New thread without a comic that was relevant to forum.

ExecutiveOdinExecutiveOdin Registered User new member
edited August 2010 in Penny Arcade Games
So seriously. I am not getting the comments on this picture that I thought I would so I suppose I need to ask.

Is anyone upset that they spent forty dollars so far on half a game? The new trend in episodic game releases was not a pleasant one. Half life 2 episode three is still TBA and they are even planning a episodic Final Fantasy release. What it all comes down to is paying more for a game than you would have if it was complete.

So Precipice was supposed to be in four parts. The first two parts cost twenty dollars each so all you loyal fans bought those. That left two parts left that would have totaled in a single game costing 80 bucks. Not to unreasonable except that it is a live arcade game and none of those are so expensive. So lets consider that if it was a complete game coming out all at once then it would be priced anywhere from 40-60 dollars. So right from the get go you were expected to be ripped off for at least twenty bucks.

Now the fact that the last two did not come out means you did spend forty dollars to buy HALF a game. It also shows that the game was not even made in it's entirety before the first episode was released. This says to me that it was just made up as it went along. A lazy and sloppy approach.

The canceling of the last half of the game is probably not Mike and Jerry's fault. But the severe lack of bitching and moaning about this is startling to me. If you went to gamestop and purchased any game just to find it was half complete shit would be raining on all fronts. There was me wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth as every person that was responsible for the production of said game was told to die in fiery pits of death. Do you all really accept paying for half a game and a notepad of story? No offense to you Jerry your writing very eloquent but what if you where playing Alan Wake and at one point in the game the screen faded to black and you were just reading his pages from there? Not cool right? Well that is how it feels for this.

That is what the above comic was about. Gabe being excited for the next episode and Tycho annoyed by finding out it was a fucking book and halfheartedly offering that to him. The fourth panel if there was one would be Gabe vomiting.

ExecutiveOdin on


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