I've been thinking of making a Birds of Prey thread for a while, but the book always seemed so...self-contained that there wouldn't be much to discuss in a thread.
this interview with Gail Simone shows that the book is about to get fucking crazy, so here's a thread.
For those of you that don't know: Birds of Prey is a team of superhero chicks run by Oracle (Barbara Gordon). It started out as just Oracle and Power Girl, but then they fucked up and Power Girl couldn't save some people so she quit. Then it was Oracle, Huntress, and Black Canary. They became the best of friends and the book became all about girl jokes but guys get it too. Gypsy and Lady Blackhawk eventually got on the team
With issue #100, Black Canary left the team. It doesn't sound like it'd change the book much, just add another girl to the team, but nope! It changed the whole fucking thing! Now there are new teammates, plus heroes that'll be on a per-mission status, etc. The current roster is:
Lady Blackhawk
Big Barda
Plus you have Misfit causing trouble, so it makes for an awesome book.
Who is Misfit? Misfit is a teenage girl with teleportation powers that dresses like Batgirl. She's no chump with teleporting, either. She can go
anywhere. None of that "I have to see where I'm going" shit. She thinks it and she goes there.
So let's bring out our inner (or outer) fags and talk about how such a girl book is awesome
and misfit is awesome.
I am a Birds of Prey fan...and...
I am a male.
I fucking love this new roster.
PSN: OrneryRooster
Issue #104
they fight/team-up with (I don't know) Secret Six
both teams get a new member
If he were naked. Wang all a floppin.
holy fuck I didn't mean to post that
that was PMed to raijin and jordyn
I mean this is all leading to a lesbian pillow superfight somewhere down the road right
The funny thing is, The Outsiders has more homosexual innuendo / jokes in a single issue than BoP does in a years worth of issues.
And anything that resembles that in BoP is done in a smart, funny way, rather than make you cringe as you read it.
PSN: OrneryRooster
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Yes, but it's awesome when heroes take just as much childish pleasure in making jokes about Barda and her "mega-rod" as we do.
But see, theres a big difference between that, and..
"z0mg Im like so drunk...and kind of horny...ololz."
PSN: OrneryRooster
Pretty bird.
manhunter started back up again like three months ago
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and promptly got canned again
Cancelled after #30.
PSN: OrneryRooster
I guess we just assumed there'd be, you know, stories after it.
She could drink anyone under the table, too.
Everything - especially Birds of Prey - is a total blast to read!
The last few issues of Birds have been especially good.
Gail says the team's getting a male on the roster soon, too. I wonder who it'll be.
Misfit is pretty great, especially in her first appearance when she was all 'dark dark vengeance' and whatnot. adorable.
I strongly suspect it is one
[spoiler:a65293bc8d]The preview has Manhunter telling Oracle she was never taking orders from her.[/spoiler:a65293bc8d]
They usually preview the first few pages - that could still be going on for Spy Smasher's benefit...at least I hope so.
nobody talks to her anymore
I mean, it's cool that she has a team to run
but before, everyone would call her up for help
now she's not in anything but BoP
Personally, I hated that period a few years ago where it seemed like Batman stopped being a detective and started just calling up Oracle any time he needed a problem solved. So I was kind of glad to see them drift apart a bit. Still, I would like to see other heroes calling her up from time to time.
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BTW, are the Birds of Prey timeline supposed to be further into the future, after the current superheroes of today?