less my current room size+bath at the moment, and I guess I could lose about a hundred for the kitchen...
But anyway basically I'm just looking for a small place somewhere probably within 1.5 miles of DigiPen and not $Texas. And I'll probably be trying to get internet access as well, which I have no idea as to the extra cost.
Oh shit that reminded me do you get to choose your ISP over there? Or is it based on region or which one is good and I have no idea how it works
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you don't know what i'm sayin'
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Ask neville or rankenphile or something I dunno.
he has no excuse for not making one, he remembered while I was talking to him two whole days ago
As of July 1, Verizon's FiOS has been turned over to Frontier.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
Yeah they didn't tell us about it, we didn't know until we got a bill from them.
I called them up cause my modem died and oh what is this where is Verizon? And they just send me the same model of the modem that died.
I hear ya. You can definitely tell a difference in the service, though we still prefer it to Comcast*. Hope the new modem works for you!
*I am in no way trying to start a Comcast vs. Frontier/Verizon debate. We have our preference, you have yours, that is all.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
I hope they changed that area cause the last time I was there it wasn't the prettiest looking place ever. I know that Woodenville and Duvall though have just been exploding in terms of new housing. It's the same story all the way up north to Arlington and here in Stanwood.
I don't care, I'm not paying for it.
How's Comcast/Frontier with regards to BT throttling, bandwidth capping (do they still do that?), reliability, pricing etc.? Or am I being overly worried here and they are actually awesome?
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Running pingtest.net can put it as high as 3000. Though I do share a connection, there's no way this is anything that my sister could be doing.
This doesn't happen all the time and this is probably not helpful for you in the slightest unless someone else speaks up.
I'm just gonna say, you're in the city/suburbs, I'm in the country, therefore you'll probably have a better service than I do.
Also yea weather. I need to get some winter clothing, I guess. I wonder if my army boots will do for walking in snow though.
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more like Smegmond
But really though, welcome to the area.
I'm no help on finding accommodation...I've just moved into places based on luck and timing thus far.
And this is why even my shadowrunning persona is a lazy computer user that never leaves the house.
It only snows like 1 week out of the entire year and only a few inches. You may not need another pair.
Just don't fucking leave the house cause no one knows how to function.
Also it floods a lot here but that won't be a problem if you live up in Redmond, it's only an issue in the valleys and near the rivers really.
I'm just lazy and I don't like to talk to them. The last I spoke to an ISP about this problem, they tested my line and said the next day they fixed it. Apparently not.
I don't care that much, it's just annoying.
Temps for the winter are around 40F. Summer eh, usually 75 to 80F. It varies of course.
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sky penny sig by StylusImage, on Flickr
how does it feel to live in the best country on earth eh
MAybe some time down the road after I've managed to work for a bit and pay off my college debt.
What program are you taking? Game design? Animation? RTIS?
If it's animation, start your summer sketchbook yesterday.
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Do it. Draw. Anything. Everything. If you're spending ten minutes on a sketch, you're spending too much time.
Screw that school shit get a bussing job at a bar and get drunk all the time.
Fuck these careers.
Spread them titties 'round dude.
I have shown you a good time.