Good evening SE++!
Tonight I would like to send out a request to my fellows...
I work at a bank and this morning I was helping an elderly customer who was, and still is, being harassed by some crazy Iranian fradusters. They are telling him that he has a loan that he must have forgotten about, that he is late on said loan, and that if he doesn't make some sort of payment soon he will be thrown into jail after a very speedy courtroom trial on Monday. This is obviously retarded fake...
What I am here to ask from you my brothers of the interwebs is this....
The phone number of these wonderful individuals is (818) 584-7339....
Please feel very free to do as I have done. Call them incessantly, every 15 min or so, and drive them crazy! I have already been sworn at, told to shut up, yelled at in Iranian, you name it... I have called and breathed heavily into the phone, yelled at them in "gringo" spanish, been a big super powered black attorney, a dawdling old man, a mentally slow southerner... and tomorrow I plan to purcahse a blowhorn, for maximum annoyance.
Consider this a gift from me to you! And please...... enjoy!
You went the wrong way.
see, brown people
Obviously a person of middle-eastern decent that is up to something dubious is a terrorist.
Also lol @ "yelled at in iranian"
How do you even know they are Iranian anyway
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
i hope he sincerely tries to answer this
Yeah, I work with one. He's a pretty chill dude.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562 <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Then again I have no idea if they are actually from Iran.
Farsi is a very pretty language.
Come on...
Don't be like that...
I guess terrorist can have a different meaning than exploding shit... it can also mean they are terrorizing an old man. It did have a meaning before 9/11, you know.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
Yeah, phone harassment is TOTALLY OKAY. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Portuguese. Fucking Portuguese.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
Well, we have a precedent set already.
She thinks we should build a wall at the Mexican border.
My Persian friend calls it Farsi, but she was born in America, so that might be the difference.
What kind of tea?
Is that an SUV?
German is like having a weedwhacker shoved directly into your ear
Think you can pull your head completely out of your ass? Or is it too late for that?
Just awful.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
That is the best language. I never want to learn that language. I don't want its beauty to be dulled by knowing.