So I am having a situation that is making gaming less fun than it used to be for me. There is another player in my gaming group(s) that likes to play arrogant pricks and has an uncanny knack for making characters that make my character significantly less useful.
He has done this in three different games now in two different systems (the fourth was arrogant but in no way similar to my character's playstyle). The first time he knew what my character was, the other two times apparently it was random dumb luck. The characters are objectively worse than mine, but they still take over my role for plot related reasons: ie my pilot skill is higher, but he gets to be the pilot because his background says he is good friends with the owner of the ship.
The DM finds his characters amusing and we are specifically not allowed to kill them anymore unless we ourselves are in mortal danger. I don't really know this guy outside of gaming - he is a friend of some friends I game with, he seems nice enough, but any time I bring this topic up he shrugs and says "that is just what my character would do". If I bring it up IC the rest of the group looks uncomfortable and lets us argue for a few minutes before just trying to smooth it over - and for "background reasons" we have repeatedly gone with his plans.
Is there anything I can do? Other people in the group have commented that he enjoys playing assholes, but they seem to find it more amusing that irritating. At the same time he isn't displacing their characters repeatedly. I do really like the rest of our play group and don't know of any others around.
Find out what he's playing and play something else, I suggest some sort of support role dedicated solely to helping the other dudes and easily breezing past the parts of the game that nobody likes. Eventually he'll stop being such a jackass, it'll just take time.
I would also advise that your character start playing pranks on his character. Keep it in game, but embarrass the shit out of his character.
edit: I'm thinking, keywords: oiled halflings, bacchanalia, town guard, mayor's wife, detailed sculpture
Swapping characters makes me kinda sad but I will look into it.
Most of those keywords won't actually help at the moment. The two active games are a SAGA game and a Rogue Trader game so no town guards or halflings.
Thanks for your suggestions.
oiled [strike]halflings[/strike] wookies, [strike]bacchanalia[/strike] crowded cantina, [strike]town guard[/strike]imperial garrison, [strike]town[/strike]grand moff's wife, detailed [strike]sculpture[/strike]holopad recording
2) Tell your group to go fuck themselves.
Pulling pranks on him may give you relief, but if he is nursing some grudge then it's only going to make things worse. I'd try an open, honest conversation first.
I have, but only before/after a game. This has resulted in him just saying "that is what my character would do".
If talking to the player hasn't helped, try the DM.
Yeah. Passive Aggressive bullshit isn't going to solve the problem, and if dude gets off on being a dickwad, then it's just going to make things worse.
If talking to the guy doesn't change things and addressing it with the group doesn't change things, you have two options:
I think the issue of being "overshadowed" is largely a manufactured one, and I have expressed this multiple times. To use the current Saga game as an example, she plays a Twilek Soldier/Noble who has spent her considerable wealth on tons of incredibly damaging weaponry and she has the best ranged combat skills in the game. Oh, and she happened to train pilot. The other guy plays a Gungun Scoundrel/Scout who, while he owns a blaster, can't hit the broad side of a barn. He did, however, train Pilot, take Vehicular Combat and Fool's Luck, so he's pretty focused on piloting.
And her beef is that he pilots and she doesn't. Because her Pilot skill, thanks to a marginally higher Dex, is a little higher than his, her view is that the pilot gig is hers to turn down. When she could just take the gunner seat and blow the everloving fuck out of everyone in this quadrant.
The reality is that the two characters don't actually have that much crossover, it's largely an imagined slight. The two characters don't have much in common at all, and the gungun certainly isn't overshadowing her in any way shape or form. She just needs to focus on the things her character does well (and in fact better than anyone else in the party) and stop worrying about getting to do everything that she could potentially do.
As for the intraparty conflict angle, I was the one that suggested it. One specific instance she brought up in conversation about this was the gungun pushing her out of the weapons command station after she'd fixed it, and proceeding to use the weapons that she was better qualified to use. My replay was something to the effect of; "You're a noble-born twilek asskicker and this plebe just had the gall to muscle you out of the way? I'm pretty sure that's when you deck the commoner and get back at the guns."
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Yes, the current SAGA game isn't the best example. But it was the straw the broke the camel's back. In Rogue Trader he came in and took over in a really assholish manner and most of us got to do nothing at all last session. And in the other SAGA game he would tell me how poorly I played a Jedi at least every half hour. It got to me eventually. All of it together.
