Or is it just me? I am getting very long delays when trying to open topics in any forum here. Could this relate to the recent mySQL change and subsequent clock resync?
Sometimes the forums are fast, sometimes they are slow. On comic strip days during peak times the PHP part of this slows way down. The MySQL part is consistently fast, but the PHP part I have seen page gen times from .2sec to roughly 120sec
I have teamed up with Ramius to see what can be dont to speed up the forums, but our solution is a pretty well kept secret. You will feel the speed change when we implement it.
But, until then there is nothing I can do. If you notice a certain page is slower than others, post it in here and I will take a look.
Not a slowness issue per se, but I have been getting Cricitcal Errors: Could not connect to database aprox 50% of the time I try to access the forums tonight.
Not a slowness issue per se, but I have been getting Cricitcal Errors: Could not connect to database aprox 50% of the time I try to access the forums tonight.
Really? Are you having it right now?
Älphämönkëy on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited April 2004
They've been running great lately, but this was a "can't even get close to loading a page" slowness today...
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Oh. Shit. I see why the posting sometimes takes forever. Its the searching tool. Hmmmmm....
Älphämönkëy on
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited April 2004
phpBB : Critical Error
Error creating new session
I got that message a while ago.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Not a slowness issue per se, but I have been getting Cricitcal Errors: Could not connect to database aprox 50% of the time I try to access the forums tonight.
Really? Are you having it right now?
Nope, just when I was trying to get into the forums, once i was in it was fine. Glad to see you dealt with the flooder.
Oh. Shit. I see why the posting sometimes takes forever. Its the searching tool. Hmmmmm....
Ok, this is going to get very technical...
The slow point lies in the wordlist thingy. When searching it locks the word list preventing edits\posts\replies while someone is searching.
Im looking into some things, one idea is to change the search select statements to LOW_PRIORITY, but for some reason that scares me. I fear that the select will never complete as we will be constantly recieving inserts and updates.
The other idea I had is to change all the INSERTS to DELAYED. It will speed things up alot if I understand the concept. It might make a slight delay so right after you post there will be a little delay before it appears. Hmmm... If coupled with the above LOW_PRIORITY it should prove to be stable. At least in theroy.
My question is, to the MySQL informed, what are your takes on it. I know the theroy is good, but I hesistate before bringing this out into a live environment.
Älphämönkëy on
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited April 2004
I'm not rite up with what MySQL can and can't do, if that delayed insert works like I think it will, you'll only need it on the inserts into the word list. The post could still appear immediatly, it just won't be searchable for a while.
I'm not rite up with what MySQL can and can't do, if that delayed insert works like I think it will, you'll only need it on the inserts into the word list. The post could still appear immediatly, it just won't be searchable for a while.
True. I only need to make part of it delayed. I was thinking about it as an all or nothing thing.... Hmmm.... I likes this.... This is now the top of my todo.
Älphämönkëy on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
I'm not rite up with what MySQL can and can't do, if that delayed insert works like I think it will, you'll only need it on the inserts into the word list. The post could still appear immediatly, it just won't be searchable for a while.
True. I only need to make part of it delayed. I was thinking about it as an all or nothing thing.... Hmmm.... I likes this.... This is now the top of my todo.
*shakes fist*
Spoilers! :P heh
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
My Website | My "photo-a-day" 2010
I have teamed up with Ramius to see what can be dont to speed up the forums, but our solution is a pretty well kept secret. You will feel the speed change when we implement it.
But, until then there is nothing I can do. If you notice a certain page is slower than others, post it in here and I will take a look.
They've been running great lately, but this was a "can't even get close to loading a page" slowness today...
Error creating new session
I got that message a while ago.
Nope, just when I was trying to get into the forums, once i was in it was fine. Glad to see you dealt with the flooder.
The slow point lies in the wordlist thingy. When searching it locks the word list preventing edits\posts\replies while someone is searching.
Im looking into some things, one idea is to change the search select statements to LOW_PRIORITY, but for some reason that scares me. I fear that the select will never complete as we will be constantly recieving inserts and updates.
The other idea I had is to change all the INSERTS to DELAYED. It will speed things up alot if I understand the concept. It might make a slight delay so right after you post there will be a little delay before it appears. Hmmm... If coupled with the above LOW_PRIORITY it should prove to be stable. At least in theroy.
My question is, to the MySQL informed, what are your takes on it. I know the theroy is good, but I hesistate before bringing this out into a live environment.
*shakes fist*
Spoilers! :P heh