It's okay. You can tell us. :P
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
As a compromise I see to it that everyone gets their plans heard at the table (telling other members to be quiet while people voice their opinions), when ideas get scoffed at I'll ask him 'Why is this a bad idea?' instead of letting his charisma take over and I give them situations where he can't automatically take over (ie: The party splits up for alternate research and I party him with a character who doesn't mind his attitude or the contact is more receptive to the other players).
Also, I talked to him about it and he agreed to be reasonable, so that helped.
I guess what I'm saying is, your DM should be helping with this too. It's his job to make sure you're all enjoying the game after all just as much as it's your job to handle the situation maturely.
Kistra on the other hand always takes a few extra seconds to try and find the "right" course of action.
The guy who GMs our Saga game doesn't necessarily take the first person to respond, but he does assume that characters are acting independently of each other which means that the poorly thought-through actions of one player can cause a lot of cascading issues for everyone else. And the player in question has been the genesis of a lot of those issues because of his style.
Whereas the rest of us generally just kind of roll with it (or leave him to his fate when he makes a particularly poor decision), when it gets in the way of doing things the smart way it grates on Kistra quite a bit I think.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Maybe a better solution for you guys would be to give you sections where you have the time to plan beforehand, that way when he gets his less than thought out ideas on the table the group can look at them and say "That might work in a pinch but we have time to come up with a more thorough plan."
But we also split up quite a bit, which means that we don't have to deal directly with it a lot of the time.
As a forinstance, my character and his character were separated from the rest of the party when he decided to start a hostile takeover of his clan by stabbing one of the guys in charge. Which I just watched (him fail at), after which I helped the clan secure him and eventually exile him (I kicked him off the barge myself).
Apparently my Destiny was to save him, but that just wasn't my style. So I didn't. And we both laughed about it while his character shuffled away from the barge and into the desert.
I'm pretty sure the guy just likes doing crazy things and watching the fallout, both from the GM and the players. Most of us just don't take it as personally as Kistra does.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
I dunno, this still sounds good to me. It was stated that the issue is with the character not the player, and I would specifically avoid escalation beyond that in the spirit of avoiding drama.
I'm not supported sowing chaos and angst - but rather humor. Be his foil.
ps lol oiled wookiees.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Well I hope you like sleeping on the couch!
Seriously though. Without assigning any rights or wrongs, if someone is as unhappy with the situation as Kistra clearly is, then talk needs to be had and compromise needs to be found or she's going to stop playing, and you don't want that now do you? Telling someone to 'find this more fun!' just doesn't work :P
Was she a Twi'Lek or a Wookie?
Because... heck why not sell them into slavery.
aw dammit TOTP suggests Horseshoe once again is a fantasy bigot.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
I mean you could run like a "Good the Bad and the Ugly" style capture/rescue scam with that kinda angle.
a) Slavery
b) Slavery
Most of the time when I sold her it was part of a scam. Once, though, I'm pretty sure it was just to make a buck and be rid of her.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
c) Be born a noble and have your own slaves.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Oh yeah I forgot about that one.
A Twi'Lek noble at least has a chance not to be sold into slavery... as slim as that might be.
We all get a chance to be heard at the table. But all the plans in the world don't matter when this guy's character walks away in the middle of the planning and does his own thing (generally start trouble). Or he has a backstory that says he is in charge so when he and I disagree his plan is always the one that happens.
And this isn't one character. He's made 4 in a row like this.
This doesn't sound like an "annoying character" problem.
This sounds like a player problem.
I mean, for all I know, this may be a guy who is perfectly cool away from the table.
But those last couple of sentances sound like he makes characters this way, whether or not he realizes that such a character can make problems.
Or maybe his character. :P
I would just let him get himself killed.
Or in the later case, arrange a mutiny.
Maybe you shouldn't phrase it like that though?
I asked the DM how i should be handling it, as a sort of way of pointing out i had a problem with the behaviour, and then got confirmation that I could basically give him whatever he gave us without repercusion
This guy made two party kills by constantly being an impuslive assbafg character, and constantly ruined our rep (in one instance he got us all killed really far along in a campaign by attacking the superpowered NPC whod been giving us missions)
So... next time he started being a dick to an important diplomat i backstabbed him with a hypo full of sedative and we all dragged him off discretly
(He failed a bunch of checks so he was out for hours. He woke up in our cargobay to find himself without pants and missing his robotic eye.)
After that he began making less dickheadish characters :P
So yeah, if hes being disruptive, give him what he deserves
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
No, seriously. If he wants to try and justify being a dick by shrugging and saying, "Hey, I'm just being in character," then you should be able to justify atomizing his ass for the same reason.